ROBONERD> This is a script to the World Wide Web site "The Gadget Archive". ROBONERD> This script tells the computer how to display the page. Internet Gadget Archive


You've just arrived at the Internet Gadget Archives, currently the Internet's largest source of Gadget images from Disney's Rescue Ranger TV show
This page is getting kind of big, so I've split it into a few parts. Click on a heading name in the table of contents to go there.

Image Series: RR
Digitized Images
Fan fiction and stories
Fan Art and assorted Icons
Important Stuff Read this!!

Image Series: RR

The following GIFs were made real by an Amiga 500 and its parallel port digitizer. The digitizer decided to die on the last picture we grabbed, so no more pictures can be made from this series. =(

RRA From Puffed Rangers
The time when Genghis Cat is holding Gadget in his paw. Very Cute

RRB From Puffed Rangers
The scene where they are on the conveyor belt. FrameGrabber messed up on this one. To give you an idea of what it looks like, shake your TV up and down. ^_^

RRB2 Same as RRB.GIF, but we got the %@$?! FrameGrabber to work with the digital VCR. If some of these pictures look grainy, then blame it on our VCR. It has an integrated digital framegrabber, which only captures about 65 thousand colors

RRC From Puffed Rangers
Gadget with Bazooka

RRD From Puffed Rangers
Truck after Gadget with Bazooka =)
Hmm, pretty realistic toys..

RRE From Puffed Rangers
The scene right after they jump out of the delivery truck. FrameGrabber messed up, but in a weird way. You have to see this to believe it.

RRE2 Almost the same as RRE.GIF, but missing top half
You have to see RRE.GIF to understand

RRF From Puffed Rangers
Gadget: "... more like a case of the galloping influenza." (Slightly poor picture quality)

RRG From Puffed Rangers
Dale "What's that?"
Chip: "..sounds like a dinner bell."
Dale: "I wonder what's for dinner?"
Gadget: "Think, Dale.."
Dale: "Mouse Tar-Tar and Chipmunk Suey..?"
I think that's what the dialogue was before it was redubbed.. BLEAH

RRH From Puffed Rangers
Gadget: "We've been molecularly enlarged!"

RRI From Puffed Rangers
Picture of Chip and Dale as they smile at the bad guys getting shrunk
This is a great framegrab, if not for the grainyness

RRJ From Puffed Rangers
Dale sits on a box of Puffie Wuffies as Chip, Gadget, and Zipper watch him

RRK From Bearing Up Baby
Dale hits Monty, starting a chain reaction that ends up sending everyone into a pile on top of Gadget

RRL From Bearing Up Baby
Gadget smiles at Dale after he makes his little tirade about not getting eaten

RRM From Bearing Up Baby
A few frames after RRL.GIF. Gadget re-adjusts her backpack.
Cute backpack!

RRN From Bearing Up Baby
A Great group shot of nearly the whole team.
Dale crosses his arms, and Gadget shrugs as she gives up on him.
Monterrey Jack and Zipper are also in this pic

RRO From Bearing Up Baby
Gadget: "I wish Dale were here to see this.."
Gadget is standing on a hill along with Chip and Monty.
A few seconds before Dale shows everyone how a ballistic projectile's flight path would be, right into Monty

RRP From Bearing Up Baby
Twelve or so frames after RRO.GIF.
Gadget has her hands on her hips.
You can almost hear the "Oops, strike that!" from her as Dale barrels into MJ

RRQ From Bearing Up Baby
Gadget has a sad look as she speaks to Humphrey the bear about the little boy.
This would have been a great picture if the framegrabber didn't perish that day. =(
The brightness on the picture is too low..

RRS From Bearing Up Baby
A sorta OK group shot of the Rangers.
Another problem, this time with the VCR. Gadget's blue!
This is from the the scene right after Humphrey rescues the kid, who keeps getting into trouble, with the tree.

Digitized Images

GLOM.GIF Picture of Chip & Gadget in the Ranger Wing
From 'Good Times, Bat Times'

BIGPOSTR.GIF Picture of just about every character that's ever appeared in any Disney Animation.
Chip, Dale, Gadget, and Zipper are in there. There are also characters from Ducktales, Winnie the Pooh, and Tale Spin (look for Sher Khan in the balcony.) ;)

HAWAII1.GIF Picture of Gadget's evil twin, Lu'whinii (sp?)
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII2.GIF Another Picture of Lu'whinii
". . . how can I trick her! Oh.. convince her.."
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII3.GIF Shot of Gadget & her evil twin before they play switch
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII4.GIF Shot of Gadget & Lu'whinii
"Just like sisters!"
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII5.GIF Shot of Gadget and Shake'a Bake'a (Lu'whinii's surfer dude boyfriend)
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian' (See a pattern developing?)

