The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench Episode 6 "The Tin Mouse"

By Julie Bihn (

Gadget Hackwrench, the Rescue Rangers are copyrighted to the Walt Disney corporation. All other characters are the sole creation of the author.

Opening Scene. Standard exterior shot of Rescue Rangers Headquarters.
Zoom in slowly.

DALE: Oof!

Shot of interior of the Rescue Rangers' kitchen; Dale is struggling with a
human-sized can-opener (the manual kind) to open a human-sized can of olives.

DALE: [groans and grunts]

Dale pleads with the can opener, getting progressively angrier as he begs.

DALE: Oh, come on! Please? Be nice! Hey, it's your job to open cans,
you know!

Dale struggles to turn the opener a few times, then gives up in frustration
and stomps off.

DALE: Stupid can opener. I wish Gadget would make a mechanical one--

The sound of a can opener cutting metal is heard. Dale looks over.

Next shot shows the can opener opening the can, with no one operating it.

Shot of Dale looking relieved.

DALE: Oh. Well, that's good. Guess she heard me.

Dale pauses a moment.

Shot of the can opener falling to the ground, its work finished.
Dale goes over and examines it.

DALE: (suspiciously) Hey, this isn't mechanized...

Dale does a wild take.


New scene: inside the TV room of Ranger Headquarters, where Chip is
watching the television news intently and Monterey Jack and Zipper are
looking through an old scrapbook at the table.

DALE: (off-screen) GHOST!!!

Dale zooms by quickly, as nothing more than a cloud of dust. When the
dust clears, Monty's pictures from the scrapbook are strewn about in the
air, slowly floating to the ground, and Chip's hat has been blown off
his head, and is now on the ground as well.

ZIPPER: What was that?

MONTY: Sounded an awful lot like a ghost.

DALE: (off-screen) HAUNTED CAN OPENER!!!

Chip picks up his hat and beats the dust out, then puts it back on his head.

CHIP: More like a chipmunk who had too much candy before bed last night.

MONTY: Well, I suppose we'd better stop 'im before 'e hurts someone...

The room fills with dust again as Dale speeds through, running in circles.


Monty catches Dale by the collar and lifts him into the air. The
chipmunk keeps trying to run, although his feet aren't touching the ground.


MONTY: Mate, yer not goin' anywhere.

Dale looks down and sees that his feet aren't touching the ground. He
does another wild take.


Chip slaps his own forehead.

CHIP: Oh, brother...

Monty sets Dale down on the ground, holding his arms. Chip steps in
front of his fellow crimefighter.

CHIP: Look, Dale, there's no such thing as ghosts--

ZIPPER: Nuh-huh!

MONTY: I wouldn't say that, mate.

DALE: Yeah! Remember Monty's ancestor Sir Colby?

Chip looks a little bit flustered.

CHIP: Yeah, but...well...

Chip gets his confidence back.

CHIP: But there's no such thing as a haunted can opener!

MONTY: I wouldn't be so sure. Why, when I was in Brazil I--

Gadget walks in, mercifully cutting the story short.

GADGET: Guys, could you help me take some garbage out?

All the Rangers cringe.

DALE: (quickly) I...uh...would, but I'm too scared! There's a
ghost here!

GADGET: What are you talking about?

DALE: I was trying to open a can of olives--

MONTY: Hey! I was gonna use that for my olive and chuh-eeze souffle--

DALE: But Chip told me to eat 'em before you could--

Monty glares at Chip. Chip looks uncomfortable.

CHIP: Uh...anyway, Dale, what about your ghost?

DALE: (hysterically) But I couldn't get the can opener to open the
olives, so then I left, and I looked back and the can opener was
moving by itself, and it opened the can for me!

The other Rangers look surprised, then turn to Gadget.

CHIP: Did you--

GADGET: I haven't touched that can opener. Do you think it might have
been some kind of trick or something?

Zipper laboriously drags the can opener into the television room. Gadget
and the others examine it.

GADGET: It just looks like our ordinary can opener...

DALE: It must be HAUNTED!

Chip bonks Dale on the head.

DALE: Hey, what was that for?

CHIP: [slowly] Dale, you think EVERYTHING is haunted. Remember when you
thought the television was haunted because Gadget made a remote control
for it, so the channels changed themselves?

Dale laughs weakly.

DALE: Oh yeah.

GADGET: Anyway, even if it could possibly be a ghost, like Sir Colby, it
doesn't seem like anything to be AFRAID of. I mean, it helped you open
that can of olives, right?

DALE: I guess you're right.

GADGET: Oh, good! Now you guys can all help me take the trash out!

All the other Rangers groan.

New scene; all the male Rangers are up in the tree, using a system of
pulleys to lower a nearly human-sized garbage can full of mechanical stuff
to the ground. Gadget is on the ground, shouting instructions.

GADGET: Just a little farther!

Shot of the rope tied to the garbage can, which suddenly snaps. The can
starts to fall, casting its dark shadow onto Gadget. Gadget looks scared,
and cringes. Suddenly the garbage can starts floating and lands gently on
the ground a few feet away from Gadget.

Shot of the other Rangers surrounding Gadget, concerned.

CHIP: Are you all right?

MONTY: What was that?

DALE: See? I told you there was a ghost!

Zipper buzzes around the garbage can.

MONTY: He says he doesn't see any wires or anything.

CHIP: You'd think there'd be some logical explanation...

Gadget looks a little curious.

Quick shot of a pair of nervous-looking green eyes set into white fur.

New scene: Exterior of Ranger Headquarters, night.

Shot of Gadget with her head in her hands, and her elbows on her knees;
she's staring blankly at the television screen; the other Rangers are
giving the TV more of their attention.

GADGET: Chip, I think you're starting to rub off on me...I can't stop
thinking about that mystery.

