______ ______ /____ \__________/ ____\ ____> __________ <____ \______/ \______/ The Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench (TAOGH) Site: http://members.aol.com/robo212/taogh.html E-Mail: Robo212@aol.com Membership application. Version 1-1997 The "*" indicates voluntary information. Name: Alais: E-Mail Address: Homepage: * Sex: [ ]M [ ]F City & State or City & Country (no mailing address please): ----------------------------------- I believe I will be able to write and submit... [ ] 2 stories per year. [ ] 3 stories per year. [ ] 4 stories per year. (seasonal) [ ] 5 stories per year. [ ] 6 or more stories per year. [ ] stories on a bi-monthly basis. [ ] onthly [ ] Bi-Weekly [ ] Weekly NOTE(s): I strongly recommend you start out small and work up from there as far as how many stories you writer per year. If you write one story less than what you indicated here, I don't mind. I just want to know what you want me to expect from you. ----------------------------------- Both of the below tests can be accessed at... http://www.cybercomm.net/~paltiel I have taken the Gadgetism test and scored a... [ ] 1% to 5% [ ] 6% to 10% [ ] 11% to 25% [ ] 26% to 50% [ ] 51% to 75% [ ] 76% to 99% [ ] 100% NOTE: Don't worry about telling us, you are among friends. I have taken the Rangerity test and scored a... [ ] 1% to 5% [ ] 6% to 10% [ ] 11% to 25% [ ] 26% to 50% [ ] 51% to 75% [ ] 76% to 99% [ ] 100% NOTE: This tells me how much of a RR fan you are. ----------------------------------- I have... [ ] 10 or less of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] 11 or more of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] 20 or more of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] 30 or more of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] 40 or more of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] 50 or more of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] 60 or more of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] all 65 of the CDRR episodes on tape. [ ] all 65 of the CDRR episodes on tape including TTR. [ ] all 65 plus additional copies of various qualities of the CDRR episodes on tape including TTR plus different versions of at least one episode. >8^) ----------------------------------- I... [ ] will be able to volunteer my time as a story editor. [ ] will not be able to volunteer my time as a story editor. ----------------------------------- I wish to take advantage of the "Authors Workbench." I would like to reserve... [ ] enough space as required for a text based workbench section without pictures. [ ] 10 kilobytes of server space. [ ] 25 kilobytes of server space. [ ] 50 kilobytes of server space. [ ] 100 kilobytes of server space. [ ] 125 kilobytes of server space. NOTE: Pictures that exsist as GIFs of JPGs can be altered to save server space for your page. Will you be using, HTML files in addition to the base INDEX.HTML files in your space. NOTE: When you access a site with a web browser, the browser searches first for a INDEX.HTML file. I know... [ ] almost nothing about the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) [ ] a little about the HyperText Markup Language. [ ] enough of the HyperText Markup Language to make a complete document. [ ] enough of the HyperText Markup Language to make a complete cocument plus pictures, links, and forms. [ ] I am a HyperText Markup Language guru. All I require from you is the server space.