"Sizable Chances" (part I)
by The RoboNerd


The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench
Episode 1
"Sizable Chances" (part I)
by The RoboNerd

Opening Scene.  Outside of a cave.

As the camera fades in we can hear a voice coming from the cave.

VOICE:  I've done it!

The camera switches to the inside of the cave.  There we see Professor 
Nimnul sitting in front of a computer screen.

NIMNUL:  For years all my great plans ruined, ruined!  Because of common 

Nimnul starts typing on the keyboard.

NIMNUL:  But now I, Norton Nimnul, have figured out how to get rid of 
         those pests once and for all!  Hahahahahaha!

He walks over to a complicated instrument panel and starts adjusting some 

NIMNUL:  And with my new moleculo-rearranger I will also wreak havoc on 
         the entire city.  Don't you just love it when villains reveal 
         their evil schemes on camera?

He walks back over to the computer and starts typing.

NIMNUL:  Let's see.  Size, Rodent.  Species, Mouse.
He presses enter, the computer beeps and flashes a confirm message across 
the screen.  He then walks over to a work desk and picks up a remote control.

NIMNUL:  It's time to go shopping...
He walks into an area that resembles a transporter pad from Star Trek.  He
then presses a button on the remote and disappears in a brilliant flash of
light.  The camera pans down to reveal a Nimnul-looking mouse with a lab 
coat and a pair of glasses.

Switch Scenes

The camera fades in to the inside of RRHQ at night.

CHIP:  Dale, come on.  We need some sleep.

DALE:  But you're gonna miss the new movie on T.V.!

MONTEREY:  Chip's right, lad.  We need some rest if we are goin' to get up 
           bright 'n early to watch the ship with the load of fish tomorrow.

CHIP:  And with a load that big, you can bet every cat in town will be 

GADGET:  Including one who wears a vest.

The camera fades out and fades in to around midnight.  A moonlit silhouette
of a shady character steps into view and opens the door to RRHQ.

NIMNUL:  These rodents need to learn home security.  Someone could break in
         and they would never know it...

Nimnul makes his way to the hall and finds Gadget's workshop.  He then opens
the door.

NIMNUL:  Well, time to get to work.

Nimnul starts to quietly dig around the contents of the workshop until he 
opens a storage closet and finds a stack of blueprints.

NIMNUL:  That was easy.  Now to get this stuff home fast.

Something catches his eye in another part of the workshop separated by a 
door half open, the Ranger Wing.  The camera wipes to a midnight sky and 
Nimnul flying away with the Ranger Wing.

Switch Scenes

It is now morning.  The camera zooms in to RRHQ then switches to Chip, 
Monterey, Zipper, and Dale standing in the entrance to Gadget's workshop 
with their mouths hanging open.

DALE:  Intruders, how?

MONTEREY:  I didn't hear anything last night, did you Zipper me lad?

Zipper shakes his head no.

CHIP:  Enough about that.  What about Gadget?

Gadget walks up to the entrance.

(The dramatic stuff.)

GADGET:  What about me Chip?

Dale tries to block her view but is too late.  Gadget, seeing the mess, runs
into the workshop and looks around.

GADGET:  What happened to my...

CHIP:  We think someone broke in last night.

Gadget ignores what he says and runs to a storage closet then opens it.

GADGET:  My blueprints!

DALE:  What would a robber want with blueprints?

GADGET:  But Dale youdontunderstand!  Those blueprints contain my life's 
         work!  They contain all my best inventions!  They're priceless!

Gadget falls to her knees and puts her paws on her face then starts to cry.
Chip walks up to try to comfort her.

CHIP:  There there, we'll find those blueprints.

(You can come out of hiding now.  The dramatic stuff is over.)

Dale, who has wondered into another part of the workshop, comes back 

DALE:  Um, Gadget, Where did you put the Ranger Wing?

Gadget, hearing this, stands up quickly.

GADGET:  What?!

She runs to the other part of the workshop then comes storming back.

GADGET:  Whoever did this is going to have to answer to me!

She runs out of the workshop and to her bedroom.  The others follow but are
met with a door.