Chip sighs.

CHIP: I know, Gadget. But we're already working on those robberies by
the docks. We can't let a

CHIP: (mockingly) 'friendly ghost'

CHIP: get in the way of our other case.

A knock is heard. Monterey Jack answers the door.

A very shy-looking white mouse, probably a year younger than Gadget,
with green eyes, messy black hair, and wearing a suit which covers his
whole body, made of shiny blue metal, with a 'tail' made of a piece of
straight wire, fidgets at the door. He looks up at Monterey Jack, looks
down again, and turns around.

MOUSE: I'm sorry--I--

Gadget appears in the doorway.

GADGET: Golly...

The mouse looks back at her timidly. Gadget smiles encouragingly.

GADGET: Who are you?

Gadget pauses, then holds out her paw to the mouse.

GADGET: I'm Gadget.

The mouse turns around again, shakes her hand awkwardly, and nods.

MOUSE: I...I know. My name's Tin. And...

Tin looks down.

TIN: And I'd like to apologize to all of you.

All the Rangers are at the doorway now, and look surprised. Chip
is suspicious.

CHIP: For what?

TIN: Do you remember when Gadget went martial-arts crazy?

Gadget looks vaguely insulted. The other Rangers cringe.

MONTY: How could we forget?

DALE: I've still got the bruises!

Tin motions at the other Rangers.

TIN: And then her robot kidnapped you guys? Well, I was the one
controlling that robot.

The other Rangers look confused.

CHIP: Why?


Tin looks at Gadget. Suddenly a few straight pins come flying,
dull side first, out of a pincushion chair and into Tin's right hand.
The Rangers look surprised. Dale suddenly jumps up and down, excitedly.

DALE: You're telekinetic!

Monty and Zipper look at Dale, confused. Chip looks more surprised
that Dale knew that word.

DALE: Telekinetic! He moves stuff with his mind! Don't you ever
read comic books?

Chip looks at Tin.

CHIP: Is that it?

TIN: Not exactly...I can only move metal.

Dale pulls out a comic book from behind his back and points to it

DALE: Just like Magnet Man in the comic books! Wowie Zowie!

The other Rangers all give Dale funny looks. Chip looks at Tin.

CHIP: But then, why did you kidnap us in that robot?

Tin looks uncomfortable.

TIN: Well...I think Gadget's a great inventor.... I just didn't
like to see her resort to fighting people instead of
outsmarting them, because she's such a genius.

Gadget blushes bright red.

GADGET: Golly...

Chip and Dale look annoyed. Monty gives them a stern look. Tin
looks at the chipmunks nervously, then down at the floor.

TIN: (awkwardly) Uh...anyway...I'm...uh...sorry...Gadget.

GADGET: Don't be sorry! You were a big help!

Gadget smiles at Dale and pats his shoulder. Dale smiles.

GADGET: Even if Dale WAS convinced you were a ghost.

Tin smiles a little. Dale looks angry.

DALE: Hey!

Tin steps away from the doorway.

TIN: Anyway, I...guess...I'll...see you later...

GADGET: Hey! Why don't you come inside? I'd like to know HOW
you've managed to make yourself into such a powerful

Gadget puts her arm around Tin's back, leading him inside.

TIN: But...

Tin sighs.

TIN: Okay.

Gadget leads Tin off to her workshop. Chip and Dale look after them,
annoyed, and a bit jealous. Chip glares at Dale.

CHIP: (sarcastically) I thought you'd LIKE him, Dale. He IS a superhero,

DALE: But Gadget likes 'im!

Monty and Zipper shake their heads.

MONTY: Mates, if Gadget likes him, that's her business, not yours.

After a moment, Chip nods.

CHIP: You're right, Monty. Dale, if Gadget likes this guy, we should
just let 'em be.

DALE: But...

CHIP: We want Gadget to be HAPPY, right?

DALE: No, I thought we wanted her to LIKE US!

Chip bonks Dale on the head.

CHIP: Just be nice to this Tin guy, all right?

Dale rubs his head where Chip hit him.

Switch scenes: Inside Gadget's workshop. Tin is standing uncomfortably;
Gadget is examining his suit.

TIN: You say I'm an electro-WHAT?

GADGET: How did you get this suit? Is that what's allowing you to--

Chip comes in the room, with two toothpaste-cap glasses of
apple juice.

CHIP: Hi, guys! Thought you might be thirsty, so I brought you some

Gadget looks surprised, then smiles innocently.

GADGET: Golly...Chip...that's thoughtful! Thanks.

Gadget takes the glasses and hands one to Tin, who shakes his head.
Gadget shrugs and hands the second glass back to Chip, who takes it
and leaves.

Switch scenes: Dale is waiting impatiently in the kitchen.

DALE: Well?

Chip shrugs.

CHIP: He didn't want any juice.

DALE: Sounds suspicious to me!

CHIP: Dale, we're NOT going to interfere with Gadget's relationships.
All right?

DALE: Oh, SURE, but YOU can go in with JUICE--

CHIP: I did that to be nice!

DALE: You did that to make sure they were--

CHIP: Yeah, well you--

Chip and Dale start fighting and shouting incomprehensible words; a
cloud of dust forms to obscure the view.

Switch scenes: in Gadget's workshop, Gadget is pulling at Tin's arm.
Tin is a bit scared.

GADGET: Maybe there's be some kind of mechanism in the arm...

TIN: Gadget, I don't think...

Gadget pulls on Tin's arm and the exterior armor on his arm (covering
his arm and hand and fingers) flies off. Gadget falls to the ground,
holding the piece of armor. Gadget examines it for a second.

