Danger can take the most innocent forms....... RHYME & REASON By Michael Demcio. Part V: Playtime. 2:20..... "All right Chip,...*get a hold of yourself*!" the leader of the Rescue Rangers whispered, cutting off his terrified cries. Acutely aware of the thudding of his own heart, he knew he was in a state of panic, and a bad one at that. His mouth was bone dry, his stomach felt like it was being wringed through a press, and every muscle in his body felt as if they had turned to mush. With the wind rushing through his fur as he plummeted headlong to earth, he smiled, feeling a wave of giddy, panicked hysteria coming over him. /As Gadget would put it,/ he thought, /we have a problem./ Taking a deep breath, he forced his fear down as far as he could, shaking his mind clear of the hysteria. /All right, *think*!/ he ordered himself. /There *has* to be a way out of this! What I need is a plan. Actually,/ he amended to himself, /what I need is a place to land. One that won't kill me that is! Okay, I know *that* much. First, slow yourself down, he told himself, and buy some time./ Splaying his limbs out to catch all the air he could, he nodded, and while still keeping a tight rein over his fear, he carefully reached into his jacket for his binoculars. Now to see if there's anything down there I can aim towards, that's soft enough to land on. His eyes tight against the viewfinders, he blinked away the tears the tearing air pressure had caused. As his vision began to clear, the picture of the ground below began to come into better focus. Trying to keep the binoculars steady and focused was no easy matter with the wind pushing against them, but with a little work, he finally managed to get a fairly good fix upon the objects below him. No water below me, he thought, at least nothing deep enough to dive safely into. He scanned around some more. /Nothing soft enough to land on....*CALM DOWN*!/ he ordered himself again, feeling the giddy fear rising once more. There has to be something, and I'm not giving up until I hit bottom. /Like they say, it's not over until the fat lady sings!/ "Hmph!", he uttered, a half smile crossing his face, /Maybe I can land on a *fat lady*!/ Still he continued to look, shifting his gaze around hopefully. /Nope...nope...hmmm, wait a minute,/ he thought, pausing upon an object as a plan began to form in his mind. /*Yeah*. Landing in *that* would be soft enough! Only how do I get over there?....../ "hmmm," he murmured after scanning around until he found what he needed. /Yep, that'll do it all right, and it's crazy enough that it just might work! It'll have too./ he finished, pausing to place his binoculars back in his jacket. /It's the only chance I can see that I've got!/ Only about a dozen seconds had elapsed since his plummet had begun. Removing his grappling rope and his bullwhip, he worked rapidly, securely tying the two together. Then coiling the two pieces around his arm, he removed his binoculars once more and fixed them on his target-*a nearby lamppost*. /I need to move in closer./ he observed, gauging the distance between where he would land now, and where the post was. Angling his descent, he maneuvered and adjusted his plummeting form a few times, catching the wind and slicing his way through the air until he had positioned himself to where he wanted to be. /Now all I have to do is keep ready./ he thought, fighting to keep his calm and concentration focused, and his nervousness down. I'm only going to get one chance at this. The seconds flew by quickly, as did the distance between him and the ground. By now, he didn't need the binoculars to keep track of the lamppost, it was quite close enough....as was the ground. Seeing that he only had a few more seconds, he took out of his pocket the last item he needed to complete his plan. It was a handcrafted rodent sized survival knife that Monty had gotten for him, two birthdays back. /Hopefully *this* present will help me live to see this birthday through!/ he thought nervously, clamping the knife with the blade extended down, between his feet, hoping wryly that the item would live up to its name as a *survival* knife. Steadying himself, he withdrew the coiled lifeline from his arm, readying it. Again he gauged the distance. "Okay..." he whispered expectantly, trying not to tense up, "Ready,.....NOW!" he shouted, hurling the rope down. Cutting through the air, the grappling rope wrapped its way around the upper stem of the post, looping around a few times before securing itself to the metal cylinder as the grappling end sunk it's pointed tip back into the rope. Grabbing the thick end of his bullwhip at the bottom of the length, Chip braced himself for the ride. "PISTACHIOOO!!" he cried as he rode the rope down, hanging on as tight as possible as his strength was pitted against the strain of the sudden change in direction, swinging back up. With all the inertia that he had built up on the way down, Chip swung up and over the post once, his momentum building up even more as the rope looped around the post and slid its way over the slick