GUIDE TO THE WAV FILES IN THIS "MOREVLF.ZIP" FILE: -------------------------------------------------- All these files were recorded in 11 kHz sampling rate/ 8 bit data mono mode using Creative Labs SoundOLE or Wave Editor for the SB16 sound card. The following files were originally recorded onto tape cassette by either Mike Mideke of San Simeon, Ca or Steve McGreevy of San Rafael. Home-brew VLF receivers of several designs were used: In the case of Mike Mideke, several possible designs of his were used including his RS-3 and RS-4 designs. His recordings were made from his ranch homestead 9 miles north-west of San Simeon, CA. Steve McGreevy used his WR-4B VLF receiver (allows for a variety of "front-ends" and antenna configurations pluggable into a main control panel operated "bedside" inside of his van on various camping/road trips. SKAUCHOR.WAV Taped 25 Sept. 1993 at around 0930 UTC 20 km. north of Watrous, Saskatchewan parked on a dirt road in a wheat field about 250 meters from powerlines (hence somewhat louer powerline hum than desired). Interesting Auroral chours and whistlers recorded during faint auroral display. Risers, hiss, and peculiar whistlers are heard in this 31.5 sec. segmant. Taped by S.P. McGreevy, using McGreevy version of Mideke RS-3 modified for hand-held use with 1 meter whip antenna. NDWVTONS.WAV (12 sec.) 22 Sept. 1993, about 1830 UTC 7 miles north of Rolla, ND and just a few milesa from Manitoba Border. Very loud hissband with strange upwardly wavering tone emissions of extreme purity--sort of like a tropical bird call! Taped by S.P. McGreevy, using McGreevy version of Mideke RS-3 modified for hand-held use with 1 meter whip antenna. PUWHICA.WAV (13 sec.) Nice, pure whistlers and hissband, recorded ny Michael Mideke using his one various array of whistler receivers (RS-2, RS-3, etc.) near San Simeon, CA (Baldwin Ranch) in 1989 or 1990. Taken from his "INTRO TO NATURAL RADIO" cassette developed for the NASA Inspire experiments in Spring 1992. PUWHS2.WAV (15 sec.) Another recording taken from Mike's "INTRO TO NATURAL RADIO" cassette. Series of nice, loud pure whistlers. WHEPKWHI.WAV (44 sec.) I taped these weak pure whistlers while van-camped at Wheeler Peak Campsite (Great Basin National Park), campsite 25, on 16 Sept. 1994 with a 500 ft. wire strung to the north- east at about 6-15 feet above the ground in the aspen and fir trees. A lovely dawn was occurring with beautiful orange an other colors. These whistlers and associated sferics were probably occurring from nasty t-storms pummeling Dallas, Texas and eastern Nebraska (Omaha area). The geomag.-indices were also rather low (A=6-7, K=0-1, SF in the 80's). Not the most impressive resording of whistlers but it was a very pretty moment there by that awesome mountain! Taped via McGreevy WR-4B and longwire front-end unit. SOFTWHIS.WAV (71 sec.) T-storms in the Plains and Rockies were launching this multitude of very hissy (diffuse) whistlers, taped on 13 June 1993 near Berlin, Nevada (Ghost town) at about 1330 UTC with WR-4B and 15 foot vertical wire. PURE0891.WAV` (58 sec.) An early recording of pure whistlers taped in Marin County, CA on 16 Sept. 1991 with McGreevy BBB-2 whip ant. receiver and funky Craig 212 3-inch reel-to-reel machine with speed variations. This was the year I really began taping natural radio in earnest, and there was plenty to hear during this Solar Maximum period! CA_CHOR.WAV (32 sec.) A Mike Mideke recording of dawn chorus and evident mag. field micro-pulsations (undulations in the chorus trains). Taken from his INTRO TO NATURAL RADIO TAPE at its closing. recorded in Cen. CA at Mike's Ranch listening site in 1990 or 1991. For more information about the WR-3 and WR-3E VLF receivers or for comments regarding these recordings, contact Steve McGreevy at: --or--