Hey, Here is that thing i told you about, I will get the application in as soon as possible for your club. The following LONG article details all of the bosses in Squares masterpiece, Final Fantasy VII. It will have the HP and MP of each guy (thanks to the sense materia) and what to use / not use on the bosses. Enjoy. NOTE: Some of the people don't have the HP MP etc filled in. Once i find them i will tell you. Also, if anyboy has this stuff, please tell me NOTE2: These are the order that you would meet them in the game if done chronologically. BY: G L A C I E R X 2 GUARD SCORPION: AREA: Mako Reacter No. 1 HP: 800 MP: 0 EXP: 100 GIL: 100 Criticle to Lighting....impervious to Gravity You will fight this boss with only Cloud Strife and Barret Wallace. Have Cloud use Bolt on the Boss while Barret uses his normal attacks. After being hit enough, the Guard Scopion raises it's tail and geings to shake violently, at which point Cloud warns Barret to be careful. DO NOT ATTACK WHEN THIS HAPPENS. Being early in the game, the attack that it uses when you attck with it's tail up does 75 points of damage to both character (which is a lot). When it returns to it's normal stance, attack. Complete this while keeping HP up with Potions to get past Make Reacer No.1 AIR BUSTER AREA: Raid on Sector 5 Reactor HP: 1200 MP: 0 EXP: 180 GIL: 150 Criticle to Lighting....impervious to Gravity After the good Presidnet Shinra leaves, Air buster comes. Luckly he's surrounded by your guys. You fight him with Cloud, Tifa, and Barret. Use Bolt a lot, and his attacks raise your limit breaks up fast, so use them. Your attacks take away more when he's not facing the person attacking him at the moment. He has a counterattack and an attack called Big Bomber which takes a way a goo 150 hp from each of your characters. Beat Air Buster to receive the Titan Bangle. APS AREA: The Seweres HP: 1800 MP: 25 EXP: 250 GIL: ???? Critical to Fire Aps has an attack he uses a lot called the Sewer Tsunami. It's weird because not only does it do damage to all your members of your party, But does damage to aps as well. Use Fire a lot in this battle, it's Aps main weakness. If cloud has his cross slash limit breat, use that to paralyze Aps for a bit. Just keep health up and use fire to destroy aps in no time. Reno Of the Turks Area: Pillar HP: ??? MP: ??? EXP: ??? Gil: ??? This fight shouldn't be to hard if you have a lot of potions. Reno's main attacks are the Electro-Mag (which can temporarily stun you) and the Pyramid. The Pyramid "stones" your person and the only way to break it is to attack it (one of barrets hit should do it). Fire and Ice seem to cause the Downfall or Reno quicker then any other attack. Barret's "BIG SHOT" limit break does a hefty amount of damage to reno. Smaple: HO512 and Sample: HO512-opt Area: Shinra Tower HP: ??? MP: ??? EXP: ??? Gil: ??? HO512 is a boss that even has it's own little workers. He has a Posion attack. Use antidotes to counter this. Attack HO with barrets long range weapon, and use fire and ice on the boss himself. Don't attack the smaller guys, because HO512 can regenerate the HO512-opts. It shouldn't be to hard if you cure the poision effects quickly HUNDRED GUNNER + Heli Gunner Area: Shinra Tower HP: 1600 MP: 0 EXP: 330 Gil: 300 Hundred gunner is hard to beat by the fact that only Long Range weapons can attack him (barret). Definately use Bolt in this battle, takes away a good 474 from the boss. As it begins to charge it's super weapon, this gives your guys a good chance to each get two shots in. After the Hundred Gunner is gone, Heli appears. It's basically the same thing as Hundred, but Heli is stronger and faster. Rufus and the Dark Nation Area: Shinra Tower HP: 500 MP: 0 EXP: 240 GIL: 400 First order of business, equip cloud with the ELEMENTAL-LIGHTNING combination in his armor (must be linked). First thing you need to do is get rid of Dark Nation, it's protects Rufus and him with Barrior. Use Fire on Rufus and your limit breaks to get the job done quicker. He eventually leaves via a helicopter. Motor Ball Area: Bikes HP: ??? MP: ??? EXP: ??? GIL: ??? The Motor Ball will always hit your guys first...so don't worry. As usual with the "Machine" bosses, use Bolt a lot. Have a lot of heal