FoxFire Studios and Company (MechTail waves) Presents A Firestorm FanFict "The Rangers of NIMH" By Paul Lapansee and David Gonterman Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers by The Walt Disney Company Any attempts of lawsuit from The Walt Disney Company *will* result in the immediate roboticization of their entire cartoon population, starting with Mickey!! Jonathan Brisby and The Firestorm Imprint by David Gonterman The Secret of NIMH a Don Bluth Production which is based upon the book Mrs. Frisby (Brisby) and the rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien Watching the movie it helps you understand what is going on. Just a thought, why is Gadget so smart? _______________________ The Ranger's where flowing a leaded of break-ins. Some one was stealing medical equipment, after seeing how the equipment was stolen it could only be... "Nimnul" Chip said as he look at the shattered door. "Too right Chip. Only a nut like him would do this." Monty said. Gadget looked around. "I looks like he was only after some medical reports." They looked at the toppled over cabinets. Dale picked up a piece of paper. "Hey guys, I think I found something." Gadget grabbed it. "Hmm It has something to do with lady dying of brain cancer and being cured after being bitten by a rat. Strange all the files stolen where of strange cases involving rats." "Rats how do rats fit into this." Chip scratched his head. "Nimnul's been stealing Medical Equipment all this time. Why would he steal old files?" Dale looks sleepy. "Chip can we go home now there's nothing else to look at?" Monty yawns. "Dale right lad we need some sleep. We can figure this out tomorrow." Chip looked frustrated. "All right, all right we'll look into it tomorrow." They head back to ranger headquarters. _______________________________ Deep in underground in a city of Rats, there is a middle age rat sitting in a chair. Life was good for them easy access to the city resources. The rat frowned a bit. He wanted so much for them to live without stealing. They tried once. But a flood nearly killed them out in forest, so they came to the city. Yes as long as they stayed underground things where all right. But a few went up into the city to get food and some never came back. A strange-looking mouse wearing a red amulet walked up to him. "It's good to see you again, Jonathan," The rat said. The mouse brushed aside his rather punk-style hair. "Justin, I heard you were looking for me." He smiled. The rat sat up. "Yes I was. We have a problem." _______________________________ The next day the Rangers where siting around a table trying to figure out there next move. "Well, we can either wait for Nimnul to strike next or find him before he does." Chip said. Gadget looked at Chip. "He would need a big place to hold all that equipment. Maybe if we check out some old factories he could be hiding out in one of them." There was a knock at the door. "I get it." Dale said. He opened it. "Can I help you?" There stood a rather handsome-looking mouse in a black vested jumper with white sleeves and red-and-white checkered collars, and wearing a sparkling red amulet. He quietly entered the room and smiled. "Actually it is I who can help you." ____________________________________ "Who are you?" "The name's Jonathan Brisby. I came from a rat village around town. It appears that both of us are on the same case, and I thought we could compare notes." "Oh. Sure, come on in." "jonathan brisby, eh? the name sounds familiar," said the large Australian mouse at the back. Chip looked at him. "You said that you are working on a case like ours, just how do you know, we never met before. Do you belong to a group like ours?" Jonathan looked at him. "I have a lot of friends who have told me things about your group. As for you other question, No. I usually work alone." "Then why ask us?" "Well I a.. It's kind of.. I need help, this case has left me puzzled." Chip shows the new guy around: "Well you have come to the right place. My name is Chip, That's Monterey Jack--don't strain your brain remembering, monty--, that's Zipper, he's Dale and..." Jonathan wasn't listening at that point. He was locked in a gaze with the girl mouse. "h-hello, there," she said. "I'm Gadget. Gadget Hackwrench." "Charmed," Jonathan held out his paw. Gadget blushed slightly and stretched out her paw to his. When she took it, his amulet that hung from his neck glowed--slightly, but for all to notice. Jonathan looked self-consciously at the rock. "You've got to excuse me. I got this amulet from my great-grandfather from his adventures from NIMH. It gets this way when it senses someone with courage and . . . character . . . and stuff [turns to amulet] Back to bed, you." It shut itself off. "*NIMH!!