3/3/99: John Moore has contributed a new script to
TAOGH! He also contributed a picture of Nimnul to the Project
TAOGH page; that's been there a while, though.
2/4/99: TAOGH has found one new author, John Moore (aka Renard)!
Hopefully some new scripts should be coming soon! We're STILL looking for
more members, if anyone's interested. And the mailing list is now
functional, as well...(not that there's been many updates lately, but that
may change soon!)
12/30/98: This page is now owned by Julie Bihn. The HTML is
still mostly by Robert, but he's grown too busy to maintain the page, so
it's all in my hands. We're all grateful to Robert for all he's done on
the site, though. ^_^ Please address all correspondence regarding this
site to me. All the new pictures
on the page are by me, too.
12/30/98: TAOGH is desperately seeking authors! If you
have any interest at all in writing for TAOGH (at the least, it's a very
good way to get your work seen...) please check out the revised members
FAQ. |