metal. Near the apex of the second turn, Chip let go of the rope, giving a last, desperate wish that he was still on course for his next target, a nearby hot dog vendor, and that his slingshot effect had given him enough momentum to get there. Grasping the utility knife tighter between his feet, he arced through the air, landing on target a moment later upon the hot dog vendor's umbrella. Knowing that had he chosen to use the umbrella to break his fall, although it was soft enough, he would have just bounced off of it to possibly seriously hurt himself in falling to the ground, he'd chosen to use something far softer than the umbrella to stop himself. Namely, *the hot dogs*. With his weight and the force of his momentum behind it, the knife had no trouble tearing an instant hole in the fabric, allowing Chip to plummet straight into the hot dog bin where he landed safely though abruptly upon a bed of dozens of relatively soft frankfurters. There was however, one slight drawback to his otherwise safe landing. Namely, *the heat*. "Yeow! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hoooot!" he cried, quickly springing up from the scalding surface and jumping to grab the nearby lip of the bin. Once out of the wagon though, he quickly stopped. "Uh-oh." he murmured, remembering something as he looked back behind him. Quickly leaping back in he retrieved his forgotten survival knife, digging around for a second before pulling it out of the pile of hot dogs. Jumping back up to the lip of the bin again, he allowed his knife to cool down before replacing it in his jacket. "Hot dogs have enough dangerous stuff in them as is," he commented wryly. Looking around, he saw that he didn't have to worry about the vendor minding his alternate use of the wares. Reason being, was that the man was too busy watching the action a short distance away as Cranston towers continued to be evacuated, and fire fighters and S.W.A.T. teams poured into the building to check out the bomb threat. Hopping down off the cart, Chip winced, the pain in his ribs giving him a sharp stab. Whatever he'd strained or injured from the explosion back at the library was still bothering him. /Luckily, whatever it is, it's not bad enough to restrict my movements too much./ he noted. /I can't *afford* to be restricted now./ Removing his binoculars for a moment, Chip trained them upon the top of the building, where smoke from the burning acid continued to pour out of the windows. With a twinge of remorse, he stuffed the instrument back into this pocket and began to look around him, his mind lingering on the scene a moment longer. He remembered how, with the acid pouring down, he'd watched with sorrow as all the plants within the scope of his vision had withered and died, their smoking, dissolving husks collapsing into the soil.() He grimaced at the thought. /All those living plants./ he thought grimly. /Who or what else is going to get hurt or killed in this game?/ he wondered, thinking darkly what he would do to Ivana when he finally caught up with her. Shimmying up the lamppost to retrieve his bullwhip and rope, and then obtaining the right sized piece of paper from a nearby bank, Chip made his way up to the second story window sill of the building that housed the bank. Once there, he looked critically at himself, reflecting on a comment that had been made within that same bank about what a few people had smelled. "Whew!" he exclaimed as he sniffed his jacket and fur. Using his hat, he tried to wave away the strong scent of hot dogs that now enveloped him. "If I get within ten feet of any cat, they're going to have the urge to lay me down on a bun with sauerkraut and relish!" With the odor refusing to dissipate, Chip shrugged in resignation. Putting his hat back on, and folding the paper he'd taken, he took off in his new plane, quickly making his way toward his next destination. * * * 2:28..... Standing on the outer window sill of one of the city's art museums, Chip withdrew a compact glass cutter from his jacket. Placing it upon the pane, he cut a small hole for himself to slip through, being especially careful not to trip the alarm sensors mounted on and around the window. /Glad I started taking after Gadget with this habit./ he thought to himself, replacing the cutter in his jacket pocket. /It's come in handy quite a few times!/ Reflecting on this thought for a moment, a light smirk crossed his face as he slipped through the hole. /Too bad I haven't taken after her yet with wearing a *parachute* for emergencies!....You know,/ he mused, jumping lightly down from the sill, /if I'd had a parachute back there, I might have actually enjoyed that ride!