*" Monty's brain finally clicked in. "You're great-grandfather, does he have the same name--" Gadget was struck by the word NIMH as well . . . something from her past . . . something she couldn't quite put her finger on. "Yes, he does. You've heard of him, I see." "Do I ever?! JB, your great-grandpappy's an legend . . ." ------------------------ The Rescue Ranger's sat around the table and listened to Monty telling them what he knew of the original Jonathan Brisby. "Oh come, Monty! Are you saying that ordinary rats became super intelligent because of some experiment?" "That's what I heard mate's I wasn't there but.. [He looked at Gadget.] I have heard stories." Gadget looked at Chip. "As strange as it may seem Chip. The reports stolen had to do with rats and knowing Nimnul anything is possible." Jonathan repeated the name. "Nimnul...Nimnul now where have I heard that name before, just who is this guy?" There was a knock at the door. Chip stood up. "I get the door guys." Gadget explained there adventures with Nimnul while Chip answered the door. "Dale come quick there's letter its for both of us." Chip sounded excited and Dale ran up. "Do you think it's it?" "Well there RAS logo on it." Chip said. They both read the letter. The group watched as the two chipmunks jumped around like they won the lottery or something. "Yes!" Chip yelled "Crikey mates, what's the letter say? Don't leave us in the dark." "It's a letter from the Rescue Aid Society. They have two openings in this area and guess who they wanted to fill the positions?" Chip said with a smirk. "You two?" Gadget said. "Yeper's Gadget." Dale said. There was silence. Jonathan watched as their face's dropped. Gadget sniffed back her tears. Jonathan gave her a gentle tap on the sholder and a look of sympathy. Zipper landed on Monty's. "I'm happy for you guys." Gadget said. Chip's face also shared in the sadness. "Well I.. the letter says we have a week to decided so maybe we can solve this case before then." They nodded. "Sorry to brake the mood guys but I think I know where Nimnul is going to strike next," Jonathan said looking at a map. "Where?" Jonathan pointed to a building. "There is more then one branch in this country and all the places that where hit have contracts with The National Institute of Mental Health." "N-I-M-H" Gadget said. "Got it in one, Gadget. NIMH." ________________________________ Nimnul is seen working on some equipment. "Oh yes just a few minor adjustments and..[The factory's lights turn on.] Tada.. not even the power company can stop me. He he he." He walks over to a computer. "Now let me see who next?" He taps in some commands and a map appears on the screen. A flashing red box appears over a building. "Oh yes. Now if I remember correctly the building has a type 5 alarm system. This calls for plain E.. he he he E as in Earthquake ha ha ha haaa." _____________________________ Back at the Ranger Tree. Gadget is seen making some minor adjustments on the Ranger Wing. Jonathan looks at the plane in amazement. "Gadget, who built this?" "I did." She said from under the plane. "You did?" "Actually I built it according to one of my fathers blue prints. He use to designed planes in his spare time." She slid out from under it. Jonathan grabbed her paw and helped her to her feet. "Your father must have been very smart. I would like to meet him one day." "Gadget's father is dead, mate." Monty said as he walked up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." "It's ok. This is my family now." Her ears dropped as she remember about Chip and Dale. Chip walked out side. "You guys ready?" They nodded and hoped into the plane. Jonathan sat beside Gadget to much of Chip's regret. The plane lifted off the ground and zipped away with the Rangers. "Wow-whee, Gadget," Jonathan said as they flew off. "This is some plane. There are some rats I know that would just like to meet you!" "That reminds me, mate: What happened to the Rats after they broke out of NIMH?" "It's a long story, Monty. After a while outside of captivity, they believed that they have become smart enough to live independently of human's . . . er, can we say, 'benefits?'" "HA!! That's a nice way of telling us that they don't wanna *steal* anymore!" Jonathan held up a finger. "I quote our first leader, the Late Nicodemus: 'We can't live as rats anymore. We *know* too much.' So we perused this dream of ours, with variable degrees of success. The Rats trekked out to The Thorn Valley Reservation Park, and builded our little civilization from there." "Thorn Valley. I heard that place got dammed up four years back." "Yeah. That almost flooded us. We had to move the entire city to higher ground. Also had to split off several parties to build new villages." "Jonathan," Gadget asked, "We've read about a brain cancer patient getting cured by a bite from a rat. Is that because of those experiments at NIMH?" "Mmmm. Brain Cancer, you say?" Jonathan scratches his chin "It could be. The Rats have top scientists of their own figuring out exactly *what* NIMH did to them. Their reports say that the NIMH experiments had to do about finding a cure for brain damage, retardedness, learning disabilities, and what other stuff to that account. What they have in their formulas is something that not just repair damaged brain cells but enhances already healthy brain matter to, shoot, I don't know." "Golly" Gadget said as JB got to this point. She was drifting off into her own thoughts, pausing just to listen to Jonathan describe the NIMH experiments. As a child--she could barely remember--she could hear her father talk about being caught in a lab at one time. She didn't care about it then, but now? Did Geegaw Hackwrench came from the National Institute of Mental Health? Is he one of those legendary 'Rats of NIMH?' And what does this mean to her? Is *this* why she's one of the brighter mice in the city? "I don't know about you, mates, but I do hope NIMH *kept* that formula. If their test subjects can learn how to read, break out of their labs on their own, go off to some forest and build their own civilization, I'd say *that* could be a sign that they're doing something *right!!