The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench Episode 1 "Sizable Chances" (Part II)

By The RoboNerd (

Gadget Hackwrench, The Rescue Rangers, and Professor Nimnul are copyrighted to the Walt Disney Corporation and appear without permission.

Opening Scene.  Outside of the police station.

The camera fades in to around nighttime.

Escorted by several police cars, a black van pulls up to the police station
and drives into a parking garage.  The back van doors open and out step two
policemen escorting a very nervous Gadget.  Spanelli walks out of the 
police station and confronts one of the policemen.

SPANELLI:  Take her to the interrogation room.

Spanelli walks away towards the front of the police station.

Switch Scenes.  Inside of police station.

Muldoon and Kirby are guarding the door to the interrogation room.

KIRBY:  We'll I'm hearin' rumors that the FBI has somethin' to do with this.

MULDOON:  You wanna hear somethin' even stranger?

KIRBY:  What?

MULDOON:  She looks like one of those rodents Spanelli keeps on complanin' 

Spanelli walks around the corner with two FBI agents in sunglasses.

MULDOON: [Mumbling] There's one answered rumor for ya.

SPANELLI:  You boy's keep on guardin' this door.

One of the FBI agents walk forward.

FBI AGENT1:  Remember, you never saw us here.  And you were never guarding
        this door.

KIRBY & MULDOON:  Yes sir.

Kirby gives Muldoon a stunned glance and resumes his normal face.

The camera switches to the inside of the interrogation room.  Gadget is 
pacing, trying to think about what's going to happen to her.  The FBI 
agents walk in.  One of the agents lowers his sunglasses, gives an odd
expression then sits down.

FBI AGENT2:  Please sit down, you are in no danger here.

The second agent reaches into his pocket and pulls out a microcassette 
recorder and sits down on the table.  He then turns it on record.

FBI AGENT1:  First question...  Can you understand us?

She shakes her head yes.

The second official talks softly into the recorder.

FBI AGENT2:  The subject has answered yes to the question.

FBI AGENT1:  Are you affiliated in an organization with the initials, R,

She hesitates then nods.

FBI AGENT2:  The subject has answered again yes to the question.

FBI AGENT1:  Do the initials stand for, Rescue Ranger?

Gadget, surprised, gulps, then nods yes.

FBI AGENT2:  The subject has answered again yes to the question. 

The first agent reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a file with the
stamp, "Confidential," on it.  He opens the file and pulls out the 
vacation photos from "Double 'o Chipmunk," and lays them on the

FBI AGENT1:  Do you recognize these?

She looks down at a notepad that the second agent has been writing notes
on.  The agent turns the paper to a clean sheet and hands it to her along
with a pencil.  

GADGET: [Writing] How did you get those?

FBI AGENT2:  We'll ask the questions for now.

FBI AGENT1:  Does this object have any significance to you?

The second agent pulls out a slightly scratched Gigantigo gun and lays it
on the table.

She eyes the Gigantigo gun and hesitantly writes on the notepad.

GADGET: [Writing] Yes.

FBI AGENT2:  Could you tell us what it is then.

Gadget looks over to see the rest of the Rangers coming through a vent.  
She smiles and writes down a very scientific and Gadget-style answer.

GADGET: [Writing] It's a single-power-cell-driven, non-contact, molecular
        expander contractor, which happens to look like a gun.

FBI AGENT2:  Could you put that in plain English please.

GADGET: [Writing] Oh, that wouldn't be necessary, why would you want to 
        use it anyway?

The first FBI official gets up and starts to pace.

FBI AGENT2:  It seems you have stopped cooperating.

FBI AGENT1:  Please wait here and a military escort will be here shortly to
        pick you up.

She jumps out of her seat.

GADGET:  Military Escort!

The FBI agents hear her but all they hear is a bunch of mumbling.

Gadget looks at the gun which is still laying on the table.  Suddenly she
looks up and sees Chip, swinging from a rope, aiming for the gun.  He 
connects with the gun, effectively knocking it over to Gadget who picks it 
up, sets the knob to shrink, and aims it at herself.

Both FBI officials draw their guns and aim at her.

FBI AGENTS:  Put, it, down...

She pulls the trigger.  Almost instantly, a giant flash of blue and purple
illuminates the room.  The camera pans down to behold Gadget at her normal

FBI AGENT1:  Where did she go?

The second FBI agent walks around the table and looks down.  Gadget is at 
his feet.

FBI AGENT2:  What tha!

Gadget takes off for the door which has been opened by Spanelli who has 
heard the commotion.

FBI AGENT2:  Stop that mouse!

SPANELLI:  Where!?

MULDOON:  We got it Spanelli!

