Treachery "I don't think you realize the gravity of this situation, Negotiator. Everything hinges upon our plans." Rosewater grinned. "Leave Dorothy alone!" Roger shouted. "I'm afraid it's too late for that, Roger Smith." "So this is what my helping you has led to, isn't it? So that you can use me for your own ends? Use me to do your dirty work? Allowing me to lead Dorothy right to you!" "Dorothy will know what to do when the time comes, Mr. Smith. Until then, she's all yours." "Roger, you must stop. This will not solve anything." Dorothy pleaded. "How can you stand there and say that after they've violated and used you?!" Roger asked. "I will do what is necessary. That is all you need to know. Until that day, my contract with you remains. You will protect me." "So they can do whatever it is they want with you when they want?" "I am capable of making my own decisions." "Dorothy!" "Enough!" "Mr. Negotiator, there's something here I think you would be very interested in seeing." Alex offered. "And what would that be?" Roger asked, angrily. "Why don't you see for yourself?" Rosewater pushed a button and a small video screen rose up from his desk. Static lines sparkled across it for a moment, then they were replaced by an image that made Roger's draw hang open for a second. "N-It's not possible!" "Actually, I'm afraid it is." "They. . .were real? But, I though that was all a dream. . ." "Sorry to disappoint you." On the screen were three giant robots, poised in an attack posture. Roger's eyes widened. "How long have they been there?" "Over a day now. They crossed half of the sound, nearing the small island at the port. Then, they just stopped. It would seem as though they are waiting for something." Roger turned to face his android companion. "Dorothy?" "I am afraid I don't know what they are waiting for, Roger." "How come I never heard about this?" "We've blocked the media coverage. And we've also told the Military Police to back off. They aren't in view of most of the city, and anyone who has seen them, has found that most people are. . .unwilling. . .to listen." Alex explained. "Then, what could-" "I suggest you pay them a visit and find out for yourself. Good day, Roger Smith." Rosewater turned his chair around, effectively dismissing the two other occupants of the room. No sooner had Roger left the office in disgust, with his favorite android on his heels, when he heard the familiar ring of a bullet striking a wall. That was always cause for alarm, but it was even moreso when the place where the bullet struck was only a quarter of an inch from one's head. "Dorothy!" Roger yelled, in a tone the android had come to know an identify. It meant that she should beat a hasty retreat in Roger's direction. And in that moment, Dorothy was inclined to agree. And so they ran, as fast as possible, down a corridor. Roger thought he might have heard one or two more gunshots ring out while he ran, but he didn't feel any strike him. And since Dorothy's body was more or less impervious to bullets, he had no cause for added concern. Dorothy ran quickly, right behind Roger. She could have easily overtaken him, but she didn't want to appear rude. Besides, with her bringing up the rear, she could easily take any bullets aimed at Roger. The hallway had only one exit, a door. Roger arrived at it and threw it open, then began tackling the steps that were inside. After three flights of stairs, he burst threw another door and found himself on the roof. He quickly escorted Dorothy after him, then shut the door. Roger ran to the edge of the roof and looked down. He almost felt dizzy. "It would seem as though we're trapped up here." Dorothy observed. "Not quite. We can always jump." "Somehow I don't believe that would be the most prudent course." The opening of the door and several gunshots quickly changed her mind. "Come on!" Roger shouted. Dorothy ran to the side of the building. Roger jumped. Dorothy followed. Quickly, the Negotiator reached out to grab the flagpole he knew would be coming up. Suddenly, he saw it, and reached. Roger grabbed it. Unfortunately, it was with his bad arm. At that moment, Dorothy managed to grab Roger's good arm by the hand. However, her rather violent stop had the adverse effect of breaking Roger's harm, and he screamed openly. "Roger!" Dorothy called, in a very concerned voice. She couldn't understand what kind of pain he must be going through, but she knew it must be immense. "Roger, hold on!" "That's what I'm doing, Dorothy!" "Your arm is broken." "Yeah, you noticed, huh?" he said through clenched teeth. Dorothy noticed how Roger tried to keep his nonchalant demeanor, even in situations like this. "Roger, you will not be able to survive like this. You will have to let go of me." "I'm sorry, Dorothy. But you know I can't do that. Our contract calls for me to protect you. I don't think letting you fall seventy-odd stories would be considered a show of faith." "If you do not