The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench Episode 3 "Robomouse" (Part I)

By The RoboNerd (

Gadget Hackwrench, The Rescue Rangers, and Professor Nimnul are copyrighted to the Walt Disney Corporation and appear without permission.

Opening scene. RRHQ. Morning.

We zoom in on a window exposing the kitchen.  Inside we see Monty working
on breakfast while Zipper is preparing the table.  Gadget walks in from 
the hallway, still in her pajamas.

GADGET:  Smells good Monterey, what are we having?

MONTY: (slight cheese attack) Cheeeese Flapjacks.

There is a knock at the door.

GADGET:  Now who could that be this early in the morning?

She walks to the door and opens it.

A gray mouse, slightly taller than Gadget appears.  He has a large package
beside him.
GADGET:  Hello.

MOUSE:  Package for Gadget Hackwrench.

GADGET:  That's me.

MOUSE:  Sign here please.

The mouse hands Gadget a small clipboard and a pencil.  She signs the 
paper and hands it back to him.  He hands her the package.

MOUSE:  Thank you and have and nice day.

She closes the door and walks with the package over to a large floor.

MONTY:  What is it?

GADGET:  Whatever it is, it's sort of heavy.

She opens the package.  Inside of the package is a piece of paper and a 
three-quarter inch computer disk with the label "GHFC" on it.

GADGET:  Jeepers!

MONTY:  Crikey, what's that?

GADGET:  It's a computer disk.  But why would someone send me a computer

MONTY:  I know a pair of Chipmunks you could ask.

GADGET:  They couldn't have sent me this.  They know I don't have a 

MONTY:  You best not tell em.  Remember what happened la...

DALE:  Neato Gadget.  What's that?

CHIP:  Yeah Gadget.

Monty puts a paw on his forehead.

MONTY:  Too late.

GADGET:  It's a computer disk.

CHIP:  What's it do?

GADGET:  It holds information.

She picks up the piece of paper.

DALE:  What's it say?

GADGET:  It says, (reading) if you ever get the chance, look at what's on 
        this disk.

CHIP:  Sounds like a mystery.

GADGET:  Not at all.  All we need is a computer with the proper equipment,
        and were all set.  And I know someone who could help.

MONTY: [mumbling] Crikey, they didn't even argue.

Switch Scenes.  In the middle of the afternoon.

The camera zooms in on a hovercraft version of the Rangermobile going down
the road.  Gadget and Monty are in the front while the Chipmunks are in
the back.

GADGET:  Remember guys, try to keep it away from the fan.

CHIP:  Why do we have to keep it away from the fan?

GADGET:  Because the electromagnetic distortions from the fan can 
        rearrange the magnetic particles on the disk.

DALE:  Could you put that in English?

GADGET:  It erases it.

MONTY:  Gadget luv, where are we going?

GADGET:  One of my fathers friends lives in a computer room at the 
        university.  He knows allot about computers.

Switch Scenes.  New York University.  Computer Room.

The Rangers climb up to a window.

GADGET:  We have to wait until this class is over then we can go in.

About thirty minutes pass.

PROFESSOR:  All right class.  Tomorrow your report on the AND, NAND, and
        OR logic gates are due.  And don't forget to read the chapters in
        your books on anti-alaising and universal media access 

Chip and Dale both look at each other in puzzlement.

GADGET:  I think we can go in now.

Gadget runs down to the Rangermobile and comes back with a screwdriver.
She starts to unscrew the lock on the window.

GADGET:  Monterey, could you push this window open.

MONTY:  Sure luv.

Monty pushes on the window and it swings open.

MONTY:  After you.

GADGET:  Thanks Monty.

Once inside the room.  Gadget directs the rest of the Rangers over to the
back of a bookshelf beside a computer terminal.
GADGET:  Hello!  Professor Jaggies!  It's me, Gadget!  Geegaw's daughter!

A mouse in a lab coat appears from a hollow behind the bookshelf.

PROF. JAGGIES:  Gadget!  Is that you!?  It's been so long!

He walks up and hugs Gadget who returns the hug back.

GADGET:  What's new in the Computer world?

PROF JAGGIES:  It would take hours to tell.  Who are your friends?

She starts to introduce the rest of the Rangers.

GADGET:  This is Chip.

CHIP:  Hi.

GADGET:  This is Dale.

DALE:  Hello.

GADGET:  This is Zipper.


GADGET:  And this is Monterey Ja...

PROF. JAGGIES:  Hey, weren't you the mouse who devoured the cheese tray at
        Geegaw's wedding, and before the reception.

MONTY: [sighing] Yeah, it was me.  That cheese was delicious and I just
        couldn't help meself.

PROF. JAGGIES:  Never mind it.  Eh, Gadget, I assume you came here to ask
        me something.

