The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench Episode 2
"Hacksawed" By The RoboNerd ( Gadget Hackwrench, The Rescue Rangers, Kirby, and Muldoon are copyrighted to the Walt Disney Corporation and appear without permission. Veronica Hacksaw is my own creation and is not owned by Disney. |
Opening scene. A crowded city street. It is New York rush hour, and the streets are jam packed with angry drivers. The camera pans down to a noisy Rangermobile, weaving in and out of the stand-still traffic. Gadget is driving and Chip is trying to hold on to his hat. CHIP: Are you sure this is safe Gadget?! I mean, a new fan was a good idea, but a model airplane motor?! GADGET: Chip, I know what I'm doing! It isn't every day you find a gas powered model airplane crashed in a tree! CHIP: Just don't take off, okay! GADGET: Sure Chip! Suddenly, a screeching sound can be heard coming from underneath the Rangermobile. With a loud crack, the Rangermobile's right front dips down. CHIP: Whatsthat!? GADGET: Golly, maybe the tires couldn't handle the high speed after all! CHIP: After all!? The Rangermobile starts to skid out. Gadget is trying to keep the Rangermobile straight, but a fire hydrant is quickly approaching in front of it. CHIP: Look out for that hydrant! Too late. The Rangermobile connects with the hydrant and is knocked away from it, spinning in mid air. It does a complete 360 and lands on its remaining wheels. The friction is enough to make it stop before running into another street full of moving cars. Chip looks over at Gadget who is now white as a sheet, still holding on to the steering wheel. CHIP: Great idea, these, seat belts. They're, the, best idea you had for the, Rangermobile, huh, Gadget. GADGET: Yeah, Chip. Really, great, idea. DALE: [Shouting] Are you guys all right!? Chip shakes his head quickly, then looks up and sees Dale and Monty, in a slightly different version of the Ranger Wing. Dale is at the controls. Gadget shakes her head quickly then looks up. GADGET: We're all right guys! Go ahead and land! DALE: Roger wilco. Dale does a half-perfect landing on the sidewalk, right next to the crashed Rangermobile. CHIP: Monty, help me push the Rangermobile into that alley. Chip and Monty push the Rangermobile into the alley while Gadget and Dale look on. Gadget puts her paw on her chin and starts to think aloud. GADGET: Maybe next time if I use something stronger for the axles, or I could forget axles and turn it into a hovercraft instead. DALE: A hovercraft, neato! She looks up at the sign of the store they are standing in front of. The sign says "Mechanics 'R' Us." GADGET: Gosh, how convenient. Chip, Dale and I are going into this store and see if we can't find some stronger axles. Chip looks at Monty who returns the stare back. MONTY: Crikey, she's going to repair it here. CHIP: Sure Gadget. The camera switches to inside of the store. As a mechanic opens the door and walks in, Gadget and Dale follow quickly behind. GADGET: Dale, see if you can't find where they keep their screws, nuts, and bolts. I need to look for something else. DALE: Whatever you say. Dale runs off to the back of the store. GADGET: Now where do they keep their machine oil. She jumps up on a counter and starts to walk down it, but she stops to listen in on a conversation between the store clerk and a mechanic. MECHANIC: Have you gotten the hex keys I ordered yet? CLERK: Just a second, I'll go into the back and check. The clerk leaves, and comes quickly back. CLERK: I've been robbed! All the tools are gone! GADGET: Jeepers, who would steal all the tools in a tool store? MECHANIC: So you don't have my hex keys in yet. Switch Scenes. In mid air. The camera fades in to the Ranger Wing heading towards Central Park. CHIP: I don't think we could have helped. It was probably a robber the police can catch this time. GADGET: Sorry Chip, I just don't see what value a robber would have in a bunch of tools. It just sounds strange. What would a robber need all those tools for anyway? DALE: Maybe, to repair his getaway car. GADGET: Am I the only one who thinks this is strange? CHIP: It does sound, a little odd. But robbers just keep on getting stranger and stranger nowadays. Switch Scenes. In the main room of RRHQ. The Rangers are sitting on the couch watching the news. On the television, we can see a picture of the inside of a mechanic shop, with its shelves empty. STAN BLATHER: Police are still baffled as tools are disappearing off of store shelves at an alarming rate. This just one day before the official start of the first annual, New York Grand Prix. Chip gets up and turns off the television. CHIP: Well Gadget. It seems you where right about the disappearing tools. It looks like this is a job for the Rescue Rangers. GADGET: Great, we can go in my newest creation, the Rangercopter. RANGERS: [Except Gadget] Rangercopter!? Switch Scenes. In mid air. We zoom in on a small helicopter with the RR logo on its side. Gadget is at the controls. MONTY: Are you sh sh sure this is safe, ga ga Gadget, love? GADGET: Sure I'm Sure. We haven't had a problem yet, have we. Monty look down at the city. MONTY: That's what I'm afraid of. DALE: Look down there. Dale points to a racetrack