GADGET: Hmm, there's nothing special about this at all. Looks more like
an outer casing to--

Gadget looks up. Tin's arm (now minus armor) is made of wires and the
like surrounding a metal bar. Gadget gasps, and drops the piece of armor.
Tin looks over at her, then hides his arm behind his back as best he can,
embarrassed. Gadget walks over to him.

GADGET: Is your arm...mechanical?


Tin walks over to where Gadget dropped the covering to his arm and picks
it up, slipping it over his robotic arm with some effort. Tin looks up
at Gadget, then down again.

TIN: I'M mechanical.

Gadget looks confused.


TIN: My whole body's robotic. Only my head isn't made of metal.

Gadget looks shocked.

GADGET: What? Why?

Tin looks at Gadget uncomfortably.

TIN: You don't want to know.

GADGET: If I didn't want to know, why would I be asking you?

Tin frowns. Gadget tries to smile.

GADGET: I'm just curious, Tin. I mean, whoever...well, did
whatever to you...must've been a great inventor or
scientist, right?

Tin scowls. Gadget frowns and shies away a bit.

GADGET: Or not...

Tin sighs, and motions slightly with his right hand. Suddenly a
pair of bottlecap chairs fly over and land between him and Gadget.
Tin soberly sits on one; Gadget looks at him, then sits.

TIN: It was all 'cause of a little girl...

Switch scenes: flashback until otherwise noted.Inside a child's
bedroom, a little girl in a nightgown is petting Tin, who has a
regular white mouse's body, and is wearing a dark blue shirt.

TIN: (voice-over) Her name was Sally, and it was a pleasure just
to be her pet mouse.

SALLY: Okay, Tin, it's bedtime. See you in the morning!

Sally sets Tin gently in a wire cage. Tin waves at Sally before
she climbs into bed, then Tin lays down in an overturned, empty
soup can in his cage.

Switch scenes: back in Gadget's workshop; Gadget is interested, and
Tin is kind of wistful.

TIN: She named me 'Tin' because my favorite place to sleep was in cans...

Tin shakes his head.

Switch scenes: flashback until otherwise noted: Tin (all flesh mouse)
is in his cage, very scared, pacing, etc.

TIN: (V.O.) But Sally got sick real often. One time she got so
sick she had to go to the hospital. And I was scared she
wouldn't come back.

Switch scenes: Sally and Tin in the forest, both very sad.

TIN: (V.O.) I guess they decided she was allergic to me or
something, so they had to get rid of me...

Shot of car driving away.

SALLY: (crying) I'll miss you, Tin!

Shot of Tin crying.

Switch scenes: Tin walks into a laboratory and is picked up by
one of the technicians.

TIN: (V.O.) Well, after Sally had been so nice to me, I decided
to try to do something for people. I signed myself up as
a lab mouse, so they could do experiments and stuff on me.

Switch scenes: back at Ranger Headquarters, outside Gadget's workshop.
Dale is eagerly listening in with an empty (toothpaste cap) glass held
against the door. Chip walks by, then glares at Dale.

CHIP: (whisper) What do you think you're doing?

DALE: (defensively) Well...Gadget's No,
that's not it... Infinitesimal?

CHIP: The only thing infinitesimal around here is your BRAIN, Dale.

DALE: Well, she's inf-SOMETHING. What's that word?

CHIP: (cynically) Infatuated?

DALE: Yeah! So she wouldn't be able to tell if this guy's really a
creep. I'm making sure she doesn't get hurt.

CHIP: Looks like you're SPYING, to me...

Chip thinks for a moment.

CHIP: But we DO need to look out for her... Hear anything important?

Dale leans against the door, trying to listen with the glass again.

DALE: Something about a girl named Sally--

The door falls open, sending Dale rolling into Gadget's workshop.


Dale stands, hides the glass behind his back, then considers, and
holds it back out again.

DALE: with that juice? Chip was gonna wash

Shot of exterior of Gadget's workshop; Chip looks angry.

Shot of interior of the workshop; Gadget hands Dale the glass.
Dale takes it and walks out.

DALE: Thanks!

Dale walks out and closes the door.

Exterior of Gadget's workshop: Chip glares at Dale.

CHIP: Is it too much to ask you to just BEHAVE?

Dale shrugs.

DALE: Probably. Why?

Chip grabs a toothpaste-cap glass from Dale and hits him
on the head with it. Dale looks annoyed.

CHIP: And what do you mean I'M gonna do dishes?

Back to interior of Gadget's workshop; Tin looks a little
amused, while Gadget is frowning.

GADGET: He seemed awful eager to leave...

Gadget turns back to Tin.

GADGET: Would you please finish your story?

Tin frowns again.

TIN: Yeah...

Flashback: Tin (still with a mouse body) looks really sick
and frightened; he's trembling, in a small cage.

TIN: (V.O.) The lab tests were really bad, but I was happy
to be helping people...kind of...

Back in Gadget's workshop; Tin looks at the ground, and Gadget
looks very concerned.

TIN: Anyway, they wound up doing a weird experiment and putting
my head on a robot suit. They managed to get everything
working...but it turns out, they only did that because they
were trying to figure out a way to make humans live forever.

Gadget looks surprised.

TIN: (off-screen) You know, since their bodies get old and
everything...but a robot body wouldn't...

Flashback: Tin with a robot body, bending the bars of his cage without
touching them, then escaping from the lab.

TIN: (V.O.) I knew that was wrong, and I had to get out of the lab.
But it turns out, one of the side effects of their tinkering
was that I could move metal and stuff without even touching it.

Back to Gadget's workshop; Tin looks sad.

TIN: So that's how I escaped.

GADGET: Gosh, that's awful!

Gadget pauses.

GADGET: What are you doing now?

Tin looks down again.

TIN: Well... I've kinda been looking for Sally. I mean, she
couldn't be too allergic to me now that I don't have all
that fur, don't you think?

