OnlineHost: OnlineHost: *** You are in "Gadget Fans". *** OnlineHost: Robo212: Hello Robo212: Hello Monsoon4: Sorry, got a bit distracted Robo212: I had to run AOL 2.0 because 3.0 gave me an out of memory message. :( Monsoon4: Bummer. How much memory do you have? Robo212: I have 6 meg roughly. But I also have about 2 more virtual memory. Monsoon4: Hmm. Running anything besides AOL? Screen savers, etc? Robo212: I do have a soundblaster card, and thats taking about a meg, i think. Robo212: I just love long pauses. Monsoon4: Sorry, I get busy. Robo212: Have you gotten on to my new web page yet. Monsoon4: Yes I have. Robo212: Did you read the second part of episode one. Monsoon4: Did you ever read my stories? Robo212: I have read all of them, believe it or not. I have a lot of time on my hands. Robo212: I liked "A Matter Of Life Or Death." Monsoon4: Yeah, I'm a bit odd that way. Monsoon4: I kinda like the stories wherein something *major* happens to my fave character. Robo212: When it comes to Gadgetism, we are all odd now and then. Monsoon4: Did you take the Gadgetism test? Robo212: I scored pretty high on it. Monsoon4: Same here. Robo212: Thats scary. Monsoon4: No, what's really scary is that I'm 20 years old. (And you thought 16 was bad.) Monsoon4: I've been a fan since I was about 15 Robo212: I had a while where I was not very much of a fan until I read the TV listings and found out. Robo212: that it still was on. Robo212: And then the modem came. Robo212: Have you ever been in a chat with Paltiel Monsoon4: No, but I've mailed him a few times. Robo212: I am planning on sending him the entire first episode so he can put in on his page. Robo212: But I havent gotten a UUencoder yet. Monsoon4: AOL sends things out as Mime64, so you should be able to send it that way. Robo212: Cool, I'll try that. Thanks for the info. Robo212: What kind of RR stuff do you have? Monsoon4: I have a Gadget figure standing on my computer, alongside Data, Troi, and Rogue. Robo212: Lucky bum. Monsoon4: I once took a picture of myself with all my RR stuff, including a pic of Gadget that my mom Monsoon4: made Robo212: My mom made a picture of Gadget for me too, but she got the coloring off. Robo212: It's a watercolor. Monsoon4: Mine was acrylics(?) on a large chunk of pressed wood. Robo212: I use to have almost all of the Gadgetmobiles that McDonalds was selling, but, believe it or Robo212: not, my mom threw them away. Robo212: This was about 4 years ago. Robo212: How many RR videos do you have. Monsoon4: I recorded almost the entire series. Monsoon4: Including the infamous "Dirty Rotten Diapers" Robo212: I have all but 16 episodes. I am looking very hard for TTR. Monsoon4: And I think I have the original dialogue for "Puffed Rangers" Robo212: I think I found (and have), two versions of "Double 'o Chipmunk." Monsoon4: I was a bit shocked when I caught a glimpse of what I thought was Gadget's butt in that one. Robo212: You mean in "Double 'o Chipmunk" Monsoon4: Yup. Robo212: I think that dress did go a little high. Robo212: Do you hate her nightgown. Monsoon4: Yeah, it's kinda frumpy. Robo212: Thats an interesting way to put it. Robo212: Every time I see that part of "Battle Of The Bulge" where her nose is black, I almost scream Monsoon4: Like in a few issues of the comic book. Monsoon4: Feel like strangling the artist assigned to those frames... Robo212: I only have the first issue, and Gadget isn't even in it. Monsoon4: brb Robo212: What does BRB mean. Robo212: I hardly have very much experience in chat rooms. Robo212: Did I stump you or something? Monsoon4: brb = be right back Robo212: Of course, it all makes perfect sense now, my life is complete. (Extreme Sarcasm) Robo212: Do you have any of the Disney Adventures comics. Monsoon4: A few of them. I subscribed for a year. Monsoon4: They stopped doing RR comics a few months before my subscription ended. Robo212: I am buying all of the RR ones from a friend of mine. I almost have them all. Monsoon4: I do have the full run of the comic book. All 19 issues. Robo212: Did Gadget really say "Overstuffed Blowhards" Monsoon4: That sounds familiar, but I don't have my comics with me now. Robo212: Where are you. Robo212: What kind of computer do you have? Robo212: Mine is a 486sx 20mhz outmoded piece of crap. Robo212: Gadget could probably do something with it though. Robo212: I am sort of pressed for time. Monsoon4: I'm a bit busy. Robo212: What are you doing. Monsoon4: At home, I use a Pentium 166 Monsoon4: Talking on the phone. Robo212: Dual lines eh. Monsoon4: Let's put it this way, I'm on AOL 10 hours a day, 4 days a week... Robo212: I wish I could do that, but my dad would throw a fit. Robo212: I am wanting to get that 20 hours billing plan. Monsoon4: Which adds up to 40 hours. Same as 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. Robo212: I have already spent 44 minutes online, and already im sweating. Monsoon4: And, here's the twist, *they* pay *me* Robo212: Are you an aol techie. Monsoon4: Yup. Actually, GNN. Robo212: Interesting. Being payed to spend time online. I could sure go for a job like that. Monsoon4: Which explains how I knew just where to go to set up AOL for an RPI modem... Robo212: Have you seen that new picture on the Gadget Archive with Gadget in a two piece. Monsoon4: I think so... Monsoon4: Lemme bring it up. One sec... Monsoon4: Not bad... ::wiping up the puddle of drool.:: Monsoon4: dB-) Robo212: I had to do the same thing. Robo212: Have you seen my Gadget Hackwrench logo, its on my web page. It is a variation on the RR Robo212: logo. Monsoon4: Yeah, except perhaps a golden wrench across the middle. Robo212: I have been thinking of changing it. But I want to finish my next episode first. Monsoon4: I've decided to stop writing anything. Two people have done parodies of two genres. Robo212: What City and State are you in. I live in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Monsoon4: Now, I'm in Ogden, Utah. But I live in Brigham. Robo212: Cool. Robo212: Sand Springs is just west of Tulsa. Monsoon4: Brigham is about 60 miles north of Salt Lake. Robo212: I don't have very many drooling Gadget fans to talk to, but I keep searching. Robo212: I have to go. I am going to the library. We have to do this again some time. Monsoon4: There's always Email. Seeya. Robo212: Goodbye. Monsoon4: {S goodbye