The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench Episode 7
"Deadquarters" By John Moore ( Gadget Hackwrench, the Rescue Rangers are copyrighted to the Walt Disney corporation. All other characters are the sole creation of the author. |
Fade in on Ranger HQ. All 5 Rangers are loading luggage into the Ranger Wing. Cut to shot of Chip leaning against the plane. CHIP: I still don't see why we have to fly clear to Australia just to help some mouse find some stupid family heirloom. Zoom out to show Monty as well. MONTY: Now, Chipper me lad, when ol' Chuck Roo writes for help, it's not to be taken (heaves a large, metal suitcase into the Ranger Wing's cargo area) lightly! Besides, you've been lookin' for a case yerself. Chip sighs. Cut to shot of door. Gadget runs outside. GADGET: Wait Monty! I'm not going. MONTY: Why, Gadget-love? GADGET: I need to work on the audio/video receptor between headquarters and the Ranger Wing. Dale hops out of the cargo hold. DALE: I'll stay and help you, Gadget! GADGET: Gee, Dale. You don't have to help me. DALE: No. I'd love to. ZIPPER: Me too! GADGET: Golly, thanks, you two! Chip brightens up. CHIP: I'll help you too, Gadget. GADGET: Oh no, Chip. I'll only be able to use these two, really. Dale secretly sticks out his tongue. MONTY: Anyway (puts his arm on Chip's shoulder), we'll have one bloomin' adventure. Chip sighs. Gadget turns around. GADGET: Could you get my suitcase out of the Wing for me, Monty? Monty cringes as he turns to face the metal suitcase. Switch SCENEs: Mole and Mepps are carrying Fat Cat on a platform through the park. Far Cat is laying back with his eyes closed. MEPPS: Gee, boss, you're heavy. FAT CAT: Quit your whining, Mepps. You're lucky I even keep you two around. Mepps blinks thoughtfully. After a moment, Mole drops his half of the platform, the front. Fat Cat lands on Mole. FAT CAT: What are you doing, Mole?! Fat Cat hits Mole on the head. MOLE: (rubbing his head) Look up there (points to the sky). MEPPS: Say... isn't that? FAT CAT: The airplane of those meddling Rescue Rangers! MOLE: (points at RRHQ, across the park) It came from that tree. Fat Cat sits back on the platform and closes his eyes again. FAT CAT: Take me there! Switch SCENEs: Front room of RRHQ. Dale sits on the couch facing the TV, which displays static. He plays with the remote control. Gadget is working on a metal box connected to the VCR. Zipper hovers above, holding a bag of bolts. GADGET: Try it now, Dale. Dale pushes a button on the remote control. Chip appears on screen. DALE: Hi, Chip! (waves) GADGET: (off screen) Golly! It works. CHIP: (startled) Dale? DALE: How's it goin'? CHIP: Ummm... okay. MONTY: (off-screen) Tooraloo! Great job, Gadget-love! Gadget walks into view. GADGET: Thanks, Monty. Dale, I'm going to clean up the workshop. Gadget walks away and off screen. DALE: Well, Chip, gotta go help Gadget! Bye! Dale runs off. CHIP: Dale! (growls) Switch SCENEs: Gadget's workshop. Gadget is mopping the floor. Zipper is dusting the ceiling. Dale steps in. DALE: Hi, Gadget. GADGET: (turns around) Oh, hi Dale! DALE: Can I help? GADGET: Sure Dale (hands him the mop). Thanks! I'm going to go get some fresh air. DALE: But-- Gadget leaves. DALE: Aw nuts! (hits the ground with the mop). A screwdriver falls from the ceiling and hits Dale on the head. DALE: Ow! Fade to same scene, ten minutes later, Dale on the ground in an apron, (in apron till further notice) scrubbing the floor. Zipper sleeps on a shelf. Dale wipes his brow. There is a knock at the door. DALE: Whew! Be right there. Dale stands up and opens the