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The Pyrex Shards FAQ

Welcome to my FAQ file. This was last updated 4/20/2007.

Q: Who the hell are you?
A: My pen name is Pyrex Shards.

Q: Where do you live?
A: In the US "Bible Belt", somewhere.

Q: Why change your pen name from The RoboNerd to Pyrex Shards?
A: Pyrex Shards came about because, believe it or not, I didn't want to use The RoboNerd on XBox live. That's all. Then some close friends mentioned that Pyrex Shards sounded better than The RoboNerd. There was also the fact that I was looking for some way to distance myself from my old net alias. There's probably more to this but that's the abbreviated back-story.

Q: In your opinion, what is the best Fanfic ever written?
A: Now, I know I'm writing the questions as well as the answers in this mock FAQ file. But I had to include this because I think it really illustrates just how good fanfiction can be. The best fanfic ever written has to be "Rhyme and Reason" by Michael Demcio. It is a Rescue Rangers fanfic. I think a lot of people will find it accessible because the series was pretty simple, and the author includes footnotes to help you along. It is an epic fanfic that I literally lost an entire nights worth of sleep over, because I couldn't shut my computer down, I just had to find out what would happen next. I have read a lot of fanfiction. Nothing has ever come close to the effect that this fic had on me. If you visit the archives of the Disney Afternoon File Time (DAFT), and scroll down to the middle of their Rescue Rangers page under, you can download and read Rhyme and Reason. I highly recommend it.

Q: Why all this Sailor Moon fanfiction? Why didn't you just make a Sailor Moon fanfic site, you hopeless fan boy?
A: Yeah, there's lots of Sailor Moon fanfic on this site right now. But there would be a lot of rewrite in order if I decided to, say, write a Star Trek fanfic or something. Which is not something I'd rule out, even though I swore to myself never to write a Star Trek fanfic. :) [more later, ttfn]

 This website is © 2007 to some guy who would prefer to remain anonymous on the intarwebs but is otherwise known as Pyrex Shards.
 Powered by my superiority complex.