---===[ Shortwave DX Log ]===---
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Here are reception reports from my many shortwave radio DXing sessions. DXing (or to DX) is like listening to the radio, except it is less passive. More time is spent tuning in distant stations in order to get an optimum signal. For those of you not knowledgable about shortwave radio, QSL will be explained later when I start pursuing it.

Linked frequences have a short MP3 recording attached. UTC time is obtained using NIST's WWV (5, 10, 15, 20 MHz) or CHU Canada (7.335 MHz). The date is in the Central time zone. The location that I am DXing at, unless otherwise noted, is Sand Springs, Oklahoma, USA.

frequency (MHz) name time (utc) date QSL? reception notes
5.745 22:55 10/01/02 no 1 of 5 Tennessee station? Slight RFI. Slight skip.
5.950 22:49 10/01/02 no 2 of 5 Asian station. Slow moderate skip. Slight RFI.
6.090 22:44 10/01/02 no 1 of 5 Religious station? Slight skip. Slight RFI.
11.990 Radio Kuwait 20:48 9/25/02 no 1 of 5 Heavy sporadic skip. Noisy RFI. Broadcasting to North America. English brodcast.

Last Updated: 10/18/02 - robonerd.freeshell.org - kwrite