almost directly below them. GADGET: That must be where they are having the New York Grand Prix. CHIP: Do you think that the robber may be a race car driver. GADGET: You're right Chip. Let's land and look around. Switch Scenes. The Race Track. There are several drivers and mechanics in the pit area working on several race cars. The Rangercopter lands on a building directly over some mechanics who are working hard on a race car. The Rangers get out and sneak over to the edge of the building. One mechanic is working on the engine of the race car while one is sitting in it with a clipboard, writing notes. MECHANIC1: Hey Bill. MECHANIC2: What Charlie. MECHANIC1: Did you see the race car that one woman is driving. MECHANIC2: You mean number 41. MECHANIC1: Yep. MECHANIC2: I heard she made it out of used parts, it doesn't even look like it would work. I mean, using garbage can lids for hubcaps. MECHANIC1: I can't believe they're even letting her drive it. CHIP: Gadget, did you hear that? GADGET: Golly Chip. I think we should start there. Dissolve to next scene. Inside of garage number 41. The Rangers come in through a window and drop down to a workbench. There is a sheet over a large object in the middle of the garage. Footsteps can be heard coming in through a front entrance. WOMAN: Laugh at me will they. All of the Rangers look stunned, the woman is wearing coveralls, just like Gadget's coveralls, but black with a red belt. She is wearing goggles, just like Gadget's goggles, but a darker blue. And her hair style looks just like Gadget's style. The only differences in appearance is that, she's human, her hair is black, and she is wearing shoes. All of the Rangers look at her, then look at Gadget, who is still stunned at the resemblance. WOMAN: For years, they've laughed at my inventions. But now, I'm going to have the last laugh. No more nice inventor, now I, Veronica Hacksaw, am going to show the world who I am! Gadget looks at the other Rangers. Veronica walks to the middle of the garage and pulls the sheet off of the object. The object is a race car that looks like something Gadget would build. MONTY: Crikey, Gadget, that looks like one of your inventions. GADGET: You're right, Monterey, but how could she know that... DALE: Maybe it was one of those, you know, coincid, coinciden... GADGET: Coincidences. DALE: Yeah, that's it. GADGET: Pretty close coincidence if you ask me. CHIP: More like a human twin. Veronica walks over to a large storage closet then opens it. GADGET: It's all the tools, she's a thief! CHIP: Better make that, evil human twin. GADGET: I'm going to get a better look at that car. Gadget takes off for the car. CHIP: Gadget! MONTY: Let 'er go Chip. Gadget jumps up and into the car. She makes her way to the engine. GADGET: No thief is going to get away when Gadget Hackwrench is on the case. She jumps up onto the engine block and starts to pull the cables to the spark plugs. Someone can be heard over an intercom. LOUDSPEAKER: Will driver number, 41, report to the starting line for a time trial please. VERONICA: Finally! She pulls out a remote control and presses a button on it which makes the garage door start to raise. She gets into the car, lowers her goggles, and tries to start the engine. The engine starts, makes a repetitive popping noise, then stops. VERONICA: Not now. She gets out of the car. Unlatches the engine cover, then lifts it. VERONICA: Maybe the timings... rodent! Where did you come from!? GADGET: Ahhh! Gadget tries to run but is grabbed by Veronica. VERONICA: That's strange, a rodent that looks just like me. Ah well. I guess I'll have to take care of you later. Once I win this race and all the prize money is mine, I can then use it to unleash my master plan. She walks over to the workbench and gets a small cloth bag. She puts Gadget in and closes it. She then puts the bag in a small compartment under the race car's seat. She looks at the engine and sees the problem. VERONICA: And you thought that would stop me. Nobody can stop me now. She reconnects the spark plug cables, closes and latches the engine cover, then gets into the race car. CHIP: Ohno! Switch Scenes. The race track starting line. Veronica appears around the corner of the pit and drives to the starting line. LOUDSPEAKER: Is the driver and uh, car, ready. She sticks out a thumb. INTERCOM: On your mark. Get set. Go. The car takes off. VERONICA: Okay, lets see what this car can do. Veronica turns onto a straight part of the track and floors the gas pedal. Switch View. We can see the Rangercopter approaching the racetrack very clumsily. We zoom in to see Chip at the controls, fighting the Rangercopter vigorously. MONTY: Chip! Keep er steady! CHIP: I'm trying to! But I'm no helicopter pilot! DALE: Wow, do you see how fast that race car's going. MONTY: That Veronica must be some sorta genius to be able to go that fast. Switch Views. Race Car. VERONICA: Wait till they get a load of this. Veronica presses a button on the dash that says boost. In a fiery blast, the race car is propelled forward at an incredibly fast speed. Switch Views. Rangercopter. DALE: Did you see that!? MONTY: Crikey, If she goes that fast, she's gonna get the prize money for sure. Switch