door. Mole stands in the doorway! DALE: Ack! MOLE: We're he-ere! [=- commercial break -=] Fade in to the park. Gadget is leaning against a bench leg, reading a book. Zipper flies in front of Gadget's book, squealing. Gadget ignores him. Zipper kicks the book. GADGET: (puts the book down) Oh, hi Zipper! Oh my gosh! How long have I been out here? Maybe I should head in. ZIPPER: No, no! GADGET: What is it, Zipper? What's wrong? ZIPPER: Fat... Cat! GADGET: Where, Zipper? Switch SCENEs: Right outside RRHQ. Zoom in on a high patch of grass. Shot of Gadget, Zipper on her shoulder, lying down in the grass. She's looking up at RRHQ. GADGET: (whispering) There they are. ZIPPER: Uh-huh. Camera moves up and zooms in on RRHQ's entrance. Mole steps outside, looks around, and goes back in. Cut to interior of RRHQ. There is a large hole in the wall next to the TV. Fat Cat sits in the center of the front room. Mepps is busy boarding up the hole in the wall. Mole steps out of the room. After we hard a door open and close, he comes back, dragging a tied and gagged Dale. MOLE: Here he is, Boss. Looks like he's telling the truth. All the other Rangers are gone. Fat Cat picks up Dale and cuts his bonds. FAT CAT: Why would they leave *you* here alone? DALE: Uh... (confidently now, while folding arms) It's a test to see if I'm responsible. FAT CAT: Well...(eyes Dale suspiciously) No matter. When your friends return, they won't be expecting us for company. Finally, the Rescue Rangers will fall! Dale gulps. Switch SCENEs: The patch of grass with Gadget and Zipper. GADGET: Golly, Zipper! We've gotta get Dale out of there and reclaim Ranger Headquarters! ZIPPER: But how? GADGET: Hmmm... (sits on a rock). All my tools are inside. We'd need to get in to get them. But of course, if we were inside, we could just use my inventions in there. But some of the stuff in there would really be handy in getting in there! (sighs) ZIPPER: Huh? GADGET: Basically, we need to get to my workshop. ZIPPER: Oh. GADGET: We'll need something for me to climb the tree with... I have some needles I could use! Zipper nods his head excitedly. GADGET: Oh, in my workshop. Zipper moans and falls onto the rock next to Gadget. Gadget frowns. GADGET: (ecstatically) I got it! Cut to boy writing a report on a bench in the park. He picks the report up and papers spread all over. He looks at the top of one paper. BOY: Where are my staples? Cut to Gadget walking away with two human-sized staples in hand. Switch SCENEs: Interior RRHQ. Kitchen. Mole is in there, looking around. MOLE: Ah, there it is. (walks to the fridge). Wonder what's for lunch. (opens the fridge door) Um: Cheese, nuts, cake. Oh boy! Cake! (takes out a piece of cake and takes a bite) Blech! Cheese with icing! FAT CAT: (off screen) Mole! What are you doing? MOLE: Coming Fat Cat. Camera cuts to living room. Hole is now patched up. Mepps is watching Gummi Bears on the large TV. FAT CAT: I said "What are you doing?"! Not "come here." That was to be the next part. MOLE: I was just looking for a bite to eat. FAT CAT: Keep an eye out for the return of those other Rescue Rangers, you nit! DALE (who is hanging from the ceiling, on a rope): I told you. The other Rangers won't be back for a week. Fat Cat narrows his eyes. FAT CAT: Give the place another three rounds... for now. Mole leaves, murmuring. Switch SCENEs: Outside RRHQ. Gadget is climbing the tree with her staples. Zipper is flying parallel. GADGET: Zipper! ZIPPER: Yeah? GADGET: Go and see if anyone's up in my workshop. ZIPPER: Aye aye! Zipper flies upward. Cut to Mole in Gadget's workshop, looking