Disclaimer (please read carefully):

Certain aspects of "The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench" are (c) 1998 The N. RoboNerd. Gadget Hackwrench and the Rescue Rangers are respectfully (c) 1998 Walt Disney and are used without permission. "The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench (TAOGH)" is not a Disney production and should not be considered one. The RoboNerd hearby claims that no profit is being made from any part of this page and its associated material. All services on this page are free and no money is being charged for anything. The Internet Service Provider "Simplenet" is in no way responsible for the content of this page, it is the responsibility of the maintainer (Julie Bihn). Some elements have been contributed by other parties and have not asked for payment of any kind for their work. Thank you for your time.

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