A few minutes pass and Gadget emerges from her bedroom.  She is carrying her
Plunger Harpoon.

DALE:  Maybe we should just step back.

Gadget ignores them totally and runs down the hall.

The camera switches scenes to the outside of RRHQ.  Gadget is driving the 
Ranger Mobile down the road.

GADGET:  Thanks to my Ranger Wing tracking system, I should be able to get
         everything back with no problems.

(Crikey, she said no problems!)

As the scene fades in we see professor Nimnul inside the cave marveling over
his recent find.

NIMNUL:  Hahahahahah!  Now those rodents won't be able to foil any of my 
         plans anymore.  And now that I have that pitiful mouse inventor's
         blueprints.  I can use them to wreak havoc on the city!

The camera pans over and down to see Gadget peeking around the corner. 
Nimnul walks into another room and closes the door.  Gadget sneaks over to
the computer and jumps up to the keyboard.

GADGET:  Golly.  Nimnul must have something awful planned to have this 
         set up.  

She jumps on the enter key and the computer beeps, the screen then comes on
with a beep then flashes the confirm message.

NIMNUL:  You!  Stop!  Rodent!

GADGET:  Ahhhhhhh!

Gadget jumps down off the desk then starts to run towards the machine.  The
camera pans up and over to the computer screen which says "Size, Human, 
Species, Human."  We then see a bright flash of green then blue light.  
Nimnul looks down at the screen then looks over at, Gadget.

NIMNUL:  Ohno, you're.

The camera switches scenes to the rest of the Rangers walking down the 

DALE:  I think something's wrong.  I've never seen Gadget lose it that 

CHIP:  How do we find her?  She didn't even tell us where she was going.

DALE:  Question is, does she know where she is going?

CHIP:  The question should be, how do we find her?

MONTEREY:  Then we're in luck mates.

CHIP:  Whatdoyoumean?

Monterey pulls out a small device from his pocket.

DALE:  What's that?

MONTEREY:  Gadget gave this to me so we could track the Ranger Wing if we 
           ever needed to find it.

He switches it on.

MONTEREY:  All we have to do is go where the beepin' gets faster.

CHIP:  Well, what are we waiting for?

The camera fades out and fades in to a barefoot woman in Gadget's clothes 
looking at her body in a mirror in the cave.  Nimnul is still trying to 
figure out how this all started.

NIMNUL:  But how did.  This is crazy.  You're not a mouse anymore!

GADGET:  What did you do to me?!

Realizing that she still has her plunger harpoon, she aims it at Nimnul.

NIMNUL:  Hey, watch were your pointing that thing.  I'm the only one who can
         change you back you know.

GADGET:  I'll take my chances.

She shoots a plunger at Nimnul which immediately knocks him out.

Gadget runs to the door and tries to open it, but it has locked behind 
Nimnul.  Gadget tries to turn her back against the door and use her tail to
pick the lock but remembers, she is now human.

GADGET:  Oh, darn.  And when I need it the most.

She starts to hear sounds from a vent overhead.

CHIP:  [Muffled]  Gadget, are you there?

GADGET:  What's that?

Dale is the first to emerge from the vent.  He drops to the desk below and 
turns around, dumbfounded by the sight before him.

DALE:  Gadget, what happened?

GADGET:  What are you saying?  I can't understand you.

DALE: Ohno, Gadgets getting dumb!

CHIP:  Don't be stupid, Dale, she's a human.  She can't understand us.  We need
       to find Gadget.

MONTEREY:  Don't you see Chip.  That human is Gadget.

CHIP:  Ohmygosh!  

MONTEREY:  Maybe if we find a piece of paper and a pen...

DALE:  Already on it.

Dale runs to a notepad on the desk then picks up a pen.  He then runs back
over to Chip.

DALE:  What should we write?

MONTEREY:  I know!

Dale hands Monterey the Pen in which he starts to write on the Notepad.

MONTEREY:  [Writing]  Who did this to you?

GADGET:  It was Nimnul, I wanted to try to figure out how he stole my 
         blueprints and the Ranger Wing, but when he saw me I ran and 
         accidentally ran in front of that terrible machine when it 
         did this to me.