Tin stands up. Gadget stands as well, looking determined.

GADGET: Well, we're the Rescue Rangers! We'll help you find your
little girl!

Gadget pauses.

GADGET: How'd you know so much about me, anyway?

TIN: Hey, word gets around about you Rescue Rangers... (pause)
I came here to ask for help, but I could never get up
the nerve to approach you guys, so I kinda watched you...

Gadget smiles. Suddenly, a few sparks fly from Tin, and the metal
mouse falls forward right into Gadget's arms. His forehead makes
contact with hers.

Shot of Gadget's workshop door opening. All the other Rangers
are behind it, and they look shocked to see Tin being embraced by Gadget.

MONTY: Uh...

CHIP: We'll come back...

DALE: Later...


The other Rangers leave.

GADGET: No! Wait...

(Commercial Break)

The door clicks shut; the other Rangers are gone. Gadget sighs,
then sets Tin on the ground. She crouches next to him.

GADGET: Must've been a short circuit...let's see...

Gadget ponders, then fetches a screwdriver and pries open the
panel on Tin's chest. She looks at the vast arrangement of wires
for a few moments before reaching in with something that looks like
a rubber-coated set of human-sized tweezers. In a few seconds,
Tin's eyes fly open again. Gadget closes the panel on Tin's chest.

TIN: What...

Tin looks up at Gadget.

TIN: Sorry...I guess I blacked out there for a second...

Gadget smiles nervously at him.

GADGET: No problem...

Gadget helps Tin up. There is an awkward moment before Tin
speaks tentatively.

TIN: You...really think you can find Sally for me?

GADGET: Absolutely!

Gadget opens the door to her workshop and lets Tin leave before
her, then leads the way back to the main room of Headquarters,
talking the whole way.

GADGET: Let's just tell the other Rangers--I'm sure they'll
be happy to help you!

Chip, Dale, Monty, and Zipper all look anxious as Gadget and Tin
walk in. Gadget looks a little surprised at their attention.
The other Rangers quickly try to look busy; Dale fumbles with
the television's small remote control, Chip takes off his hat
and starts examining it, Zipper flies over to the table and
examines the flower in the walnut-shell pot, and Monty tries
to think of something to do, then finally resorts to twiddling
his thumbs, humming pathetically. Gadget shrugs, then smiles.

GADGET: Guys, Tin'd like us to help him find his owner!
Well, I mean, she *was* his owner, but she's not now,
but she'd probably still like to be, and he'd like to be too...
I mean, he'd like to be her mouse, not her owner--well--

Dale interrupts.

DALE: You want him to go away?!

Gadget and Tin look a little surprised. Dale looks apologetic.


Chip quickly approaches Tin sincerely.

CHIP: Tin, the Rescue Rangers would be glad to help you!

Tin smiles.

TIN: Good...thank you.

Tin walks over to the wall of headquarters that has a map
and some watches pinned to it, telling the time in various time zones.

TIN: Uh-oh...I'm late!

Tin pauses, and studies the map, scratching his head.

TIN: Uh...what time is it?

Gadget smiles, then points to the watch which corresponds to their
time zone. Tin smiles and nods, then frowns again.

TIN: I'm still late! I'd better get going...

Chip and Dale smile, then pretend not to. Gadget looks concerned.

GADGET: It *is* kinda need a ride home?

Tin shakes his head.

TIN: No thanks, Gadget...I'd better just walk. It's not that far.

Gadget walks Tin to the door. Chip and Dale tag along.

CHIP: We'll get right on your case, Tin, as soon as we solve
the case of the dock robberies!

Tin looks a little surprised. He pauses.

TIN: You...have another case?

CHIP: Don't worry; it shouldn't take long. See you later!

DALE: Yeah!

TIN: Uh...okay...thanks...

Gadget smiles a little at Tin, who smiles back at her, blushing.

TIN: Thanks... Uh...'bye...

Chip closes the door. Chip and Dale look a bit relieved. Gadget
looks concerned.

GADGET: I hope he'll be all right...

Chip and Dale frown when they see the look on Gadget's face.
Gadget sighs. Chip and Dale look at her awkwardly.

CHIP: I'm sure he'll be fine.

DALE: Yeah! You heard him; it won't take long for him to get
to his house!

Gadget sighs, then sits on a pincushion chair, her elbows on
the table and her head in her paws.

GADGET: I should've asked him to spend the night.

Chip and Dale look alarmed.

GADGET: (off-screen) I mean, our couch is probably more
comfortable than wherever he's sleeping...

Chip and Dale sigh, relieved. Gadget frowns.

GADGET: If he makes it home at all, without short-circuiting...

Chip and Dale look confused.

DALE: Are you feeling all right, Gadget?

CHIP: Yeah...what are you talking about? He's a mouse...

Gadget shakes her head.

GADGET: Oh, nothing, really...

Gadget gets up.

GADGET: Good night, guys.

Gadget walks to her room. Chip and Dale look worried.

CHIP: She's awful worried about this Tin guy...

DALE: Yeah...she must like him a lot...

Chip frowns, then looks at Dale.

CHIP: Then....

DALE: We oughtta...

CHIP: (reluctantly) nice to him...

DALE: (sadly) Even if she likes him more than us...

Chip pauses.

CHIP: Well...what's the nicest thing we could do for him?

DALE: Leave him alone?

CHIP: We could go after him and make sure he's okay!

DALE: Great!

Dale starts to run off.

DALE: Let's tell Gadget so she doesn't have to--

Dale gets cut off by Chip grabbing him by the collar.

CHIP: We don't want to worry her.

DALE: But I thought we were gonna make sure he was okay
so she wouldn't have to worry! (pauses) Hey, wait a
minute! You're trying to dig up some dirt on that guy,
aren't you?