HAWAII6.GIF Lu'whinii saying hello to Zipper on the volcano
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII8.GIF Chip & Dale about to kiss each other because Gadget can move pretty quick. ;)
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII9.GIF Gadget hands a surfboard to Lu'whinii.
Lu'whinii is about to tell her that she's holding her friends hostage.
From 'What was the title again'

RANGERS.GIF Group shot of the Rangers on the Rangermobile
Where in the world did Gadget learn how to drive?!

C&D_RACE.GIF A digital photograph of Gadget, Chip and Dale at a racetrack, possibly in Disneyland
Originally from the Phase IV BBS - USA (908) 727 7514

GADGPSTR.GIF A montage of Gadget and her different outfits from a few Rescue Ranger episodes
Arranged by Victor Ramirez -

GADGTAIL.GIF A picture of Gadget flying the screaming eagle
From 'To The Rescue'
Digitized by Victor Ramirez -

gadget1.jpg Serious looking picture of Gadget with a plunger harpoon.
From 'Case of the Cola Cult'

gadget3.jpg Really Cute picture of Gadget with her hands up in the air
From 'Dale Beside Himself'

rr-gadsh.jpg Gadget and Zipper drop a 20lb. coconut on Chip
. . . and wind up almost crushing him.
From 'Chipwrecked Shipmunks'
Scanned by Foxglove -

rr-all1.jpg Gadget and the rest of the Rangers tied up and about to be fed to Billy the Squid
From 'Piratsy under the Sea'
Digitized by Foxglove -

rr-gnet.jpg She's getting really good at this. . .
Gadget explains an interesting way to dispose of her and Chip to the PiRats.
(Chip is notably surprised)
From 'Chipwrecked Shipmunks'
Digitized by Foxglove -

rangcar.gif Gadget giving the Rangers a heart thrilling ride on the Rangermobile
Scanned off the back of a Latvian Disney comic
Digitized by Aivars Liepa -

BOOM.JPG Gadget never said anything about an explosives hobby..
(Chip holds his ears for the incoming blast)
From 'Zipper Come Home'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

BRAKE.JPG "Brakes? Nobody mentioned anything about brakes.."
Gadget controls the steering on her railway-jet-ski in this picture
From 'Off to the Rescue - Part V'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

FAN.JPG Gadget fans herself with a leaf, while Dale knocks Monty's weather sense
Gadget shows off pink shorts ^_^
From 'Weather or not'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

PLUGIN.JPG Gadget gives the boys a thumbs-up to reverb Irwina the Queen Bee
From 'Risky Beesness'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

SHUSH.JPG Chip about to strangle Gadget.. =)
From 'Zipper Come Home'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

STEVE2.JPG Gadget theorizes that sound has something to do with the disappearing mice
From 'Pied Piper Power Play'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

UNPLUG.JPG Gadget demonstrates she's an excellent conductor of electrical energy,
As the rest of the group watches on in complete shock
From 'The Carpetsnaggers'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

EATPLUNGER.JPG Zazu from The Lion King scolding Scar
"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to eat Gadget?"
Created by Candy Courtnier

backlater.jpg Gadget runs back to the Ranger Wing
From 'Out of Scale'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

corejump.jpg Gadget vaults over an apple on the floor
From 'Piratsy under the Sea'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

depressed.jpg Gadget can't see why she's important to the team
From 'To the Rescue - PART III'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

downside.jpg Gadget waves Hi!
..upside down
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

mousetoss.jpg Monty practices for a new Olympic event - mouse toss ^_^
From 'Kiwi's Big Adventure'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

marshmallow.jpg Infamous marshmallow scene
From 'Gadget goes Hawaiian'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

submerged.jpg Monty pulls a very wet Gadget out of the water
From 'Piratsy under the Sea'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

whoput.jpg Multi frame screen grab
Frame 1:A Kiwi sneaks up on the Ranger Plane, with Dale and Gadget inside; Gadget notices a kiwi totem on the floor
Frame 2:Dale does a wild take, realizing he's about to become chipmunk shishkabob.
Frame 3:Gadget casually tosses the kiwi totem out the back of the vehicle
Frame 4:Kiwi gets smashed by fast moving totem as Dale watches in wonder