GADGET:  Yes, well, you see, I got this disk in the mail an...

PROF. JAGGIES:  And you don't have a computer to see what's on it right.


PROF. JAGGIES:  Well say no more.  Go and get it, I still have some time
        before class begins.

Gadget leaves and returns shortly with the disk.

Professor Jaggies looks at the label in puzzlement.

PROF. JAGGIES:  What does, GHFC, mean?

GADGET:  That was what I was hoping the contents of the disk would tell 

PROF. JAGGIES:  Hey, this is the same brand and color of disk we use in
        the lab.

GADGET:  Golly, could it be from here?

PROF. JAGGIES:  Could be.

He leads the Rangers over to a computer which is running a screen saver.

PROF. JAGGIES:  Gadget, see that slot, insert the disk, label up, into it.

GADGET:  Okay.

She puts the disk in and it responds with a click.

The Professor moves the computer mouse around causing the screen saver to

He finds an Icon labeled File Manager and double-clicks on it.  It comes
back with a list of the directories on the hard drive.  He moves the mouse
pointer up to a depiction of the disk drive and clicks on it.  The Rangers
look up to the disk drive which starts to make a whirring noise as a light
comes on beside it.

The directory changes to that of the disk drive.  He looks at the files 
which are mostly HTM and GIF files.

PROF. JAGGIES:  Now all I have to do is double-click on the file called 
        index dot htm.

When he does this, the computer's hard drive light starts to come on.

GADGET:  Golly, what are you doing?

PROF. JAGGIES:  This looks like the files to something called a web page.
        I'm loading up a program called Netscape to look at them.

The computer screen changes to the Netscape screen.  The small caption,
"Retrieving Document," appears on the bottom of the screen for a short
time.  Suddenly the screen changes to reveal the contents of the files.

GADGET:  Wa...

Everybody looks in astonishment as the title of the page says "Gadget 
Hackwrench Fan Club."

MONTY:  Looks like ye have some fans luv.

DALE: [looking at the screen and pointing] Hey, whose this, F. T. Atca?

Everybody looks at Gadget who faints and falls to the ground.

A short while passes.

GADGET:  What happened?

She gets up and puts a paw on her forehead.

MONTY:  You fainted.

GADGET:  How long?

MONTY:  Not too long.

PROF. JAGGIES:  And just in time too.

Several teenage mice start to walk in from a small hollow on the other side
of the room.  They take their places among several computer and turn them
on.  Sever of the mice look at Gadget in amazement.

MOUSE1: [whispering] It's really her.

MOUSE2: [whispering] Jaggies is a friend of hers.

MOUSE3: [whispering] Looks like it.

MOUSE2: [whispering] We need to tell you-know-who.

PROF. JAGGIES:  Students, these are some friends of mine, please say hello
        to Gadget Hackwrench and the Rescue Rangers.

CLASS:  Hello.

PROF. JAGGIES:  The Rangers are going to sit in and watch class today.

All throughout the time class proceeds, Gadget can't help but notice the
attention paid to her by three mice who every once and a while, look her
way, and back again.

About an hour passes.

PROF. JAGGIES:  Please remember to reread the chapter on manipulating 
        sprites more efficiently, and don't forget tomorrow is our next
        lesson on RISC processor assembly programming.

As the class proceeds out the way they came.  Gadget leans over to talk to
Professor Jaggies.

GADGET: [pointing] See those three mice over there?

PROF. JAGGIES:  You mean the ones who seem to be paying more attention to 
        you than their computers?

GADGET:  How did you know?

PROF. JAGGIES:  When it comes to teaching, I know everything that goes on
        in this classroom.

GADGET:  Could you get them over here for a second?

PROF. JAGGIES:  Josh, Allen, Kevin, could you all come here!?

The three mice, hearing this, change direction and head for the desk.

MICE:  Yes professor.

PROF. JAGGIES:  Gadget here was sent a disk in the mail which happens to
        look like one that we use.  You wouldn't happen to know anything
        about this, would you?

JOSH:  Well...

PROF. JAGGIES:  Come on.

Allen:  Were sorry, you see, we have been fans of yours for a few months 

Kevin:  We found your address and just couldn't resist sending that to 

GADGET:  Golly, you could have just came over some time and asked me for
        my autograph.

Kevin:  You mean you don't have a computer.

GADGET:  Uh huh.

Allen turns to Josh with a scolding look.

Allen: [whispering] Way to go Josh.

Josh: [whispering] Me, it was your idea.

GADGET:  Well, do you have a club house.

The three mice turn to her very surprised.

JOSH:  Well, yeah, sorta.

GADGET:  Golly, can I see it?  And then I'll give you my autograph.

ALLEN:  Yeah.

KEVIN:  Cool.

JOSH:  Neato.