CHIP: NO! I...I wouldn't do that!

Dale gives Chip a doubtful look.

DALE: Promise we won't try to get him away from Gadget?

CHIP: I'll promise if you will.

DALE: All right.

The chipmunks shake on it.

CHIP: No matter what, we're just gonna go see if Tin's all right.

DALE: Yeah. We won't tell Gadget if he's got any weird habits or anything...

CHIP: Right.

The two chipmunks go out the front entrance of Ranger Headquarters.
Monterey Jack, who's been unnoticed the whole time, steps out of the
shadows, with Zipper.

MONTY: Crikey, mate...this's gotta be one of their weirdest ideas yet...

Wipe to Chip and Dale flying the Ranger Plane over the city; Chip
serving as pilot. Dale is using a pair of Gadget's binoculars, which
seem to be made of spare parts.

CHIP: You see him yet, Dale?

DALE: How are we supposed to see this guy in the dark, anyway?

CHIP: What?

Dale points out the plane. Chip grabs Dale's binoculars and looks.
Switch to a shot of the view through the binoculars--some of the crates
by the docks are literally falling apart, although the boards remain intact.

CHIP: We'd better check that out.


Chip flies the Ranger Plane down into the shadows, near the
area where he saw the crates. The chipmunks get out of the plane
and hide behind a wall. They see Rat Capone laughing, next to
his henchmen.

CHIP: (surprised whisper) That's Rat Capone!

DALE: What's he doing by the docks?

Rat Capone laughs again as another crate behind him falls apart.

CAPONE: I'm a genius, you hear?

A bunch of cheap-looking silver jewelry comes floating out of the
ruins of the crate, and falls down right next to Rat Capone.
One of the rings hits Capone in the head. Capone glares angrily.

CAPONE: Hey, watch it, youse!

Capone recovers and smiles, picking up the ring.

CAPONE: Lookit this. My most ingenious plan ever, wouldn't you say?

ARNOLD: Yeah, and it's smart, too!

Capone looks mad.

CAPONE: Just lug that stuff to the truck, would you?

Arnold and Sugar Ray lug the silver jewelry to one of those
battery-powered cars large enough for a child to ride on--it's
shaped like a pickup truck. The controls have been rigged so a
mouse can drive it.

Switch back to a shot of Capone, bragging.

CAPONE: Imagine--stealing cheap silver rings and necklaces, then
sneaking into Mrs. Nearsight's house, and exchanging all her
valuable gold for silver! And she'll never be the wiser!

Chip and Dale are confused.

DALE: Mrs. Nearsight?

CHIP: The richest blind woman in the she wouldn't be
able to tell if Capone switched her gold jewelry for silver...
at least, not very well...

Chip and Dale look angry; Chip shifts to confused.

DALE: (whispers) So he's the one behind the robberies! Let's
go stop him!

CHIP: (whispers) They're too strong for us to stop ourselves; we need the
others to help.

Chip thinks.

CHIP: (whispers) Hmm...but the previous robberies involved cheap
things, like candy and produce. Why would they have--

Switch back to a shot of Sugar Ray Lizard, helping Arnold put the
jewelry in the bed of the truck.

SUGAR RAY: Good thing you finally figured out which day the silver'd
come in, boss--I don't know if I could eat any more lettuce.

Chip looks annoyed.

CHIP: (whispers) But then, what about the guards? Shouldn't
they be watching the dock--

Switch back to a shot of Capone, laughing wickedly.

CAPONE: Well, those early robberies came in handy; now the
guards are convinced that the docks are haunted!

Switch back to a shot of Chip smiling, satisfied.

CHIP: (whispers) Well, then, that all makes sense--

Dale looks alarmed.

DALE: Haunted?!

Chip slaps his paw over Dale's mouth.

CHIP: (whispers) You want them to hear you?! Anyway, nothing
here's haunted.

Chip raises his fist, about to bonk Dale on the head.

CHIP: (whispers) Remember just today you were saying about
haunted stuff, and...

Chip drops Dale, shocked, then looks back around the corner.
He sees Capone stomp his foot impatiently.

CAPONE: Come on, youse; hurry it up!

TIN: (off-screen) The nails are...stuck...!

After a few seconds of struggling, the nails fly out of another
crate, causing it to suddenly fall apart. Sugar Ray and Arnold
go to move the silver inside. Tin walks up to Rat Capone.

TIN: Is that it? Can I go now?

CAPONE: For tonight. I need you back here tomorrow, though--same
time. Got it?

Tin nods soberly.

Chip turns back to Dale.

CHIP: Did you see that?! Tin is HELPING Rat Capone STEAL stuff!
We've gotta go tell Gadget--

Dale puts his hand on Chip's shoulder.

DALE: We can't!

CHIP: Huh?

DALE: We promised we were just gonna make sure that Tin was okay,

CHIP: But...he's a thief!

DALE: But if we talk to her now, Gadget'll think we were spying
on him! Or that we're just jealous!

Chip sighs.

CHIP: But...

Chip shakes his head.

CHIP: Fine. But tomorrow night we'll show her what Tin's doing.

DALE: Not a word 'til then, though.

CHIP: Right... we can't let her know we were spying...

Cut to the exterior of Ranger Headquarters, day.

Inside, the Rangers are all assembled in front of the television.

STAN BLATHER: (off-screen) Another robbery occurred at the
docks last night. Some of the guards are blaming ghosts...

Gadget looks at the other Rangers, curious.

GADGET: guys have any idea who could be behind it?

Chip and Dale glance at each other.

DALE: Yeah! We got a tip that they'll be there tomorrow--

GADGET: From who?

DALE: Uh...

