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The fanfiction in this "vault," is the fanfiction that I previously wrote under the pen name of "The RoboNerd." None of this fanfiction is available via my page. I don't list this stuff in my fanfic list because changing pen names was a big turning point for me personally in my development as a fanfic author.

Sailor Moon

Ah yes. Sailor Moon. At first when I saw the more material aspects of the franchise (i.e. toys, posters, bubble bath, etc). I thought it was a prime example of how screwed up the Japanese were. Then I actually watched the series one morning, intending to mock it mercilessly because I had nothing else better to do.

  • It's Only Magic - Rated G - General - 9/14/2001
    Amy's first night as Sailor Mercury. Based on the DiC dub of Sailor Moon.
    [download options - 13kb TXT]
  • And They Danced - Rated PG-13 - Angst/Shoujo-ai - 2001
    Makoto decides to teach Ami how to dance. The result is far more personal than she expected.
    [download options - 23kb TXT, 112kb PDF]
  • A Minutes Worth of Eternity - Rated PG-13 - Emo Angst, DO NOT READ - Incomplete as of 2001
    Really. Do not read this story. It is full of angst on the level of emo bands and such. Only one chapter exists, and for good reason. After chapter one I gave up on the story very fast, because I looked at what I had unleashed upon the world with shock. I am placing it on this page as an atonement for my sin, and so that others may avoid the path that I very nearly walked down.
    [download options, if you dare - 31kb TXT]

Rescue Rangers

I am no longer interested in writing any Rescue Ranger fanfiction. While I am still a fan of the show and enthusiastically purchased the commercial DVD box sets when they came out, I am not interested enough to continue writing anything.

  • Passing the Torch - Rated G - General - 1997/98
    The future of the Rangers, from Chip's point of view.
    [download options - 15kb TXT]
  • Memories - Rated PG - General - 1996
    A bad dream leads Gadget on a journey to discover her past.
    [download options - 78kb TXT, 258kb PDF]
  • The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench - G/PG - General - 1996 to 98
    Also known as TAOGH. A series of script style fanfics featuring Gadget Hackwrench as the main character. I have compressed the entire website into a zip file. Just download, decompress all the files, and you have the entire series including the entire site as of 1998. There's also a folder that contains a page I made when I tried to resurrect the series (never happened).
    [download options - 761kb ZIP]

 This website is © 2007 to some guy who would prefer to remain anonymous on the intarwebs but is otherwise known as Pyrex Shards.
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