Disney Adventure Comics

This is a uniqe list of the Rescue Ranger comics that appeared in the Disney Adventure magazine. These are not to be confused with the Disney Afternoon comics that Marvel produced. The DA's were and still are the size of a Readers Digest or TV Guide. Sadly, Rescue Rangers has all but disappeared from the magazine. If you would like a little more explanation of a certain story, E-Mail me.


September 1994

I do not own this particular one, but a friend let me borrow it from him. It has been rumored that this DA mag never appeared on shelves in september 94 but was available to people who joined the POWER RANGERS fan club (one guess as to who appears on the cover), so it might be quite hard to find. Below is the information on this mag and the CDRR comic inside of it.

September 1994
COVER: The Power Rangers
RR STORY: "Legend of the Chaos God," part 2
I can't really comment on this story because I don't have part 1.

The problem here is, there is appearantly more parts to this story, and I don't have them. I will be trying to track them down but it might take some time..

November 1990
COVER: Rick Moranis
RR STORY: "The Cheez-O-Cheaters"
The Rangers discover that someone has been replacing all the cheese in town with a new kind. For some reason, this cheese causes mice who have cheese attacks to not be able to control themselves. (This story also appears in the pages of issue 1 of the The Colossal Comics Collection.)

December 1990
COVER: Fred Savage, Chip, Dale, and Monterey Jack.
RR STORY: "Great Grand Prix"
While watching Gadget's best friend compete in a car race, the Rangers discover that someone has sabotaged her race car.

January 1991
COVER: Alyssa Milano, Scrooge McDuck and his Nephews.
RR STORY: "Postage Don't"
While making Christmas cards for Gadget, Chip and Dale discover that all the postage stamps in the city are missing.

February 1991
COVER: Bob Saget, Roger Rabbit, and Baby Herman.
RR STORY: "Knowledge Is Power"
Old do-it-yourself repair books and underground maps are disappearing from the library and the Rangers try to figure out who is taking them.

March 1991
COVER: John Candy and Baloo.
RR STORY: "Gone With The Breeze"
Dale gets a heart-thrilling ride with a parachute in the wind after he falls out of the Ranger Plane.

April 1991
COVER: Wierd Al Yankovich and Launchpad McQuack.
RR STORY: "Things That Go Bump In The Night"
Dale has a premonition about the Rangers being blown up. But the Rangers soon find out that they just might be.

May 1991
COVER: Joe Montanna and Goofy.
RR STORY: "New Kid On The Dock" (eeegad!)
The Rangers help a poor mouse and find out that a gang of rats are trying to take over the dock where he lives.

June 1991
COVER: Bronson Pinchot and the Rescue Rangers. 8)
RR STORY: "Homewreckers"
An animal retirement home's residence is about to be evicted and the Rangers suspect foul play.

July 1991
COVER: That Rocketeer guy.
RR STORY: "Take This Ranger Please"
Dale gets kidnapped by some of Fat Cat's henchmen on the way back to RRHQ.

August 1991
COVER: Hulk Hogan
RR STORY: "Meaner Than A Junkyard Cat"
Gadget gets a necklace from a so called secret admirer that ends up hypnotizing her when she wears it.

December 1991
COVER: Paula Abdul
RR STORY: "A Ranger By Any Other Name"
The Rangers encounter a group of children who want to be Rescue Rangers.

February 1992
COVER: The characters from the sitcom "Dinosaurs"
RR STORY: "His Honor, Fat Cat"
The Rangers return from a case to find Fat Cat running for mayor. Naturally, something's up.

September 1992
COVER: Luke Perry and Roger Rabbit.
RR STORY: "Phantom Of The Orpheum"
While getting some snacks during a movie, Dale gets kidnapped.

June 1993
COVER: Micheal Jackson and Pinnochio
RR STORY: "The Elm Street Whiz Kid"
The Rangers investigate why Chip's Cousin's Kids are goofing off all the time and find a high tech club house.

January 1994
COVER: Beethoven (the dog) and Jafaar.
RR STORY: "Blackout"
All of New York city has a blackout during a Spider Moon and Monty's prediction about bad luck starts to come true.

April 1994
COVER: The Power Rangers
RR STORY: "Cake Walk"
The rest of the Rangers decide that Dale needs to go on a diet. To top that off, Fat Cat has another scheme involving micecakes.

April 1996
COVER: A Dinosaur
RR STORY: "The Good Deed"
To me, this ONE PAGE story is nothing more than an insult to RR. Monty, Zipper, and Gadget don't even appear, and the only cat turns out to be a good samaritan, all in one page. I truly hope this is not to be Disney Adventure's last CDRR comic.

Finding DA Mags
I suggest that you try either flea markets, used book stores that carry old magazines, or the Goodwill.

Advertisements For Rescue Ranger Merchandise
Advertisements for the Chip 'n Dale fudge bars and the Capcom game for Nintendo have appeared in more than one DA mag.

Mickey's Toontown
In the February 1994 DA, there is a special comic with the characters in Mickey's Toontown. Chip, Dale, and Gadget are in it.

In the March 1991 DA, there are two RR pictures on page 8. The first one on the top of the page is a picture of Gadget thinking about a DA magazine. The second one is an interesting group shot of all the Rangers in what appears to be Gangster outfits. There is also an okay picture of Dale on page 12 of the October 1994 DA.

The Very Hard To Find Picture Of Gadget
There is a very hard to find picture of Gadget. I'll give you two hints. It came before 1993 and has to do with Europe and the Disney Channel.

The Rangers Appearing On The Cover
There are three of these. The first one is the December 1990 DA which has Fred Savage on the back of Santa's sled, with Chip, Dale, and Monty. The second one is the June 1991 DA. It has Bronson Pinchot riding a rollercoaster with the Rangers. The third one is on the August 1993 DA. It has the kid from the movie "Dennis The Menace," and he has Chip and Dale in the front pocket of his overalls while he is getting ready to fire a slingshot.

The Colossal Comics Collection
This was a collection of comics that appeared in the Disney Adventure magazine. It is the size of the original DAs. Several issues exist. The Comics Collection also contains a number of comics, including RR. It has been confirmed (because I have issue 1) that RR appears in issue 1. More issues will be confirmed as other issues surface either by people I know, or issues that I find.

Quality Degeneration
If you have a sizable amount of the DA RR comics listed here, you might notice that as the issues progress, the RR get's progessively worse. As far as I'm concerned, I belive that the first DA issue is the best of them all in both story quality and drawing quality. In later issues, you start noticing quality problems. Colors seem to change. RRHQ get's moved to the top of a building (although only in two stories and fixed afterwards). Gadget, in a few cells of certain issues, looks like a boy. Sometimes the Rangers look deformed. And the final insult, the humans in one story, are replaced with dogs that look like their straight from "Goof Troop." It should be noted that RR was carried on in the pages of DA long after Rescue Rangers was pulled from production, I have no idea whether this was a contributing factor to the Quality Degeneration or not.

RR In Future Issues
I highly doubt that new Issues will ever have RR again. Considering the fact that the last issue was so much of an insult, ask yourself this. Do we ever want DA to produce another one? Given the quality degeneration, the next one could be worse, and even more painful.

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