CHIP: Well, they've been stealing all this week--we should
stake out the docks tonight, in case they decide to
strike again!

Monty nods.

MONTY: Sounds like a good idea.

GADGET: Yeah, and once we've solved this case, we can help
Tin find his owner.

Chip and Dale look uncomfortable.

CHIP: Yeah...

Gadget looks over at them.

GADGET: What's wrong? Don't tell me you two are jealous again?

Chip and Dale shake their heads vehemently.


DALE: Of course not!


MONTY: Well, mates, you can't blame her for thinkin'...

ZIPPER: Yeah! Remember Sparky!

MONTY: Crikey, any time some guy's come around here, you two
get suspicious and--

DALE: We didn't follow Tin after he left last night!

Monty and Zipper look at Dale suspiciously. Chip glares.
Gadget smiles at Dale.

GADGET: Oh, good. I'm glad you're not jealous.

Dale wipes his brow in relief.

There is a knock on the door. Monty opens it. Tin is on
the other side of the door.

MONTY: Tin! Come on in, mate! We were just talkin' about you...

Tin walks in, shoulders drooped a bit. Gadget sees him, and
walks over quickly.

GADGET: What's wrong?


Chip and Dale look at each other, leaning over the edge of the
couch, and looking back at Tin and Gadget.

DALE: Think he's gonna tell her?

CHIP: Sssh!

Tin frowns.

TIN: I think you'd better not help me find Sally. I'll
find her on my own...

Gadget looks surprised.


Tin is already halfway out the door.

TIN: Just...pretend you never met me. Okay?

GADGET: Tin...

Tin has already sprinted out the door. Gadget looks
out the door, then comes back in and closes it, looking
very concerned. Chip and Dale exchange confused glances.

Cut to Gadget, working hard in her workshop, on some big
box-shaped contraption about as tall as she is. Dale comes
in. Gadget looks up, her eyes still with a bit of concern
in them.

GADGET: Dale, I seem to have misplaced a nail. Have you seen it?

Dale shrugs.

DALE: Uh...I dunno.

Dale brightens.

DALE: Hey, neat thing! Uh, what's it do?

Gadget steps back from her invention and squints at it.
She suddenly frowns, looking surprised.

GADGET: I don't know...!

Dale looks confused. Gadget tries to smile, and shrugs.

GADGET: Guess I was just a little distracted, is all. Maybe
I should try to find Tin and talk to him.

DALE: (quickly) I don't think you should do that!

Gadget looks concerned.

GADGET: Why not? What if he's in trouble?

Dale frowns, trying to think.

DALE: But...uh...we've got to stake out the docks soon!

Gadget sighs.

GADGET: I guess you're right...

She picks up her screwdriver, more optimistically.

GADGET: Guess I'd better start taking this thing apart, then!

Gadget busies herself dismantling her invention. Dale
walks out of the room, then into his and Chip's room.

DALE: You almost done?

Chip is working on a nail with a wire wound around it and a
battery near it; it looks kind of sloppy.

CHIP: I think so...

DALE: You sure this'll work?

CHIP: It looks just like Gadget's electromagnet!

Dale frowns at Chip's handiwork.

CHIP: Well...kind of... Hey, I'd like to see you do better!

Dale frowns, for a different reason.

DALE: Gadget's awful worried...I think she's gonna be real sad
when she finds out about Tin.

Chip sighs.

CHIP: I know...but we can't do anything else... Maybe when
we catch him, he'll change his ways or something.

DALE: Maybe...

Chip tries to pick up the electromagnet, but can't lift it.

CHIP: Dale, help me with this thing! We've gotta slip
it into the Ranger Wing before Gadget sees it.

Dale nods, and helps Chip pick up the electromagnet.

Cut to the exterior of Ranger Headquarters, dusk. The other
Rangers are already getting into the Ranger Wing; Gadget
comes out the door.

GADGET: One of my batteries is missing--have you guys seen it?

Dale is sitting in the back seat of the Ranger Wing, with the
electromagnet sitting upright next to him; he frowns, then puts
a funny nose-and-glasses on it, and takes Chip's hat (to Chip's
surprise) and puts that on the magnet, too. Gadget doesn't notice.

CHIP: I...uh...don't know where it could've gone, Gadget. I'll
bet it'll turn up, though.

Chip hops into the back of the Ranger Wing, glares at Dale, takes
his hat back, and kicks the magnet down to the floor of the plane.
Monty is already in the front passenger seat, and Zipper flies over
to sit on his shoulder. Gadget gets into the driver's side, and
the plane takes off with a cry of "Rescue Rangers away!"


(Commercial Break)


Cut to the docks. The Ranger Wing has landed in a spot very close
to where Chip and Dale were spying the night before. The Rangers
(except Chip) are out of the plane. Monty looks doubtful.

MONTY: Y'think we'll be able to come up with a plan of what to do
once we find out who we're dealin' with?

Chip nods at Dale, from the plane.

DALE: I'm sure we'll come up with something...

Zipper flies over to the back seat of the plane, sees the magnet
(set next to Chip in the seat), and buzzes something. Gadget
looks over, and then gets on the wing of the Ranger Wing to look
into the back seat. Chip tries to hide the device, but Gadget still
sees it.

GADGET: Golly, how'd that get in there?

Chip tries to answer, but Gadget turns away and hops back off the wing.

GADGET: I must've left it in when I was recalibrating the grappler...

Chip sighs in relief. Suddenly the Rangers all hear a familiar voice.

CAPONE: (off-screen) Where IS that worthless mouse? If he
don't show up soon, I'll turn 'im into fish food!

The Rangers (including Chip, who manages to drag the electromagnet
with him) peer around the corner for a closer look.

MONTY: (whispers) Crikey! Rat Capone, and his henchmen Arnold
Mousenegger and Sugar Ray Lizard!

