The RoboNerd's Blog

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--> Sunday, August 24, 2003...

My page is now set up for a planned transition over to a faster CGI scripting system.

- Robert 2:08 AM [+] -

--> Tuesday, August 19, 2003...

A minor change...

My blog is now blocked from search engines. I just don't feel that every single blog entry I make should be stored on a search engine like google. It keeps the clutter down so that people can find what their looking for on a search engine without finding page after page of mostly biased opinion blogs. Furthermore, if you are reading this, then you have come to my website through the front page, and have voluntarily clicked on my blog page, all the while keeping in mind that what you read on my blog are purely my opinions and my opinions only.

- Robert 11:23 PM [+] -

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