Scenes. Inside of garage number 41. The garage opens and Veronica pushes the car into the garage. She gets out the remote and presses the button that causes the door to close. VERONICA: Prize money, here I come! She reaches under the seat of the race car and pulls out the cloth bag with Gadget in it. She opens the bag and pulls Gadget out of it. Gadget struggles but can't get free. VERONICA: Now to take care of you. Veronica puts her hand on her chin, just like Gadget does, and starts to think aloud. VERONICA: Now let's see. I know. Maybe if I keep you as a pet, you can do me some good for diversions. Veronica goes over to a desk and opens an empty drawer. She puts Gadget in and closes it. LOUDSPEAKER: Will driver 41 please report to the office for a meeting please. VERONICA: I wonder what they want. Veronica walks to the front of the garage, opens the door, and walks out. The rest of the Rangers run towards the desk containing Gadget. CHIP: No one keeps a Rescue Ranger as a pet. DALE: Especially Gadget. MONTY: Stand aside me lads. Monty jumps up on the drawer and pulls it open. Gadget pops out with a very mad expression on her face. GADGET: That does it. Monty, find me a screwdriver and a hammer. CHIP: Gadget, what are you doing? Monty runs back with the tools and hands them to Gadget. GADGET: She's going to get a prize all right, a surprise. Gadget runs to the race car and hops up in it. Metallic sounds can be heard coming from it. After a second, Gadget jumps down from the car, and walks over to the storage closet. She walks into the closet, some more metallic sounds can be heard again. She then walks out of the closet. GADGET: Now all we have to do is watch the race. Switch Scenes. Veronica's race car, outside. All the race cars are in their starting positions on the track. LOUDSPEAKER: Drivers, start your engines. All the drivers start their engines except Veronica, who is having trouble starting hers. VERONICA: Come on, one more time. Start. She turns the key which instantly causes the engine to make a whirring noise. The engine comes on with a loud bang and then starts sounding normal. VERONICA: I wonder if that rodent did something else. Na, I don't think rodents are that smart. LOUDSPEAKER: On your mark. The drivers start to rev up their engines. LOUDSPEAKER: Get set. The race cars start to inch forward. LOUDSPEAKER: Go! Veronica floors the gas pedal, instantly, the car starts to make a very loud metallic scratching noise. It then starts to vibrate. Some mechanics run out to try to help but step back immediately when the car starts to make an ear piercing whistling noise. LOUDSPEAKER: Something's wrong with car number 41 which is not going forward. All the other cars seem to be okay though. Pieces start to fall out of the bottom of the car and smoke is coming out from under the hood. Veronica unbuckles herself and jumps out of the car. The car's body starts to fall off. With one last puff of smoke and a loud bang, the cars engine drops out of its frame and onto the ground. LOUDSPEAKER: It looks like car number 41 is out of the race. Switch Views. The Stands. GADGET: Come on guys. It's not over yet. Dissolve to next scene. Garage 41. The garage door opens and Veronica steps in with several mechanics carrying pieces of the car. There is also a race official. OFFICIAL: If you want to race next year, your gonna have to get a real car! VERONICA: That was just a freak accident, really. You did see the time trials, did you? OFFICIAL: That doesn't matter. The bottom line is, your car fell apart on the race track while not going anywhere. It's going to take the cleanup crew 5 hours to clean up all the transmission fluid, oil, and fuel on the race track! One of the mechanics spot a strange wire across the garage attached to the storage closet door. MECHANIC: What's this? Veronica glances at where the wire is attached. VERONICA: Don't pull that! Too late. The mechanic pulls the wire which causes a very loud creaking noise. The doors come open with all the tools falling out onto the floor. Veronica looks at the mess, then looks up at the official. OFFICIAL: Well, looks like you're not going to be racing next year. VERONICA: Ye ye yes I wi will. Veronica turns and runs for the door but runs directly into Muldoon. VERONICA: Officer, well, looks like we found the missing tools. Ha ha. KIRBY: We sure did. VERONICA: I'll just be leaving now. MULDOON: Not so fast. Muldoon grabs Veronica and Kirby cuffs her. The camera pans down and over to the Rangers who are peeking around the back of one of the desks. CHIP: Good work Gadget. DALE: Yeah, way to go Gadget. GADGET: Thanks guys. By the way, where is the Rangercopter? DALE: Chip sorta crashed it. GADGET: No problem, why, with all these parts here, I can have the Rangercopter fixed in... Chip puts a paw on Gadget's shoulder. CHIP: Gadget, I think we'll go home instead. The Rangers walk out of the garage. Fade Out. ---------- On the next episode. Gadget has a secret admirer (or admirers) which leads to a very terrible surprise. Can Gadget get out of this one. On the next "Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench." ---------- If you have any suggestions about my stories, My E-Mail address is