Gadget makes it halfway down the hall, turns and runs into a stairwell.  
She runs down the first flight of stairs and stops at a door, which is 

GADGET:  Ohno!

She hears footsteps of someone coming up the stairs.  She ducks down as a
man walks up to the door, and unlocks it.  When he walks out and starts to
shut the door behind him,  she makes a run for it, almost getting her tail
caught in the door.  She has entered the parking garage.

GADGET: [Breathing Rapidly] Golly, that was close.

The rest of the Rangers come around a corner running.

RANGERS: [Except Gadget] Gadget!

She starts to run towards them but stops when she sees Muldoon, Kirby, 
Spanelli, and the two FBI agents coming quickly around the corner chasing 

RANGERS: [Except Gadget] Run!

Gadget starts to run in the same direction towards the exit to the outside
of the parking garage.

As she finally makes the exit to the parking garage, she turns around and
sees only Dale running and Zipper flying.  She looks on to see Spanelli 
holding Monty and Chip in his hands.

SPANELLI:  Gotcha, rodents!

DALE:  Gadget!

GADGET:  Ohno, Chip, Monterey.  How could they?!

The first FBI agent turns around and sees Gadget, Dale, and Zipper.

FBI AGENT1: [Pointing at Gadget and Dale] Get them!

Kirby starts chasing them.

GADGET: [Backing Up] Maybe we should get out of here!

DALE: [Nervous] I'm with you.

They turn around and run down the road towards central park.

Switch Scenes.  RRHQ Morning.

As we zoom in to RRHQ and fade in to behold the main room, we can see
Gadget and Dale.  Dale is pacing and Gadget is sitting down with a paw
on her head thinking.

DALE:  I say we go back there and show them who's boss.

GADGET:  Don't be silly.  We can't just go back there and use force, we have
        to be logical about this.

DALE:  Well I think my plan's better.  They could be dead at this very 
        minute and we are doing nothing but sitting here trying to be 

GADGET:  That's logical.  Dale, I'm Second in Command, and what I say goes.
        Now sit down and listen to my plan.

DALE: [Anxious] Oh it better be a great one.

GADGET:  Or else what?

DALE:  Or else, uh, er, um, don't know.

Dale sits down and Gadget starts to whisper in his ear.

Switch Scenes.  In front of the police station.

An armored van pulls up and two army guards get out of it.

Spanelli, Kirby, and Muldoon walk out of the police station.  Spanelli has
Chip and Monty in a cage.

MONTY:  I don't like the looks of that van one bit.

CHIP:  Neither do I...  But we don't really have a choice.

MONTY:  SIGH, Maybe this is how it'll end...

Chip glances over towards a corner of the police station and sees Dale 

CHIP: [Pointing at Dale] Look!  It's Dale!

DALE:  Hey fatsos, catch me if you can!!!  Ha, ha!!!

Just to make sure they heard him, he pulls a small plastic bag out of his
pocket, blows it up, and pops it.

SPANELLI:  It's one of those rodents.  Get it!

Muldoon and Kirby proceed to chase Dale, the guards follow shortly.  
Spanelli puts down the cage and starts to run with them.

The camera zooms in on the cage.  

GADGET:  Hi guys.

CHIP:  Gadget, you gotta get us out of this cage.

GADGET:  No problem Chip.

She turns around and, using her tail, opens the lock.

CHIP:  I sure wish I could do that.  Thanks Gadget.

MONTY:  What about Dale?!

CHIP:  We better go help him!

GADGET:  Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Dale knows what to do.

MONTY & CHIP:  What?

They turn around to see Dale coming around the other corner of the police
station.  Gadget pulls out a remote control and adjusts a big knob on it.
Suddenly, the Gyromobile comes out from under the van and towards the 
corner.  She pushes a button on the remote which causes the Gyromobile to 
release an oil slick on the pavement right behind Dale.  Kirby, Muldoon,
Spanelli, and the two guards come around the corner, slide on the slick, 
and pile on top of each other.

DALE:  You did it Gadget!

Switch Scenes

The camera wipes in to reveal the Rangers in the Rangermobile, returning

MONTY:  That was a bonzer idea Gadget love!  How did you think of that?

GADGET:  Nothing hard.  I watched a spy movie with Dale a few nights ago
        and saw a couple of things that gave me some ideas.

Chip, hearing this, turns real mad and looks back at Dale, who blushes and
gives Chip a raspberry in return.

The camera stops moving with the Rangermobile, and we can see it going 
down the road.

GADGET:  I also had to do some small calculations, well, not small but 
        basic, wellactually not basic if you are speaking from a simple 
        mathematics standpoint, but I'm speaking from a complex standpoint,
        but then again...

MONTY:  Gadget love, we got the idea.

Fade Out

If you have any suggestions about my stories, My E-Mail address is


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