potions. Motor Ball has a rolling fire attack that does 250 POINTS OF DAMAGE TO EACH CHARACTER!!! It also has a twin burner attack that does 80 damage to each character. Use limit breaks (Braver works well in this battle) and keep your health up. Bottomswell Area: Junon Harbor HP: 2500 MP: 100 EXP: 550 GIL: 1000 Definately your hardest challenge yet. Equip cloud with the "LONG-RANGE" materia because bottomswell is a flying creature. As with reno, Bottomswell has a bubble attack that you can break by attacking it. Watch out for the Big Wave attack 100 damage to each character. Use Fire a lot in this battle, it does the most damage. And keep your health up. Also use Choco/Mog summon to possibly parazlyze this boss. JENOVA-Birth Area: Shinra Boat HP: 4000 MP: 110 EXP: 680 GIL: 800 This is a very hard battle. Use Choco/Mog summon for a good amount of damage. But Jenova can cast stop on your opponent and a Tail laser attack like the Guard Scorpion, only 4 times harder, it can even do it two times in a row. If you have the E.Skill flamerthrower (learned in Mytril mines) USE IT. Also use the Shiva summon for a good amount of damage. If one of your characters have stop, you can't counter it at this moment. Just battle them with summons eskills and limit breaks. Dyne Area: Corel Prison HP: 1200 MP: 20 EXP: 600 GIL: 750 Even though Dyne only has 1200 hp, it's consideribly harder because of the fact that you can only use Barret in this battle. Keep your health up a lot. He can use an attack called S-Mine, right after his normal attack which can deal about 400 damage in all. It's not hard if you just keep hp up, use Haste if you got it if your in a hurry. Dyne has a final attack called Molotov Cocktail, which inflicts about 150 points of damage. He'll use it when you just barely "kill" him. However, if your last attack really hits him hard you won't give him the chance to use it. He also uses this attack when his hp gets low. Reno and Rude Area: Gongaga Village HP: Reno - 2000 Rude - 2000 MP: Reno - 80 Rude - 135 EXP: Reno - 660 Rude - 720 GIL: Reno - 1500 Rude - 2000 Before you get into this battle, equip the Elemental-Fire materia with a fire ring. This helps a lot. From the start use Aeris's Seal Evil LB (if you got it) to paralyze them for almost the entire battle. Then concentrate on Rude first (since he does all the healing in the battle). Bein paralyzed, they should pose no problem to your guys. Gi Nattak and Soul Fires Area: Gi Cave HP: 5500 MP: 200 EXP: 1400 GIL: 3000 This fight shouldn't pose a problem if you don't worry about the soul fires (Note: If you going after the soul fires, don't use fire...it will GIVE them life). This is kinda funny, because the easiest way to kill Gi Nattak is to use Cure 2 or basic Cure. It takes away a hefty amount of life from him. About 4 of those and he's gone. The soul fires will occasionally inhabit your body, but with the fire rings, they can't do any damage. Lost Number Area: Shinra Mansion HP: 7000 MP: 300 EXP: 2000 GIL: 2000 Fighting this guy isn't a must, but you get the Odin Summon Materia for doing it and the Cosmo Memory Limit Break for Red The combination to the safe is Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right97 DO NOT PASS THE NUMBERS WHEN YOU ARE DOING THE COMBO. Out pops lost soul. This fight can be a lot harder if not done right. Once again, use aeris's SEAL EVIL limit break on him to paralyze him. If he wakes up use the Choco/Mog summon to paralyze him again. He has two forms....purple (which is the brutal attacks) and red (which is the magic attacks) Without Seal evil the purple can kill all your guys in one shot. So use it quickly to prevent this. You should be able to knock off a good 6000 HP from the seal evil. There really isn't a good defense to use except Haste, and Barrier. MBARRIER (if you acquired it) helps against the magic side. Materia Keeper Area: Mt. Nibel HP: 8400 MP: 300 EXP: 3000 GIL: 2400 This is definately a tuffy, with physical attack from 200 to 300 points of damage, to magic spells that do 1000 points of damage. Use Bolt 2 and Ice 2 for a considerably descent amount of damage. The bad thing is it knows cure 2, so pummel it into exile. Besure to have a Cure-All combination with you. Also, if you