under the work benches and such. Mole sighs and walks to the window. MOLE: I can't believe Fat Cat thinks those other Rangers will be back so soon. (turns around) Zipper flies up behind Mole. ZIPPER: Ack! MOLE: Huh? Aha! (reaches up and grabs Zipper) Gotcha! [=- Commercial Break =-] SCENE: Outside RRHQ. Mole sticks his head out the window of Gadget's Workshop. MOLE: Hello? Any other Rescue Rangers out there? Any more? (pulls head back inside) Cut to Mole, inside the Workshop MOLE: (peeks in hands) At least I still got you. (walks off screen) Hey Fat Cat! Lookie what I got! Camera sinks down to shot of Gadget, hanging underneath a branch with her staples. GADGET (whispering): Golly! Now I'll never get in... unless I make a diversion! Switch SCENEs: Gadget on ground, rolling a large pine cone. Switch SCENEs: Gadget affixing two green candies to it. Switch SCENEs: Gadget putting red yarn beneath the green candies. Switch SCENEs: Gadget putting a beige sock on the bottom of the pine cone. GADGET: (puts her hands on her hips) Hello, Monty! Switch SCENEs: Front room of RRHQ. Fat Cat is holding Zipper by his right wing. Mepps and Mole are staring at him dumbly. FAT CAT: You're sure this was the only one out there? MEPPS: Yeah, Mole? Are you sure? Are you sure? FAT CAT: Shut up, Mepps! MOLE: I looked all over. He was the only one. FAT CAT: Well, the others can't be far behind. Keep a look out. GADGET: (off screen, doing a bad Monty impression) Look out below, mates! Fat Cat's in there! Cut to shot of Gadget dropping the acorn/Monty decoy out of the treetop. Cut back to Fat Cat, surprised, looking out the window as the decoy falls. FAT CAT: Well, don't just stand there, you dolts, go get them! Mepps and Mole leap out the window. MEPPS and MOLE: Yes boss! After a moment, Gadget swings in through the open window. GADGET: Hi, Fat Cat! FAT CAT: You! Gadget runs to her workshop, Fat Cat crawls after her. FAT CAT: (pulling at the door) Let me in! Unlock this door! You're not going anywhere! GADGET: (from inside) No, but you are! Gadget opens the door and Fat Cat is face-to-face with an odd-looking cannon, adapted from a hose. FAT CAT: Oh no! No! GADGET: Eat -er, I mean- Drink water, Fat Cat! Gadget pulls a cork out halfway; green water begins shooting out. FAT CAT: Aaah! Fat Cat breaks throught the wall where he came in Cut to outside RRHQ. Mole and Mepps are searching bushes side-by-side. MEPPS: Uh-oh. Fat Cat falls on them and they skid into the road, pushed away by a streetsweeper. Switch SCENEs: Somewhere in the city. Fat Cat, Mole, and Mepps crawl out of the streetsweeper's broom. FAT CAT: No! I can't believe we lost to them! MOLE: Don't worry, boss, we can always go back. FAT CAT: Yes, yes, go back. Where was it? MEPPS: Where was what, boss? FAT CAT: The Rescue Rangers' base! What park were you two carrying me through? MOLE: Beats me. MEPPS: We were just wandering. FAT CAT: (kneels down) NOOOOO! Camera zooms out to overview of city. Fade out. Fade in to outside of RRHQ. A board covers the hole in the wall. The Ranger Wing lands as Gadget, Zipper, and Dale sit on a crate. Dale is NOT wearing the apron anymore. DALE: Hi, Chip. How was the adventure. CHIP: Adventure? Bah! It was just some old mouse who lost a silver- plated kangaroo tooth under his couch. MONTY: (frustrated) Stupid blinkin' old coot. Wish we coulda stayed here and had a calm time with you three chaps. Gadget and Dale look at each other. Zipper begins laughing, followed by Gadget and Dale. Chip and Monty stare at the trio strangely. Fade out. The end. Comments/suggestions are welcome at