Episode 1 - "Sizable Chances" (Part I) by The RoboNerd
Gadget gets too involved in solving a personal crime, which has some, sizable results.

Episode 1 - "Sizable Chances" (Part II) by The RoboNerd
The last part of the pilot episode.

Episode 2 - "Hacksawed" by The RoboNerd
Mechanics tools are starting to disappear from store shelves, and it's up to Gadget to find the culprit.

Fake Commercial #1 - by The RoboNerd
The "Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench" action figures.

Episode 3 - "Robomouse" by The RoboNerd
Gadget has a secret admirer (or admirers) which leads to a very terrible surprise. Can Gadget get out of this one?

Episode 4 - "Friendship" by The RoboNerd
Watching a sabotaged television has hypnotized the Rescue Rangers, and Gadget is the only one not affected.

Special Very Short Story - "Emmy Awards" by The RoboNerd
Gadget is nominated to recieve an Emmy.

Episode 5 - "A Fighting Chance" by Julie Bihn
After being mugged, Gadget decides to take matters into her own paws.

Episode 6 - "The Tin Mouse" by Julie Bihn
Is Ranger Headquarters haunted?

Episode 7 - "Deadquarters" by John Moore
The Rangers finally lose their cover!

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TAOGH 1996-2001 by The RoboNerd. Gadget Hackwrench & Rescue Rangers (c) 1989-2001 Disney and are used without permission. All other characters are property of their respective owners. For more information send an e-mail to robonerd@cottagesoft.com.