have the E.Skill materia equipped, you can learn it's trine spell (the 1000 point of damage spell) It's the best so far. Its cure 2 only does about 1000 hp plus to him, so use bolt 2 ice2 constantly, Definately use Clouds Climb Hazzard Limit break for a good 1500 points of damage done. Palmer Area: Rocket Town HP: 6000 MP: 240 EXP: 1900 GIL: 5000 This is definately NOT a tough boss. Use Choco/Mog to paralyze him then speed the team up with Haste and keep pounding away on him. There is no excuse for losing to this boss. But use Ifrit and Ramuh to get a lot of damage from him if you fell like wasting mp. Rapps Area: Da-Chao HP: 6000 MP: 300 EXP: 3200 GIL: 20000 Since yuffie stole all of your materia, this is quite the hard battle. Be sure to buy a lot of Fire Veils at the item store. Use CID's level one limit break to deal a good 1000 damage away. Rapps has an Aero3 attack that could kill one of your guys no problem. Cast Regen if you have it on your guys to prevent this death from occuring (most of the time). Fight around the mounts to gain a lot of X-Potions before fighting rapps. Barrets Limit 2 level 2 does an awesome amount of damage to rapps, as does clouds climbhazzard. Just use the potions and veil then you will get past this bird. NOTE: The Next 5 bosses don't ruin the outcome of the game, you just need to beat them to get the leviathan materia, if you don't fight them......all you lose is the Leviathan materia and yuffie's ultimate limit break. The bad part is you have to fight these five bosses with yuffie ONLY. Gorki Area: Pagoda - as for the rest of the five bosses HP: 3000 MP: 150 EXP: 1500 GIL: 0 NOTE: Use ODIN A LOT. takes a good 2000 away from almost every boss Before you go into battle, equip yuffie's armor with the "Elemental-Gravity" Matera combo to prevent Gorki's Demi attacks. Also use a Barreir and Counter Attack materia with yuffie. Cast Haste on yuffie immediately. Gorki will use up it's MP quickly so once this happens, you should have no problem in this fight. Shake HP: 4000 MP: 180 EXP: 2200 GIL: 0 Haste and Barrier are EXTREMELY important in this battle. Just keep the hp up with hi-potions and keep on attacking. Choco/Mog paralyzes Shake so this isn't a hard battle. But he does have a RAGE BOMBER attack that does 600 points of damage. E.Skill Trine does a great amount of damage to all of the 5 bosses (note: i'm only saying this once). Chekhov HP: 5000 MP: 210 EXP: 2900 GIL: 0 Equip Yuffie with the Jem Ring to prevent her from being paralyzed from Chekhovs Stare Down. Use Haste and Barrier on yufffie as soon as possible. Chekhov is very slow, so yuffie with haste can get in a good 5 hits before she hits you once (well, that's the most you will be able to get in). Other then that, this shouldn't be to hard. Staniv HP: 6000 MP: 240 EXP: 3600 GIL: 0 In this fight, basically all Staniv does is hit you with its main weapon. Cast Barrier to cut down it's attacks to about 150 points of damage. Then cast Haste on yuffie. Keep up the barrier once it goes down and use the HYPER potion if Staniv causes Sadness on your guy. This fight will use a lot of potions but all and all, it's not hard. It's the next fight you have to worry about. BIG TIME. Godo HP: 6000 MP: 240 EXP: 5000 GIL: 40000 This is kinda doosy. (what ever happened to family values, doesn't show in this value) Be sure to have yuffie with the followin...COUNTERATTACK, HEAL, CURE, TIME, BARRIER materias. Then equip her weapon with the "ADDED EFFECT-POISON" materia for a chance to poison him if yuffie hits him.Keep barrer and time up, he has a trine spell that does over 1000 points of damage on yuffie, WITH THE BARRIER ON!!!!.Use Regen immediatly if you have it. Use Odin first, then use trine, then just poison him and hold out. the poison will kill him. If you hit him when his HP is low, he does a cure spell that replenshises a lot of his life. He has a lot of spells, but with him poisoned and with x-potions and haster and barrier. It shouldn't be hard....a LONG battle, but not hard. Red Dragon Area: Temple of the Ancients HP: 6800 MP: 300 EXP: 3500 GIL: 1000 Do not use fire, it give him life. Red Dragon is also immune to Gravity Spells. Start the battle by using Bio 1 or 2 to posion the dragon. Then use