The Ranger Plane...
This was the earliest of the Rescue Rangers' arsenal. It's easy to describe as the bulky bleach bottle, with a large red balloon attached to the top. The wings flapped up and down like a bird.
The Ranger Wing...
"She's really gone too far this time Chip. She's got the bloomin propellers facin the wrong way."
This quote pretty much describes the Ranger Wing. The Ranger Wing is cool. It can do vertical take off's, hover, and fly. This is, by far, one of Gadget's coolest inventions.
The Rangermobile...
The skateboard with the fan attached to the back? Yep, that's the Rangermobile. Although it looks bulky, it goes pretty fast. There were two versions of this. One used a ordinary table fan, the other used a
hair drier.
The Turbocharged Dustbuster...
Gadget described it as a, "turbocharged Dustbuster, with reversed polarity, rack and pinyin steering, and hydrofoil suspension."
Let's just say, you'll recognize it when you see it. Appeared on "S.S. Drainpipe."
The Plunger Harpoon...
I wouldn't mind having one of these to shoot at my neighbors dog when she starts barking. The body of the Plunger Harpoon is a pencil. The projectile is, you guessed it, a plunger (actually a suction dart, but we will call it a plunger).
The Gyromobile...
This was modified one time. The first model was wrecked (sabotaged) during "The Case of the Cola Cult." The modified version is at the very end of the episode.
The Glass Cutter...
"Gadget, do you always carry a glass cutter?"
"No, just when I want to cut glass."
The Bagpipe Express...
It's amazing that it flew. The Bagpipe Express is undoubtedly one of Gadget's wackyest inventions. It appeared in "Good Times, Bat Times."
The Submarine(s)...
There were three of these. The first one was destroyed by All Hands the octipus in "Creep From the Deep." The second one was destoroyed by an Octipus (again!?) in "The PiRats." And the third one was destroyed by Rat Capone in "S.S. Drainpipe."
I'll bet there's a bunch of people out there (including me) who can't figure out how Gadget was able to turn a cigarette lighter into a blowtorch.
The Ranger Boat...
It got destroyed by a shark on it's very first episode, "Chipwrecked Shipmunks." Who knows what kind of cases the Rangers could have solved with it.
The Other Stuff...
There is more. Lots more. I just can't type it all down in one sitting can I? It would spoil the fun of it. I will have more stuff listed here, eventually.