----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No 611 BlackBeard v6.1 v1 DS2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black beard is a programmer's editor that preforms the tasks that a programmer a programmer needs. Its good for source code editing in structured languages such as Pascal, C, Fortran etc... . BB EXE This is the blackbeard program BB132 EXE 25 by 132 column mode BB44 EXE 44 by 132 column mode (Everex card) BBC EXE Blackbeard key binding compiler BBF EXE Text formatter BB CFG Configuration file BB KEY Binding file READ ME Release notes BB DOC Manual BBKEYS TXT Key binding files ready for compilation M_BB MSC Mouse system button and movement files M_BB COM Mouse system compiled menu file FORM TXT Order form PC-SIG (Software Interest Group) 1030 East Duane Avenue, Suite D Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-9291