GADGET: (whispers) Who would've guessed?

Chip and Dale laugh uncomfortably.

DALE: (whispers) Yeah!...

Capone taps his foot impatiently.

CAPONE: I'll give that rat two more minutes to get here before--

Capone cuts himself off, and puts on a fake smile.

CAPONE: Oh, there youse is! So glad youse could make it!

Shot of Tin, looking kind of depressed, walking towards Capone.

Switch to a shot of Gadget, shocked.


Chip and Dale look sympathetic.

Gadget suddenly gets angry.

GADGET: That CREEP! Who does he think he is--

Chip motions at Gadget to be quiet.

DALE: (whispers) Yeah--what a jerk!

Gadget glowers in silence.

Shot of Tin, who's almost annoyed, and Capone.

TIN: This is the last one, right?

CAPONE: Oh, no! Youse is still gonna help with the robbery!

TIN: But you said--

CAPONE: Listen, youse is gonna do what *I* say, or else...

Tin sighs.

TIN: Fine.

Capone motions to a group of crates. Tin mentally yanks the
nails out of one of them, which makes the crate fall apart,
revealing the silver jewelry inside. The nails suddenly
drop to the ground. Capone looks impatient.

CAPONE: Now get the next one!

Tin looks confused.

TIN: I can't...

Capone gets angry.

CAPONE: What do youse *mean* you can't! Arnold, Sugar Ray!

The two henchmen pick up Tin and carry him to the edge of the dock.

CAPONE: You wanna take a bath?

Tin cringes a little, and shakes his head.

CAPONE: Then open those crates!

TIN: I *can't!* It's like something's keeping me from moving

Switch to shot of Chip, using the electromagnet. Suddenly,
the nails go flying at Capone and his henchmen. They dodge,
but Capone glares at Tin.

CAPONE: Youse says your powers don't work? That's it! Arnold,
Sugar Ray, come on. We'se gonna take care of those Rescue Rangers...

The Rescue Rangers cringe.

DALE: Did he see us?

Zipper shakes his head, then shrugs.

Arnold and Sugar Ray drop Tin onto the dock. Tin objects.

TIN: No! Wait! I'll try again!

CAPONE: You tried to kill us! No one double-crosses Rat Capone!

TIN: I swear, I didn't! Just don't hurt them! Please!

CAPONE: You know the deal! Work for me, or I'll track down
those rodents and get rid of 'em--

Chip drops the electromagnet, surprised.

The nails go flying out of another crate.

TIN: See?! I can help! Just don't hurt them...

Capone goes back to Tin.

CAPONE: This is youse's last chance, y' hear?

Tin nods, scared.

Shot of all the Rangers, surprised.

MONTY: He's workin' for Capone to keep us safe?

CHIP: But...

DALE: See? Aren't you glad we didn't tell Gadget...

GADGET: Tell me what?

Chip glares at Dale.

DALE: Uh...

CHIP: That...

DALE: He...

CHIP: Was...

DALE: Selling ice cream in his spare time!

Chip looks at Dale, surprised and confused. Gadget shrugs.

GADGET: Well, we've got to help him and stop Capone!

CHIP: No problem!

Chip goes back to the electromagnet.

GADGET: Chip, you sure you know how to--

CHIP: Just watch me!

Chip uses the electromagnet. Suddenly Tin goes flying
into the air and right towards the Rangers. Unfortunately,
one of the nails from the crates also comes flying at
the Rangers--they all try to dodge, but the nail goes
right through the back of Gadget's collar (not wounding her).
The nail then flies back to Capone, taking Gadget with it.
Capone grabs Gadget by the wrist.

CAPONE: What's this? We've got one of those Rescue Rangers right here!

Switch to shot of the other Rangers, plus Tin. Tin moves
his hand, but nothing happens. He looks shocked.

CHIP: What?

TIN: Your nail thing must've broken my...power...stuff...

Dale is the only one who looks like he understands.

DALE: So you can't move metal anymore!

Gadget squirms and escapes Capone's grip. Arnold catches her.
Capone is pleased.

CAPONE: Good work, Arnold.

Capone turns to Gadget.

CAPONE: Now, youse is gonna be my moll.

GADGET: I'd rather be fizzed!

Capone gives Gadget a funny look.

CAPONE: What's that supposed to mean?

Gadget looks angry, and Capone smiles at her.

CAPONE: I didn't say youse had a choice.

Capone draws nearer to her, his lips puckered. Gadget
tries to escape, but can't.

Switch to shot of all the Rangers (minus Tin), alarmed. They
all look about ready to run at Capone.

Switch shot to Capone, about to kiss Gadget. Suddenly, the
rat goes flying about two feet. Tin just punched him!
Tin wrests Gadget loose of Arnold's grasp. Capone gets
to his feet.



Arnold and Sugar Ray gang up and come at Tin, who, suddenly afraid,
is forced to walk backwards in retreat. Suddenly he falls
off the edge of the dock and into the water; a few sparks fly up.
Gadget gasps.


Sugar Ray and Arnold laugh, then come at her. Suddenly, they are
forced back by a piece of wire, which quickly draws them back to Capone,
then circles the three crooks several times, tying them up. Cut back
to Chip, Dale, Monty, and Zipper, using the electromagnet.

DALE: A perfect ten for gangster rustling, huh?

Gadget rushes to the edge of the dock, alarmed.

GADGET: Tin... I'll bet he can't swim...

The other Rangers (minus Zipper) rush to her side. Chip gets his rope
out of his jacket and throws it down into the water, and waits a little
while. When he draws it up, it's empty. The other Rangers look sad.

ZIPPER: (off-screen) Over here!

