The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench Special Very Short Story "Emmy Award Nomination" By The RoboNerd ( |
ANNOUNCER: And to present the award for Best Cartoon Character In An Animated Series, here are Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse. Bugs Bunny walks out onto the stage waving with one hand while munching on a carrot with the other. Mickey Mouse walks out on the opposite side, waving with both hands. BUGS: Here are tha nominees for Best Cartoon Character In An Animated Series. BUGS: Brain, for, Pinky and the brain. The camera pans down to a front row seat. BRAIN: Yes, yes, it's working, it's working. PINKY: Uh, what's working Brain? BRAIN: Do you realize Pinky, that if I win this award, all of the cartoon fans around the world will see me as the supreme cartoon character, and they will follow my every move, they will do my bidding, they will help me to. AUDIENCE: We know, we know, try to take over the world, get on with it already. BRAIN: Take note Pinky, the lowest common denominator. PINKY: The lowest common den o moo naa tur, right. MICKEY: Homer Simpson, for, The Simpsons. The camera pans over to a middle row. BART: Hey, way to go dad. HOMER: Thanks son, just remember the three T's. TV, TV Guide, and TV. LISA: Dad, you said TV twice. HOMER: Lisa, TV is the most important of the three T's. The camera zooms back up to the stage. BUGS: And, Gadget Hackwrench, for, The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench. The camera zooms in to another front row. The audience starts to give a loud Cheer as Gadget blushes. One thing that is really noticable is that Gadget is the only one dressing casually. The camera zooms in on Pinky and Brain. BRAIN: You see, there's no contest Pinky. PINKY: Right, no, wait, no, no, that's not good, not good. BRAIN: What is it Pinky? PINKY: You know Gadget Hackwrench? BRAIN: You mean the mouse with no fashion sense? PINKY: Right, now, I've been watching her show, and, The RoboNerd, the show's writer, really did a good job in making the show. Plus Gadget has alot of fans over the Internet who always send E-Mail to her. BRAIN: And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? MICKEY: As you know, this is the first Emmy award to be voted on over the Internet. BRAIN: Ohh, noo. BUGS: And tha award goes to. Long drumrole as Mickey opens the envelope. MICKEY: Gadget Hackwrench for The Adventures Of Gadget Hackwrench. The and the Rescue Rangers who are sitting beside her start to cheer aloud. Gadget gets up and walks up to the podium, Bugs hands her the Emmy. GADGET: Golly this is exciting. Well, I would first like to thank the millions of fans over the Internet who voted for me to receive this award. I would especially like to thank The RoboNerd for creating such a good series, I would also like to thank, Chip, Dale, Monty, and Zipper. You guys deserve this award more than I. Well technically, that wouldn't be possible because the award is under my name, but, it would be nice to say it could happen some day, wellactually, I really would not want to give this award up but if it happened to where one of you could inherit it but... Bugs walks over and wispers in her ear. BUGS: Time's up doc. As Gadget walks to the back of the stage, escorted by Mickey and Bugs, we again pan down to Pinky and Bran. BRAIN: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering. PINKY: I think so Brain, but aren't soy bean plants dead this time of year. BRAIN: Your ignorance appals me Pinky. PINKY: Jee thanks Brain. BRAIN: Don't you realize, if we had millions of fans over the Internet just like that mouse, we could come back next year and... AUDIENCE: Don't even say it. As we start to hear the "Pinky and the Brain" jingle, the camera fades out. If you have any suggestions about my stories, My E-Mail address is