/ Looking around at the empty hallway of the museum, Chip turned his mind to what had led him here, and what exactly was in this place that he was looking for. The latest rhyme to find the next location had went, "To find the next clue, look to the past, then link it to a like, term that has cast, the measure of balance for good or for ill, and then you will see, why those who now fill, an arena with sport, though they can be quite small, when you single them out, they can be quite tall, and when you examine them, one and all, remember the one who heralds the call." /This verse seems pretty straightforward./ He had thought upon first seeing the rhyme. /At least some parts of it. Those who are tall who fill an arena with sport, sounds like its talking about basketball players and "the one who heralds the call" referring to referees....or maybe even baseball players and umpires./ He added to himself a moment later. /After all, even though they may not be as tall as basketball players, a legend's stature is a another term for big or tall, and Ivana is certainly fond of playing on words!/ However, another moment of reflecting upon the psychology of his adversary, and he had disregarded the thought altogether. /Nah, that can't be it!/ he frowned. /The reference to sports figures in a stadium is *too* obvious! If there's one thing I know about Ivana by now, is that she would never make the game easy enough to give out "obvious" clues, especially since she's *already* used that trick on me.<> Besides,/ he amended to himself. /it still leaves open the question of "where"? Well, now that I've pretty much ruled that possibility out, what does this thing mean?!/ Turning toward the props that Ivana had provided with the note, Chip considered them thoughtfully, certain that they would give him cues to deciphering this lyrical riddle. Slowly at first, and then with increasing momentum, a train of thought began to form. /One thing that's clear about Ivana is that she has a penchant for destruction. It's almost like a hobby for her. So I'm willing to bet that when she said "the past" she was referring to something that was killed or destroyed. In this case, that would have to be the rose in the vase, and the chocolate covered walnut that got squashed. After all, right now they are in the "past tense". Now what the heck does *that* have to do with a "like term" that measures balance "good or for ill" I wonder?/ Thinking about how Ivana loved to use plays on words, he carefully ran through his head, every synonym and term he could that had to do with flowers, but nothing seemed to connect to the rhyme. However, upon turning his mind upon the crushed walnut, something having to do with the rhyme immediately sprang to mind. /Nuts!/ he thought excitedly, /The nut was destroyed in a sense, or crushed into nuts, and *nuts* is a layman's term about "*mental balance*"!/ With a satisfied grin at his deduction, he continued. /Okay, Now for the next part. What's a "like term" that also has do with metal balance "for good or for ill", that can also be connected with the rest of the rhyme?/ Coming up with many different metaphors for mental balance which ran the gamut from oars to enchiladas, Chip began to grow slightly frustrated as none of them seemed to bear any connection to the rhyme. It was only when he'd spotted the small bit of curved yellow chalk upon the concrete heart that the rhyme finally fell into place. Instantly, it all made sense. /Marbles!/ he thought, making the connection at last. /Having all your marbles or losing all your marbles! That small yellow line is part of a playing circle or "arena", for a game of marbles! *That's* what gets filled with sport!/ The rest of the reasoning was simple. "When you single them out" had meant talking about a single marble, and from there, a connection could be made from a "marble", to the rock type of marble that was mined. The things that were made of marble that could be "quite tall" could be referring to either an entire building, or perhaps marble walls or statues. However, the "they", "them", and especially "who" in the rest of the rhyme had subsequently ruled out anything *but* statues. The "where" of it all was fairly obvious. The only art museum in the city that had statues of Roman Gods within them, particularly of one in specific. The reason he knew to be looking for Roman Gods was that with all the verbal and visual references to hearts that had been made at "The Cutting's Edge", "The one who heralds the call", was obviously referring to the one who heralded the call of *love*, namely *Cupid*. Standing now within the empty hallway, Chip felt the fur rise on the back of his neck. He couldn't help but feel that he knew what sort of a trap would be awaiting him here. Once he'd figured out that the museum was where he'd had to go, he'd also realized something else. So far, Ivana was following a definite pattern of picking places with direct links to some of their old cases. The library as a clue site could be traced back to the case with Foxglove's former mentor-Winnifred*. She had after all, been a cleaning woman at one of the local public libraries, and had wanted to exact some destructive revenge at her former place of employment upon being fired from her job. "The Cutting's Edge" as a clue site, could be linked to the case that the Rangers had had in the rainforests of South America when the "Zombie King", Heinrich Von Sugarbottom, had attempted to control the world's chocolate market using mind controlled animal and human labor.