*" _______________________ "There it is." The ranger plane few up to a building that looked like a small hospital. "Nice big place they have here." Monty said. JB looked down. "NIMH must be doing well these days. I remember hearing once that they almost went bankrupt because of budget restraints. There was also something about a guy trying to take the credit for some of their discoveries. He ended up in a mental institution." The ranger plane landed on the roof. "OK guys lets find a way in. If Nimnul strikes again well be here to stop him. Dale you stay here." "Aw come on, Chip. I don't want to miss out on the fun." Dale said. "Dale, we need a look out. If you see Nimnul give us a shout on the radio." Dale agreed and sat on the Ranger Wing. The rest of them looked around. "Hmm all the vents have screens on them. I guess they don't want any small visitors." Jonathan said smiling like he was not surprised. "No problem mates just give me a crack at it." The large mouse grabbed a hold of the screen and pulled. The screen slowly gave way and popped out of its socket. "Man, and I though Brutis was strong." The group tied a rope and slid down the shaft. Dale watched them disappear from view. "There the go again with out me.. One day I'll show Chip." He sighed as the sun started to set. "Where are you?..." He said looking at the sky. ---------------------- The group quietly walked through the heat vents. It's a good thing it's not winter. They came across a computer room and looked out of the vent. Two humans where working with VR equipment manipulating DNA strings on the computer screen. "OK Frank, I think I got the sequences right." The other human removed his helmet and walk up to the computer. "Yes the computer is now saving it and sending it to the main frame. The human took his helmet off. "Good." He looked at the clock. "Well we're already 1 hour late. So we better go before they lock up." The computers where turned off and they walked out the door. Jonathan looked at Chip. "OK, now what?" "We wait. If Nimal is going to strike, he usually waits until after closing time." Jonathan looked at the computer and got an idea. "Monty can you help me open this vent." The two mice popped the vent open and walked into the room. JB looked around. "Nice set up." He hopped on all fours and climbed up the chair. "Hey what are you doing?" Chip yelled out. "Just getting some info which may help us." He said looked down from the chair. He found the on switch. 'CLICK' The computer came to life. "Golly Chip he's even good at computers." Gadget said looking up. "More like a computer geek." Chip said under his breath. "Aha UNIX... hmm I'm a bit rusty but.." 'tap, taps, tap, tap..' 'Beep.' "Darn that didn't work." 'tap, tap, taps, Beep!' "Fine be that way!" Chip scratched his head. Gadget half understood what he was doing. "Chip, look around to see if they have a list of passwords around here." Zipper was already on it. He dived into a drawer and pulled out a slip of paper. "Find me *any* human who keeps their passwords safe," Jonathan smirked, "even biogenetic scientists?" He typed in. 'Just a sec.' The computer screen blurred as information zipped by. Beep Access Granted. "Access profile on subject" A picture of a younger looking Nimnul appeared on screen. "Crikey that's Nimnul. What does it say." Jonathan slapped himself on the face. "Now I remember! Nimnul. Professor Norton Nimnul. He was the guy who wanted credit from NIMH. He was on the same team that experimented on..." The door opened, two guards walked in waving flashlights around. "Halt! you... mice???" "RUN FOR IT!" Chip screamed. Jonathan did a quick tap on the computer and jumped off the chair and dashed for the vent with the others. The guards looked at each other. "Hey Fred, let's keep this to our selves. I don't think anyone would believe us ." The guard looked at the computer screen and saw this message just a second before the screen went blank: WE'VE DONE IT, PINKY!! JUST ANOTHER STEP ON OUR QUEST TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD--BRAIN Jonathan snickered as he brought up the rear up the vent. "I'd like to see Warner Brothers explain *that!* Too hot shot lab rats still stuck in their cages thinks they can take it over? *HA!!!*" "Hah-hah-hah" Monterey slapped Jonathan on the back. "I like your style, kid!" ---------------------- Dale is yawning as he is trying to stay awake. He sits up and bonks himself on the head. "Got say awake." Dale looks around and spots a bread-box truck parked a distance away in another parking lot. The lights are on inside. He grabs the binoculars and zooms in. The rounded zoomed in image show two couples in the back seat doing . . . "Oops!" Dale moves the binoculars and zooms on the truck. Nimnul jumps out of the drivers side. Dale almost dropped the binoculars while he reached for the radio. 'CLICK.. In the NEWS today..' "Oops." 'CLICK' "Gadget can you hear me?" Gadget grabs the her homemade transceiver. "I can hear you Dale." "I have spotted Nimnul he's here.." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be continued in Rangers of NIMH part 2.