The History of Jonathan Brisby

The legacy of the Origional Jonathan Brisby was chronicled in Don Bluth's first animated movie and one of Animation's best sleeper flicks, The Secret of NIMH. If you were wondering what the movie is about, there is a web pages that has the summary of the movie, as well as some screen captures. Click at the Title of the movie to reciece a frame-by-frame account, or go to

Shortly after the death of Ms. Jonathan Brisby, the remaining Brisbys, led by Timothy, headed to Thorn Valley. Along the way, one of Timothy's cousins, Copper, bravely defended off and eventually killed Dragon, but not without the cat raking his claws accross Copper's face! Not one to make the more sensitive type frightened by his now-hideous visage, Copper has hidden his face behind a mask ever since. He was also given the nickname, "The Phantom of Thorn Valley," which inspired him to assimilate the romantic part of the character he got named after, persuing the profession of an illusionist.

Justin, now the leader of the Rats of NIMH, returned the Brisby Amulet to the Brisbys, as a symbol of their legacy, to be passed on from father to eldest son. Timothy did so to his son, Elias, although the magic stone showed no activity during the time that he held it. This was not true with Elias' son, however.

Jonathan "Jack" Brisby IV was born on November 18, 1984. It was when everybody found out that he had spots on his body similar to that of the Original JB that gave him that name as his own. Also, when the Brisby Amulet was placed around his newborn neck, the stone glowed bright. It was then it was said that Jonathan will be something special in time.

Copper, Jonathan's uncle and god-father, kept that in Jonathan's mind all through his growing years. Copper was constantly teaching Jonathan his magic tricks, giving him the pet name of "Dreamweaver," based on the song that was played during his ceremony where Jonathan got his name. When Elias and his wife were killed, Copper took the orphaned Jonathan into his home, and eventually into his show as they toured together.

Jonathan Brisby left Copper to go on his own in time, to seek his fame and fortune. He promptly had an experience giving him the belief that he is destined to be more than what he expected of himself. He came accross an outcasted young man trapped in his own fantasy world. With JB's help, this guy was able to break out of his mind-numbed state and began to reach out to the world outside of himself via the Internet.

Not too much time afterward. Jonathan was found teaming up with the Rescue Rangers, as they investigated a series of robberies that involved both the Rangers and the Rats of NIMH. He is currently still with the Rangers as a full-time Ranger (To replace Chip and Dale who left for the Rescue Aid Society) and as a "Disney FanFict" character. JB hopes that The Walt Disney Company, or any other animation company for that matter, can strike a deal with him. He has been seen with Mickey Mouse, however, who is reported to be impressed with Jonathan, and had tutored him from time to time. Whatever will happed beyond this point is uncertain.

Statistics for Jonathan Brisby

Age: 15
Height: Varies, usually 2'5" or 2.5"*
Weight: Varies, usually 25lbs or 2.5lbs*
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Personality: A cross between Mickey Mouse and Bart Simpson
Likes: A good piece of cheese, his friends and family in Thorn Valley and the Rescue Rangers, Gadget Hackwrench.
Dislikes: Research Scientists who don't treat their test subjects humanly, anything that threatens his friends and family, and halloween costumes who show too much attitude.
Girlfriends: Used to date lots of girls, mice and human, but he is currently happily steady with Gadget Hackwrench.
Current Whereabouts: Mucking in the Disney Universe with the remains of the Rescue Rangers
Current Statue: FanFiction Character
Life Goal: To be the next Mickey Mouse. (Tall Order)
Abilities: Accomplished Magician and Illusionist, battled Pippkin once and won. Wrears magical amulet with unknown powers.

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