Readme 1. The [720 x 540] (HQ) mpg file has the highest quality of the bunch, and is equivilent to the master file that the others were made from. 2. The DivX HQ avi file should be roughly the same quality as the above file. 3. Next in quality would be the DVD SP file, which is the last of the full size 720 x 540 files. The other 3 files are all 352x240. 4. Next is the DVD EP mpg file. 5. The next to lowest quality is the [352x240] (MQ) mpg file, which is VCD quality and about the same as all the RR episodes available for download online. While the picture quality may be slightly lower than the Dix MQ file, I belive the sound quality is much better for this file. 6. Finally the lowest quality file is the DivX MQ avi file. This file may have a slightly better picture than the VCD file, but it has bad sound when I play it, so it may not really be usable, and that's why I rank it last. The two files I generally make available for download are 1 and 5, because file 1 is the highest possible quality, while file 5 is what I consider the best compromise between quality and file size. Also, they are the only files I could get to play on computers other than the one that did the encoding, so hopefully they'll be the most compatible for everyone. Please spread this video around! After 15 years of being stuck on a degrading VHS tape, it's past time that it got out. And feel free to change it to whatever formats you want.