CHIP:  [Writing]  Do you think you can reverse the machine?

GADGET:  Gosh, Chip, now that you mention it, I don't know.

Gadget sits down at the computer terminal.

GADGET:  I've never used computers before, but I can try.  Let's see.

Gadget looks at the keyboard stunned at it's size compared to her.

GADGET:  First I have to find the on switch.

She looks around and finds a box sitting on the floor.

GADGET:  This must be the computer.

She flips a big gray switch on the front of the computer on.  The computer
responds with a beep.  Then it starts to load up.

GADGET:  Golly, this is exciting.

A picture that says "Welcome to Windows 3.1" appears on the screen.  It
disappears for a second then comes back with a desktop screen.

GADGET:  What do I do now?

She looks down at the desk to behold a computer mouse (ironic, isn't it)
sitting to the side of the keyboard.

GADGET:  I think I know what to do next.

She moves the mouse around and the pointer on the screen responds by moving 

GADGET:  This must be a bunch of programs represented by pictures on the
         screen!  Golly this is, oh, I said that already.

She starts looking at the different programs.

GADGET:  Molecular Rearranger.  This must be it.

She presses one of the buttons on the mouse and the screen blanks for a 
second.  It then comes back with the question "What Species?"

GADGET:  [Looking at the keyboard] M, O, U, S, E.

She presses enter.

It then comes back with the second question "Select Size."

GADGET:  H, U, M, A, N.

She presses enter.

CHIP:  [Still Writing]  Are you sure you want to remain human size?

GADGET:  I have some unfinished business.

The computer flashes the confirm message across the screen again.  Gadget
gets up and walks over to the machine.

The camera wipes to a few minutes later.  We see Nimnul waking up to behold
the original Gadget, but still Human size.

NIMNUL:  Ohno, you're...

GADGET:  You thought you could win this time, couldn't you Nimnul?!

NIMNUL:  I'll fix you for good.

Nimnul quickly gets up and runs to the computer terminal.  Gadget tries to
grab him but she trips over a cord.  Nimnul types "DestructNimnulOne" into
the keyboard and presses enter.  The computer flashes a new message across
the screen.

COMPUTER SCREEN:  Self Destruct Sequence Engaged...  20 Seconds Until
                  Machine Termination... 19... 18...

GADGET:  How could you!

She grabs her plunger harpoon and shoots Nimnul a second time.

NIMNUL:  [Stumbling]  Not, again...

He collapses.

Gadget lays out her paws on the desk.

GADGET:  Come on guys!

Gadget, holding the rest of the Rangers in her paws, makes a dash for the 
door.  Using all the strength she has (plus adrenaline) she kicks the door
open, tearing the part with the lock all the way off.

The camera switches scenes to the outside of the cave.

Gadget runs out of the cave and ducks for cover.

Seconds later...  BOOM!!!!

She shields the rest of the Rangers with her body as rock-shrapnel flies

A half a minute passes.

Gadget gets up and brushes herself off.

GADGET:  Are you guys okay?

They say yes, Gadget can barely hear them, but she can understand them.
She looks over at the cave.

GADGET:  Ohno!

DALE:  Chip, what about her size?


The distant sound of sirens in the distance can be heard coming up the road.

CHIP:  [Shouting]  Gadget, run!

Gadget starts running but is stopped by a steep cliff.  The Police cars pull
up and five Police officers emerge.

POLICE OFFICER:  [Puzzled]  Freeze!  Er, um, mouse!

POLICE OFFICER:  Keep it there while I call for an armored wagon.


Gadget holds her paws up to her face to talk to the rest of the Rangers.

CHIP:  Gadget, maybe it's best if we...

GADGET:  [Sighing]  Maybe you're right.  Chip.

The camera slowly zooms out to an aerial shot then fades out.

Will the Rangers be able to stay together?
Will Gadget be able to shrink back to her normal size?
Did Nimnul die in the explosion?
Find out as we start the series, "The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench!"

If you have any suggestions about my stories, My E-Mail address is 
The characters used in this script are (c) Disney and are used without permission.