drop me, then I will let go of you." "No!" Roger yelled, channeling some of his pain into it. "Don't you dare!" "Then what do you propose?" "There's a building across from this one. How far above it do you think we are?" Dorothy paused for a moment. Seven hundred, sixty-eight meters. "Then we still have a chance. Can you reach my watch?" "Yes." "There's a grapple inside of it. If you can aim it down and at that building, you should be able to snag it." "Understood." Dorothy replied. She fumbled with the watch briefly, but managed to finesse it off of Roger. "Press the button in the lower left corner." Roger explained. Dorothy aimed in the direction of the building and did as she was told. As Roger had predicted, the grapple shot out from the watch, and headed for the building. A few seconds later, Dorothy pulled, and found the line taught. "I've got it!" "Good." Roger felt his grip slipping, his strength was definitely ebbing away. "Okay, this is the tricky part, Dorothy. I have to let go." "Yes." "Attach the watch to one of your wrists, and you'll use that one to dangle us from. Then you catch me with your other arm." "All right." Roger smirked. "You won't miss, will you?" "Roger." Dorothy said in a scolding voice. "Sorry." A stabbing pain told him that now might be a good time to start. "You ready?" "Yes." "All right, here goes everything!" Roger released his grip on the pole, waiting for gravity to claim him. He was not disappointed. Dorothy reached out to grasp Roger's wounded, but not broken, limb. Roger reached out for Dorothy. As promised, Dorothy's aim was true. Roger's was not. He missed her proffered hand. Panicking, he reached a second time and caught hold of Dorothy's leg. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked up to assure Dorothy he was okay, but he found himself greeted with a clear view up Dorothy's skirt. Dreadfully embarrassed, (although slightly aroused) Roger attempted to avert his eyes, but they always seemed to travel back where they ought not to. As they swung towards the building, Dorothy looked down a Roger and followed his gaze. "You're a louse, Roger Smith." She stated, as they approached the wall of the building. "That's not the first time you've told me that." Dorothy said nothing, but shifted her position. She extended her legs outward so that they would take the impact of the wall. When they made contact, Roger was impressed that her legs didn't break right through the wall. Whatever it was, the building was obviously well made. Recovering, Dorothy looked at the window that was just next to them. She swung over and deposited Roger on the convenient ledge. He used his good arm to let himself in. Dorothy followed moments later. They found themselves in what seemed to be an office supply room. Roger was holding his broken arm with the less damaged one. "Can you walk?" Dorothy asked. "Yeah, I think so, but maybe you should drive home." Roger responded. "You need to be taken to the hospital." "No. Norman can take care of me. He knows how to set a broken arm. Besides, a hospital isn't the safest place for either of us to be. I have enemies, as you just encountered first hand." "They could be my enemies." "Were they?" "I do not know." "Then let's just call them 'our enemies' for the time being." "All right." "Dorothy, we have a lot to talk about when we get back." "I understand." "Good." "Roger?" "Yeah?" "Do you think Rosewater was right when he said we make a 'good team?" "Dorothy, a while ago, I would have said no. But after today, I don't think anything could be more true." Dorothy would have blushed if she could have. "Thank you." She then carefully escorted Roger out of the building. ************************************************************************ I hope you all enjoyed this newest installment! I still have lots more to do with this story, I promise! As always, keep sending in those reviews! I love reading them, especially you people who take the time to single out what they thought was really good. It helps me shape future fics. You may also feel free to send your questions, comments, love letters, death threats, marriage proposals, and ransom demands to: Lord Malachite As always, standard disclaimers apply. I don't own "The Big-O," I'm just blatantly borrowing its characters without permission, in order that I might express myself. I'm not making any profit off of your creations, Sunrise, so don't bother! I don't recommend suing me either, because what little I own, is already owed to the government, or to Mastercard. And remember! Marriage proposals are better e-mailed! Unless of course you want to let everyone know how you really feel about me..... (j/k) This is the end of the file! Are you still reading? =============================================================== = This has been an official Swead Entertainment fanfic! = = Visit Swead Entertainment @ = ===============================================================