CDRR Fanfiction

The Stories...

The following is an independant archive of CDRR fanfiction. They are located on my AOL server space for your enjoyment. If you wish to submit a story to this archive. Please see "E-Mailing the Maintainer," for more information.

Story Title Description Author
"Never Underestimate the Power of the Dale" Dale decides to get even with Chip for something he did. Robert "Robo|\|erd" Hollingshead
"Home Is Where You Hang Upside Down" Foxglove returns to the Rangers to try to get Dale's attention. Roy Neal Grissom
"Revelation" Gadget has a near death experience and realizes that she's been ignoring certain things in her life. Christopher "Malachite" Sweeters
"A Walk In The Park" Chip takes a walk in Central Park. But all the time he can only think of Gadget. Karen "Kat" Mollet
"A Syllabus Of Comedies" The Rangers act in varios parts to stories like Robin Hood. (Author has voluntarily rated this PG-13. Read disclaimer at beginning of story for more information.) Roy Neal Girssom
"Memories" Gadget is forced to remember her past and ends up learning more about herself. Robert "Robo|\|erd" Hollingshead

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