Barreir and Haste on your guys. Use Regen also and use Ice on him. Deathblow materia (command materia) does an awesome amount of damage to the Dragon. He has attacks that do 700-800 damage to your guys. Barrier cuts this down to 400. Use phoenix downs or the Revive materia if he happens to get a lucky shot in an kills your guys. Demon Gate Area: Temple of the Ancients HP: 10000 MP: 400 EXP: 3800 GIL: 4000 Don't let the 10000 hp fool you. He is rather quite easy. Quickly cast slow on him to prevent him from doing a lot of attacks. Use HEAL to get rid of his petrify attacks. He is immune to Poison and Gravity. If you want to deal an amazing 9000 to 10000 damage to him quickly, use Red XIII's Stardust Ray on him. Jenova-Life Area: City of Ancients HP: 10000 MP: 300 EXP: 4000 GIL: 1500 Equip Cloud with the Water ring to essentialy, prevent cloud from getting ANY damage done to him. Setup MBARRIER and Haste on your party. Use Quake (if Jenova hasn't set up reflect yet) Cast Regen. If you have E.Skill you can learn Jenova's Aqua Lung attack. Also, if she does set up reflect, cast debarrier to break it then continue with the Quake 2's and 3's. Jenova will use up it's magic quickly since it uses mostly Magical bases attacks. Schizo Area: Gaea Cliffs NOTE: EACH HEAD HAS THE SAME STATS HP: 18000 MP: 350 EXP: 2200 GIL: 1500 Schizo's right head is fire bases while the left is ice based. Both the sides are invulnerable to Gravity. Both sides can cast Quake 3 also. Start by uysing MBarrier and Regen on the team. Then use Ice 3 on his right sides.....fire 3 on his left side. Odin and Comet to a considerably good amount of damage. Clouds Level 3 part 1 limit break does a good amount of damage to both heads while cids level 1 does a good amount to one head. Equip Ice and Fire rings as you like. But they are not needed. With time schizo's dead. But each head has a final attack that causes over 1000 damage to one of your characters. Use a phoneix down if he succumbs to the damage Jenova-Death Area: The Crater HP: 25000 MP: 800 EXP: 6000 GIL: 5000 Be sure to equip your team with armor and accessories that protect against fire. This should make this fight easy. Start the battle by doing the normal....setting up the barrers (magic and both) Haste, and Regen. Cast Slow on Jenova to give you a big edge over it. Normal attacks and limit breaks are the main damage to Jenova, keep Esuna (part of the heal materia) up incase jenova silences one of your guys. Neo Bahamut does a good amount of damage to this creature...i believe it's about 4000. Use Aqualung and Trine. It doesn't have any good attacks but it waste magic quickly with the attacks it does have (Red light, and tropic wind are main attacks.....but does cast silence some times.) Ultimate Weapon Area: Mideel HP: ????? MP: ???? EXP: 0 GIL: 0 This is the first time you face him. In the other times just use knights of the round (which you fight weapon the 2nd and 3rd times on the third cd). It can cause a good 1500 damage to each character. Cast MBarrier immediately and use each teams limit breaks because they fill up quickly. Note: The last time you fight him (it's over cosmo canyon) have cloud's hp up at 9999 with hp plus materia. Equip him with E.Skill and Knights of the Round. KOTR kills it instantly and then Weapon does it's shadow flare attack right before it dies. It's one of the 2 strongest E.Skill in the game doing a hefty 7000-8000 damage to each person and boss Carry Armor Area: The Underwater Reactor Main body: HP: 24000 MP: 200 EXP: 2800 GIL: 4000 The Left and Right arms of it HP: 10000 MP: 100 EXP: 1400 GIL: 0 Remember that weak old summon Ramuh, it actually helps in this battle. Along with Bolt 3 (machine boss). If by chance one of the arms pick up your guys, destroy the arm...or actually use the bolt-3 all combo (which is a must) to actually kill your character along with doing considerable damage to all 3 parts of Carry Armor. It drops your guy then, then you may reivive it (Life 2 works well). Use the normal Materia Pattern (You should know it by now since you've been using it the last 15 battles). It has a lapis Laser that does 1500 without Barrier. But this should be an easy battle if you aren't afraid to kill your characters. Rude