Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers FanFics

These are some little fanfics of Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers that I wrote when I was in eighth or ninth grade. You'll notice that they all focus on Gadget, who was my favorite character at the time. Frighteningly enough, I find myself drifting back into Ranger Fandom, and it's all Paltiel's fault for having such a great page full of Gadget images. dB-)

Many thanks go to Paltiel for converting these to HTML format, and for posting them on The Internet Gadget Archive.

Honey, I Shrunk the Cops - My first one. I actually sent this one to Disney, but they said that there was no outlet for my story.

Love is a Many Splendored Thing - Once again, the old "love potion" plot, used by many a writer.

I Dream of Fat Cat - This one gave me the opportunity to use a scene that had been floating around in my head for a long time.

Invasion of the Body Switchers - This one was inspired by my personal favorite episode of Rescue Rangers, "A Fly in the Ointment."

A Matter of Life and Death - WARNING! This one's a tad bit on the graphic side. Anyone disturbed by the thought of Gadget dying should not read this story. It almost gave the aforementioned Paltiel nightmares.

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Michael Gibby