Zipper is trying to drag the electromagnet over to them. Monty and Dale
quickly rush back to him and bring the magnet over. Gadget looks at it,
makes a few adjustments, and aims it at the water. Soon, Tin (who has
his eyes closed) is attracted to the nail. Gadget disconnects the power,
and shakes Tin.


Monty feels Tin's neck, and shakes his head. Chip ponders.

CHIP: Take his suit off! Maybe if you give him CPR...

Gadget sadly shakes her head.

GADGET: That's not going to help...

The other Rangers look confused.

GADGET: (off-screen) ...he's got the body of a robot.

The other Rangers gasp, surprised.

MONTY: But...

Dale snaps his fingers.

DALE: Then can't you fix him?

Gadget is surprised.

GADGET: What?!

Chip and Dale look at each other, then pick Tin up and lug
him over to the Ranger Plane.

CHIP: Yeah! I'll bet you can get him going again!

GADGET: Do you really think--

DALE: Sure! You just fix him up, and we'll take care of the rest!

Gadget gets into the Ranger Wing.

GADGET: The rest?

Cut to Gadget's workshop, night. Sound of a hair dryer working,
then sparks, and metal hitting metal. Fade to day. Tin is
laid out on Gadget's work table, his chest panel removed,
with a hair dryer next to him.

GADGET: Gosh, I've never SEEN such awful wonder he
keeps shorting out... Well, I think I've got most of it fixed...

Tin opens his eyes, dizzily.

TIN: G...Gadget...?

Gadget is overjoyed.


TIN: What happened?

Gadget looks inside Tin's chest once more, then snaps the panel
back on, satisfied.

GADGET: You just shorted out, is all.

Tin frowns, sits up, and looks defensive.

TIN: I wasn't really working for Capone. I just--

Gadget smiles.

GADGET: I know. You didn't want us to get hurt. That's why
you told us to stop looking for Sally, too, huh? So she wouldn't
get hurt?

Tin looks surprised, then nods.

TIN: You understand...

GADGET: Don't worry. I think you're water-tight now; you shouldn't
short out like that again.

TIN: That's good...thanks...

Gadget looks down.

GADGET: I don't think I was able to fix your electromagnetic power,

Tin motions with his arm. Nothing happens. Gadget looks down.
Tin smiles at her.

TIN: I'm really normal again...

Gadget looks surprised.

TIN: Well, as normal as a mouse with a metal body can be, I guess.

Tin looks over at Gadget, who smiles and blushes at him. They look
at each other for a moment.

Chip and Dale enter the workshop, and Tin and Gadget look over at them.
They see that Tin's awake, and wave to him.

CHIP: Could you come out here for a second, Gadget?


Gadget slightly waves to Tin, then follows the chipmunks out of
her workshop. She looks concerned, as do the chipmunks.

GADGET: What's wrong?

CHIP: We tracked down Sally.

GADGET: That's great!

DALE: But she lives pretty far away...

CHIP: ...if she owned Tin again, you'd probably barely ever get
to see him...

Gadget looks surprised for a moment, then shrugs.

GADGET: Let's go tell him we found Sally! He'll be so excited!

Chip and Dale look a little confused, and stop Gadget.

DALE: But won't you be sad that he's gone?

CHIP: Don't you like him?

Gadget pauses, then looks seriously at the chipmunks.

GADGET: Gosh, guys. It's not what *I* want that's
important. It's what would make Tin happy.

She walks back into her workshop, leaving the chipmunks surprised.

Cut to 'pretty far away,' in the country; Tin knocks on a
house's door, very uncertainly. Sally comes to the door,
looks around, frowns, then looks down, and sees Tin. She
laughs, picks the mouse up, and hugs him.

SALLY: Tin! How'd you find us!

Sally frowns.

SALLY: I can't keep you, though...Mom and Dad say I'm allergic
to your fur...

Tin shakes his head, and motions to his body.

SALLY: Hey, you don't have all that fur anymore! Mom, Dad,
Tin came back, and he doesn't have any fur! Can I keep him?

The Rangers are in the Ranger Wing, which is parked nearby. Gadget
is smiling at the scene, a little sadly. Chip and Dale are in the
back; Chip looks a little introspective.

CHIP: Seeing all this makes me wonder if we should just call a
truce and let Gadget decide who she likes better, don't you
think, Dale?

Chip looks over; Dale is nowhere to be seen.

CHIP: Dale?

Dale hands a small country flower to Gadget.

GADGET: Dale, how pretty! Thanks!

Chip frowns, then jumps out of the Ranger Wing. In seconds, he
has presented Gadget with an identical flower.

GADGET: You too, Chip? Gosh...

Dale looks mad.

DALE: Hey! I--

Chip cuts him off.

CHIP: Sssh...

Tin is back at the Ranger Wing; he climbs up on the wing, and
shakes Gadget's hand.

TIN: Thanks, Gadget...

He looks at the other Rangers.

TIN: Thanks, all of you, for your help.

Gadget smiles.

GADGET: Well, that's what we Rescue Rangers do!

She lowers her eyelids a little.

GADGET: And you're welcome.

Tin smiles, then jumps off the Ranger Wing. Chip and Dale get
in, and Tin waves as they fly off. Gadget continues smiling.

DALE: (off-screen): She liked my flower better.

CHIP: (off-screen): Did not!

Gadget looks at the back seat, sternly. Chip and Dale sit back
in their seats, their paws behind their backs, apologetic.
Gadget smiles.

GADGET: Guys, I liked them both the same.

Gadget turns back to pay attention to where she's flying.

DALE: (whispers) Yeah, but she liked mine the same more!

CHIP: (whispers) That didn't make any sense!

DALE: (whispers) Yeah, well...

Monty frowns at Zipper.

MONTY: I've got a feelin' this is gonna be a long flight home...

Fade out.

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