and Attack Squad Area: Rocket Town HP: 9000 MP: 240 EXP: 3400 GIL: 3000 Get rid of the attack squad first with Neo Bahamut. Then concentrate on rude. Use the normal materia pattern and it should be easy. Rude has an attack that does 1000 points of damage. But he can use it three times a row. Cast REFLECT on Rude himself so any cure spell he uses goes to you instead. Pretty Ingenious huh? Diamond Weapon Area: Outside Midgar HP: ??? MP: ??? EXP: ??? GIL: ??? Knights of the round works wonders here. But if you are good, you probably gained the 32,000 battle points from the Battle Arena at golden saucer to get clouds Omnislash. It does even more damage then KOTR. Ultima and Comet work wonders here. As to Bahamut Zero. It will do a countdown from 3-2-1. It doesn't do any other attacks so beat it then. If not, the attack will crucially ruin your characters social life. But it increases your limit levels....even the level 4 ones....to awesome levels. Proud Clod Area: Inside Midgar HP: 60000 MP: 320 EXP: 7000 GIL: 10000 This guy is one tought hombre. Proud Clod has to part, armor and body. Destroy the armor first (lower part) then the body is easier. The Slash-All materia works wonders here. Cast the normal materia and keep health up. But if your in a hurry, use KOTR and continue on. Hojo Area: All in midgar Hojo HP: 11000 MP: 120 EXP: 2000 GIL: 2200 This is the easiest of his three formes. Concentrate your attacks on Hojo and leave his Capsule companions alone, because they'll regenerate if you kill them. Use the normal Materia pattern and use the 2x-Cut with somebody to make this an easy battle Helletic Hojo HP: 26000 MP: 260 EXP: 0 GIL: 0 Take out the right arm immediately. It's hit points are lower then the rest. Use Slash-All to damage all three parts of his body, along with Bahamut Zero and Neo Bahamut. Concentrate on the middle section most of the time though. The Left arm, don't even concern yourself with it. Lifeform-Hojo HP: 30000 MP: 100 EXP: 25000 GIL: 600 This Hojo has super fast attacks that do 500 points of Damage each and a negative effect. Counter Attack materia works wonders here. Use Wall and Regen for added help. Gravity is the only thing that doesn't effect hojo. Ultima works well here also, as does slow. Knights Of the Round can end this fight quickly. As does clouds Omnislash Attack. Note: For the last three bosses, they are all in the Crater and for HP and MP etc....sense didn't work Jenova-Synthesis This is a three part Jenova. Slash-All is the biggest must in this fight because you can attack all arms. Use Wall and Regen and Haste. It does have an ultima attack if you wait long enought. Knights of the Round...beat it no problem Bizarro-Sephiroth Knights of the Round... Nuff' Said Safer Sephiroth Talk about your hard bosses, use the normal materia combos. Use A LOT of hp plus materia and make sure you have 3 mimes and a W-Summon with the ability to cast two KOTR's. It took me 30 mins to beat him the first time, 10 the next with this awesome combo. Use the person with W-Summon to cast two knights of the round dealing from 200,000 damage + to safer combined. Then use mime on the rest of the guys for an endless spree of kotr's. Sephiroth has his own summon spell though, definately the coolest in the game. This VERY lenghtly summon (i believe 3 minutes) will take almost all your life away. Normal Attack only work if you have the Long Range attack matera. But if KOTR still doesn't work (if you don't have enough MP) The SUPER NOVA summon should raise your limit breaks to the max. Omnislash works well, only prob is you can't mime it. Equip your best guys with the Ribbon to preven negative effects (there are only two ribbons in the game, at the temple of ancients) I say this because his Pale-Horse atta ck blasts a single character with every negative abnormality that is in this entire game. He also has the best battle music, in my opinion. Also, if you learned the Pandora's Box E.Skill use it. Sephiroth also has the same shadow flare attack as Ultimate weapons. NOTE: That Pattern for unlimited kotr's works on the emerald weapon but not the ruby weapon. W-Summon: 64,000 battle points at battle arena 3 MIME: Just master the first mime, to get the second, second to get third.