Switch Scenes.  The camera fades in to Gadget and the three mice in an
area behind the University walking towards a small wooded area.

KEVIN:  It's right over here.

JOSH:  Why didn't the others come?

GADGET:  They got interested in talking to Professor Jaggies.

They lead Gadget to a small crate with a small wooden door at the 

ALLEN:  After you.


As Gadget walks in, she trips over a wire, which causes the walls to fall 
off, revealing a large trap.  She runs towards the entrance but a small
metal plate has fallen in place, sealing her in.

KEVIN:  It worked.

A familiar cat comes out of a bush around the side of the building.

FAT CAT: [clapping] Oh good work, now for your rewards.  Fat Cat pulls out
        three small diamonds and gives them to the mice who flee the scene
        immediately after.

GADGET:  Fat Cat!

FAT CAT:  Well what have we here, a Rescue Ranger, and the one I need.
        Mepps, Mole!

Mepps and Mole appear around the bush and walk up to Fat Cat.

FAT CAT:  Take our little, guest, to my office.

MEPPS:  Yes boss.

MOLE:  Right away boss.

Switch Scenes.  Fat Cat's hideout.  Fade in.

The cage with Gadget in it is sitting atop Fat Cat's desk.  Fat Cat is 
walking around the desk.

The doors to the elevator opens and Mole steps out.

FAT CAT:  Well?

MOLE:  No sign of any Rescue Rangers, boss.

FAT CAT:  Great.  Now go and keep watching!

GADGET:  Fat Cat, why didn't you try to capture the rest of us?  Why just

FAT CAT:  Because my precious little inventor, I need your help.

GADGET: [startled] What?

FAT CAT:  I have this, machine, that needs to be fixed, and all the cats
        that can fix it demand that I pay them handsomely for their 

GADGET:  And you think I will fix it for you?

FAT CAT:  Good help is just hard to come by nowadays, so I had to 

GADGET:  I knew there was something strange about me having a fan club.

FAT CAT:  Pretty clever scheme, wouldn't you say.  Enough of this.

He presses a button on the desk that activates an intercom.

FAT CAT:  Wart, come here.

Shortly after, the elevator door opens and Wart walks out.

WART:  You called boss.

FAT CAT:  Wart, take our little guest down to the second floor.

Switch Scenes.  Second floor.

The elevator door opens.

FAT CAT:  Now behold my evil genius.

He walks up to a large machine covered with a white sheet.  He pulls the
cloth to reveal, a computer hooked up to some strange looking equipment
with a mess of wire going into a radio transmitter.

FAT CAT:  Wart, if you would please.

WART:  Yes boss.

The lizard walks up to the computer and flicks a switch which instantly
sets the machine to life.

The camera pans down to Gadget, we can see a shadow approaching Gadget's 
feet and going up the length of her back.

FAT CAT:  And now, may I present, Robomouse.

Gadget, noticing the shadow now blocking the light, turns around.  Before
her, separated by the cage, is a robotic mouse slightly taller than her 
with red glowing eyes and an evil grin.


FAT CAT:  Don't be alarmed.  He won't hurt you, unless I tell him to.

ROBOMOUSE:  [robotic voice] Awaiting input sir.

FAT CAT:  Terminate barrier.

The robot mouse grabs two bars of the cage and, with little effort, bends
them, making them break off completely.

GADGET: [nervous] Th, then, why, do, u u you need me?

FAT CAT:  Robomouse has a flaw.  You see, this whole machine is Robomouse.
        The mechanical rodent you see before you, is just the moving 
        part.  When he leaves this building, the robot part shuts down.
        You have about five hours to fix the problem.

Fat Cat starts to walk back to the elevator.

GADGET:  How are you so sure I will not try to escape?

FAT CAT:  Simple, Robomouse!

ROBOMOUSE:  Awaiting input sir.

FAT CAT:  Keep subject from leaving premises.

ROBOMOUSE:  Please select force setting sir.

FAT CAT:  No limitations.

ROBOMOUSE:  Acknowledged sir.

FAT CAT:  You see, if you don't help Robomouse...

Gadget gulps and looks at Robomouse who is staring directly at her.

FAT CAT:  Robomouse will have to help himself, to you.

Switch Scenes.  RRHQ.  Gadget's workshop.

Monty, Zipper, and Dale are standing beside a workbench while Chip is 

DALE:  I can't believe it, Gadget, kidnapped!

MONTY:  Maybe we should start in the air first Chipper me lad.

CHIP:  But where do we start looking?

MONTY:  Ye have a point there.

CHIP:  I know.  Dale, what was the name of the fan clubs founder...

Switch Scenes.  Fat Cat's hideout.  Second floor.

GADGET:  I know, maybe if I reconfigure the transmitter to send audio 
        signals, I could send a distress signal to, oh wait a second,
        how am I sure they are in my workshop with a radio on.