Tough mouse..
From 'Kiwi's Big Adventure'
Digitized and arranged by Candy Courtnier

leftover_parts.jpg "I keep winding up with leftover parts.."
From 'Catteries not Included'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

rangerwing.jpg Gadget pilots the Ranger Wing
From 'Out of Scale'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

kblvgdgt.jpg Mortal Kombat 3: Kabal vs. Gadget
Fearsome cybernetic organism vs. mouse inventor
(I'd put my money on the mouse)
Created by Michael Gibby -

Fan Art and assorted Icons

GADGLOGO.GIF Nice picture of Gadget standing next to her name
Drawn by Guru-90

GADGTEE.GIF Cute Tee-top of Gadget saying "Golly"
Drawn by Guru-90

GADGSPY.GIF Ever wonder what a full size picture of Gadget in that spy dress would look like?
You know, the one from 'Double 'O Dale'?
Well, here it is. "Nice" Drawing
Best viewed on a 640X400 screen
Drawn by Guru-90

CHIPDALE.GIF As the name implies, Chip & Dale in their pre-Ranger days
Initialed 'TNA'

BEACH1.GIF Nicely drawn picture of Chip & Gadget building a sandcastle at a beach
<Searching for the Author's name>

WIDGET.GIF Scanned picture of Gadget and two other cartoon mice
Drawn by J. Chin

GADGWORK.GIF Picture of Gadget with her patented plunger harpoon
From 'Case of the Cola Cult'
Drawn by Guru-90

GDGTREC.GIF Grey sketch of Gadget reclining
If you only have one picture of Gadget, then make it this one! AWESOME GIF!
In my opinion, this is one of the best on the 'net
(Also makes a great lockup screen bitmap for OS/2)
Drawn by Liz Kalter -

meangadg.gif Greyscale of Gadget as an, um.. NOT for the kiddies
But a great picture, none-the-less!
Drawn by Doug Winger -

GADLITE.JPG Gadget swinging on a cord with one of her inventions
Cute picture
Scanned by Foxglove -

cdteam.tif Greyscale groupshot of the Rangers
Digitized by Paul Lapensee -

dacdrr.tif Another cute groupshot of the Rangers
I wish this picture was grabbed at a higher resolution, I can barely see the Rangers.
Digitized by Paul Lapensee -

MMRANGER.GIF It had to happen.. Mighty Morphin Rescue Rangers!
Chip, Dale, Gadget, Monty, and Zipper in MMPR gear.
Fat Cat makes an appearance as Lord Zed
Warped, but quite cute..
Drawn by Gary Akins Jr. -

Gadget_chan.gif This started on a 22" X 17" dry erase board..
Before it was crammed in three sections into a HP flatbed scanner..
Three hundred megabytes of diskspace and three hours of frankenstein work later..
It became a whole picture.

This is a rather large picture..
If your screen isn't 1600X1200, you'll need to resize a bit..
Drawn by Sima (Ami-chan) Goldstein - forwarded thru

gadgetc.gif Gadget winking our way
Digitized by Foxglove (

helmet63.gif Gadget giving a cute pose
Drawn by Gideon - forwarded thru

rang_all.jpg Group portrait of the Rangers
Digitized by Aivars Liepa (

but-.gif Gadget voices her opinion
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

dance.gif Gadget dancing near an outline microphone
Interesting background effect
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

ltasamse.gif "Light as a mouse"
Incredible picture for its small size
Best when viewed fullscreen with a black border and background
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

SYMBOLISM.JPG It's not Gadget, but it's still cool
An interpretive idea on the Rescue Ranger logo
To put it simply: nice
Created by Candy Courtnier

gadggrew.gif "Gadget Grew"
Anime rendition of Gadget grown up
Yattah! (All right!)
Still in the early stages of colouring
Click here for the finished picture (gadgrew1.jpg - 250K)
Drawn by Totoro Sensei -

peltier.jpg All right, all right, I know that a fan is not a Peltier device.
Brought to you by "Ray-O-Catt" Batteries
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

sisters.gif Gadget and Lu'whinii
Drawn by Aivars Liepa -

arms_ds.jpg Gadget crosses her arms
Line art, very nicely done
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski -

frightds.jpg Gadget looking up, as if something were about to fall on her
Full of emotion and character
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski -

needleds.jpg Gadget with a sewing needle
Reminiscient of the wing fixing scene in 'Flash the Wonder Dog'
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski -

otlgadds.jpg Colour sketch of Gadget in a blue mood
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski -

IT_WORKS!.JPG Gadget watches a new invention take off
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

Worthy mention

DISNEY.GIF 320X200 Shot of the Disney logo (256 Color)

DA-CD.GIF Digitization of the Disney Afternoon CD cover
Digitized by <Searching for person's name>

DAR.GIF Disney Animation Report
Submitted by <Searching for person's name>

DA-GANG.JPG Disney Afternoon Characters before Goof Troop
Submitted by <Searching for person's name>

Fan fiction, scripts, and original stories

"Honey, I Shrunk the Cops"
Norton Nimnul is on the loose again.
This time he shrinks officers Kirby and Muldoon down to mouse size and threatens to feed them to a cat if the city doesn't come up with a ten million dollar ransom.
It's up to the Rescue Rangers to save the police and capture Nimnul.
Created by Michael Gibby -

"Love is a Many Splendored Thing"
Gadget is splashed by a love potion that causes her to fall in love with one of the chipmunks.
To make matters worse, Nimnul is holding the city captive.
Created by Michael Gibby -

"I Dream of Fat Cat"
Fat Cat gets ahold of a dream machine and has another scheme to capture the Rangers.
Created by Micheael Gibby -

"Invasion of the Body Switchers"
A mysterious cat visits Fat Cat and offers him a device that can switch bodies.
Fat Cat switches with Gadget and tries to infiltrate the Rangers, all on her birthday.
Created by Michael Gibby -

"A Matter of Life and Death"
This tale is on the graphic side, and should be avoided if one is uncomfortable with the thought of Gadget dying
Created by Michael Gibby -

"The Princess Thing"
A medieval romance novel, as Gadget would compose it
Author anonymous by request

"Interview with the Mouse"
Talk show host Sally Jessy Raphael interviews our favourite mouse
Created by Candy Courtnier

"Gadget and Goliath"
An alternate origin on how Gadget met the Rescue Rangers
Created by Don Weatherwax -

This address is out of date. If you know an updated address then please email me.

"Dreams of the Rarebit Rangers"
Monty serves up something that gives all the Rescue Rangers something to dream about
Created by Don Weatherwax -

This address is out of date. If you know an updated address then please email me.

Part I of a Rescue Ranger novella, with Gadget as one of the main characters
Created by Aivars Liepa -

"Sailor Mouse"
Satire of the famous ( in Japan ) Sailor Moon Anime
Gadget stars as Usagi (Serena in the English dub)
Created by Candy Courtnier

256 and 65,000 Color OS/2 Warp Icons

Gadget.ICO 64X64 of GDGTREC.GIF

GADGSUIT.ICO 64X64 of Gadget in a swimsuit talking to Monty
From 'Gadget goes Hawaiian'

DarkGad2.ICO 32X32 of a 24M color TIFF called DarkGadget.TIF

DarkGad3.ICO 64X64 of a 24M color TIFF called DarkGadget.TIF


GADGSURF.ICO 64X64 of Gadget on a surfboard (HAWAII7.GIF)
From 'Gadget goes Hawaiian'

Most of these pictures (with the exception of the OS/2 Icons and my DarkGadget.TIF's) can be picked up on the following FTP sites:

Did I forget to reference a picture here? If yes, then you can look at the incoming directory containing new pictures by clicking here.

Someone move to Siberia and forget to tell me? If you know someone who's address has changed, then by all means please tell me.

Subscribe to the Gadget Archive mailing list! Just send email to the Archive's server with the subject of "SUBSCRIBE GADGET ARCHIVE" and you'll be notified anytime something new appears in the archive. Not to mention, you'll also get a very bland response saying you've been subscribed.

Have a picture you want to add to the archive? Then send it in! The Archive will accept anything that's UUencoded or MIME64'd.

Just send the encoded picture to the Archive's server with the subject of "GADGET ARCHIVE PICTURE". Oh, and please give at least a 24 hour warning before it's sent. ;)

As soon as your picture is decoded, thousands of people across the net will be able to see it. Currently over half of the pictures in the Gadget archive are from people sending them in. We take digitizations, original art, parodies, and anything else you can think of. Including animations and stories!

-- Paltiel Goldstein, Marlboro New Jersey
MOO: Isagi (#21077) [PORT 8888]

[ Another Web Site Powered by OS/2 Warp ] Last Modified: Sunday, February 18th, 1996
This document has been accessed nearly 1000 times since December 10th, 1995