Greetings! My name is [5/12/2011 edit: LOL]. I live in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Which is right in the heart of Tornado Alley USA.
I consider myself the biggest Gadgephile in Oklahoma. If there is any one in Oklahoma who would like to challenge that, just E-Mail me. I probably also have one of the strangest ironies of being a Gadgephile, I have never flown in an airplane my whole life. >8^(
I am 17 years old and attending [9/12/2011 edit: Yeah right]. I am currently in my Junior year. In my 3rd hr Internet Research & Publishing class, the entire class is working on the [9/12/2011 edit: A super secret project...].
current work is on the main page and with two other people on the Alumni List.
I consider myself a computer nerd. From which I have taken the nickname of Robo|\|erd, I don't know if it will ever stick though.
I am planning on attending college to get a masters in either computer science or computer programming. Much of my current computer programming endeavors are available at my Programming Gallery.
I'm one of the people who know for a fact that Windows 95 is not an operating system, IT'S A SHELL. IT COULD NEVER WORK WITHOUT DOS! DOS RULES!
I have become an overnight Sailor Moon fan. PLEASE DON'T SEND THE HIRED GOONS AFTER ME! AND NO HIGH VELOCITY LEAD PROJECTILES PLEASE. Sailor Mercury (her non-Sailor name is Amy Anderson), pictured below, has become my second most favorite cartoon character next to Gadget. Click her picture for a list of related links.
I am notorious for finding ways to do a simple task in a very complicated manner. And the worst part is, I don't know if I do it consciously.
I'm in no way stupid and dumb because I use America Online as a service. So please don't share your AOL bashing with me.
Well, as I sign off my E-Mail... Seeya!