She looks at Robomouse who is still staring at her.  Gadget, out of 
curiosity, moves a couple steps to her left.  Robomouse responds by 
changing his direction with her.

GADGET:  Robomouse!

ROBOMOUSE:  Awaiting input ma'am.

GADGET:  Excellent.  Cancel previous orders!

ROBOMOUSE:  Unable to comply.  Only the master user has access to that 

GADGET:  Clever...

She looks up at the machine.

GADGET:  But not clever enough.

She walks up to one of the main connectors going into the transmitter, and
unplugs it.

ROBOMOUSE:  Error.  Self destruct sequence enabled.  five...

Gadget quickly plugs the connector back in.

GADGET:  Strike that.

Switch Scenes.  RRHQ.  Gadget's workshop.

CHIP:  Fat Cat! F. T. Atca is Fat Cat, the letters have been moved around.

RANGERS: [except Gadget] Rescue Rangers, away!

Switch Scenes.  Fat Cat's hideout.  Second floor.

As we see the second floor, a bright flash of light can be seen.

GADGET:  Golly, strike that too.  Jeepers, Fat Cat wasn't messing around 
        when he had this built.

She puts a paw on her chin and starts to think aloud.

GADGET:  Let's see, I know.  Robomouse!

She walks towards Robomouse and starts to walk around him.  He, in turn,
starts to turn around in a tight circle, watching her.

GADGET:  Define, self destruct.

ROBOMOUSE:  All mobile instruments are disconnected by the explosion of a
        quarter of a sticks worth of TNT embedded in mobile unit.  Mobile
        unit no longer continues to function.

GADGET: [quiet] Now how to use that to my advantage.

She looks up at a small double-paned window.

GADGET:  Robomouse!

ROBOMOUSE:  Awaiting input ma'am.

GADGET:  I need to test something, walk in front of that window over there
        and await further instructions.

ROBOMOUSE:  More input required, explain test.

GADGET:  The window's structure could be interfering with the transmitter.

ROBOMOUSE:  Is that scientifically possible?

GADGET: [sarcastic, raising an eyebrow] Yes it is, very, possible.

ROBOMOUSE:  Acknowledged, carrying out orders.

Gadget watches as Robomouse backs up to the window while still turned her

ROBOMOUSE:  Awaiting further orders ma'am.

She walks to a desk and starts looking at some spare parts.  After finding
a small speaker, she returns to the transmitter and disconnecting two
wires from the connector but making sure not to pull out the connector,
she attaches the two wires to the speaker.

GADGET:  All right, here's your order.

She pulls on the connector, which comes off.

ROBOMOUSE:  Error.  Self destruct sequence enabled.  five... four...

Gadget jumps behind the transmitter.

ROBOMOUSE:  three... two... one...


The camera switches views to the outside of the building.  The camera pans
up to the Ranger Wing.

MONTY:  Chip.  Did ye see that.

DALE:  Let's land.

Switch Views.

Gadget stands up and dusts herself off.

GADGET:  Robomouse sure knows how to carry out orders does he.

CHIP:  Gadget!  What happened?

GADGET:  I'll explain later.  Let's get home.

FAT CAT:  Not so fast.

Fat Cat looks at the mess.

FAT CAT:  Robomouse!  No, my brilliant plan, ruined.  You'll pay for this,
        Rescue Rodent.

He holds up a paw and uncoils his claws.  He then takes a swipe at gadget.


She runs over to the machine.

FAT CAT:  Hold still so I can... What?

ROBOMOUSE:  Awaiting orders sir.

FAT CAT:  Robomouse, but how?

He shakes his head.

FAT CAT:  Attack.

ROBOMOUSE:  Unable to comply, mobile unit not responding.

FAT CAT:  What?

He looks at the machine.

FAT CAT:  nooooooooooooooo!

The camera switches scenes to reveal the Ranger Wing heading towards 
central park.

GADGET:  So after I figured out what to use his, destructive tendencies,
        for, I just told him to stand under the window.

CHIP:  And then you disconnected the transmitter.

DALE:  Cool.

MONTY:  But wait a second luv.  Why could that bloomin robot still talk?

GADGET:  Simple.  Fat Cat said that the whole machine was Robomouse, so I
        assumed that the voice was being sent to the robot through the
        transmitter.  All I did was disconnect the voice wires from the
        connector and attached them to a speaker.

MONTY:  Bonzer idea Gadget luv.

GADGET:  Hey guys, what were you and Professor Jaggies talking about?

CHIP:  Don't ask.

DALE:  Yeah, I think we are really, technoed, out.

As we start to her the Rangers laughing, the camera stops in mid air as 
the Ranger Wing flies off into the distance.

Fade Out.

If you have any suggestions about my stories, My E-Mail address is

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