**. The density of the plants in there had certainly resembled a rain forest of sorts to him, with the chocolate chips and the chocolate covered walnut being now, an overly obvious connection. Finally, here he was at a deserted art museum, which could be linked back to the case with Ratso Ratskiwatski +. Exactly like that particular case, the museum was closed, even though it wasn't a Monday or a holiday. Why the museum was closed though, he didn't know as he'd seen no reason posted on the front door. Was it Ivana's doing to resemble the case that much closer? Or was the closing purely a coincidence? He didn't know, but even though he was grateful about not having to worry about innocent bystanders, save for a security guard perhaps, he hoped that this resemblance to that old case wouldn't go as far he feared it would. In that old case, some flunkies of Ratskiwatski had used Professor Nimnul's Gigantico gun in reverse to miniaturize the whole museum. If Ivana had gotten her hands on another model of that gun, then the Rangers were as good as dead. If she managed to shrink the museum while he was in it, he himself would be reduced to a size so tiny, there would be hardly any way he could accomplish the rescue of his friends. /Still, what choice do I have?/ he gulped. He was sure the next location clue lay within, and trap or no, he had to try to obtain it. Checking the signs, he spotted the direction he needed to go. Darting along the halls and up a few flights of stairs, he made his way toward the section of the museum that featured the statues he wanted. Though he arrived at his destination without incident, the trip in itself was quite a bit unnerving. Quiet as a tomb throughout, and of a melancholy light since only the daylight remained to illuminate where it could reach within the interior, the museum felt abnormally spooky. Its darkened and still corridors played on his nerves, making him feel as though he were surrounded, despite the fact there was no one and nothing in sight. Still, as much as he disliked the quiet in this case, with mixed feelings he was fairly certain it would not remain for long. Tensely alert for any sort of movement or sound, Chip activated his penlight and swept it through the musty gloom of the museum, illuminating each statue within the room. Moving through the first roomful, but not finding what he was looking for, he passed into a second where he soon located the statue of Cupid. Smaller than the other statues, his nocked bow and arrow were aimed out into space, his cheery, cherubic like countenance standing in direct contrast to the moody apprehension that Chip himself was now feeling. Climbing over and around the statue proved to be very difficult, as the slippery marble wouldn't allow him to dig his claws in with much if any stability. Still, though tricky, he carefully examined what he thought was every nook and cranny of the sculpture, but nowhere did he find the note that he expected to be there. Acting on his instinct which said that the clue he was looking for *had* to be upon the sculpture, he executed an even *more* careful and scrutinous examination of the statue, finding the note attached to Cupid's arrow. Molded and secured around the arrow's tip, it had also been painted the same shade of marble gray to further conceal it. Detaching the note and unfolding it, he illuminated it with his penlight as he read it aloud. "A similar post and a differing season, is where the path leads, now figure the reason." Placing the note with the others in his pocket, Chip smiled confidently as he turned around. Sweeping his penlight once again throughout the room, he spotted his next target a good distance away within the room before climbing down from Cupid. His few minutes at the computer in "The Cutting's Edge" had served him well in saving him some time. In the electronic encyclopedia from the online service, he had accessed a listing of all the Roman Gods he could. After all, a pretty clear M.O. of Ivana's by now, was the linking of similar things. With the fact that she had told him to seek out a statue of a certain Roman God for this latest clue, there was a pretty good chance that the next clue would be either directly or indirectly linked to it. Remembering the facts that he had delved from the listing of the Roman Gods in the computer, this latest rhyme found him ready this time. The "Similar post" was another way of saying a similar job. The "differing season" was referring to the name of his next target. The basic reason for different seasons was temperature, and the thing most associated with temperature was the way to measure it. The most common way to measure it which lay within thermometers, also happened to be the name of his next target. The only other god who shared a similar job as a "herald". The Roman God Hermes, who was also known as *Mercury*, messenger of the gods. Keeping his senses peaked for the first inkling of a trap, Chip approached the significantly taller statue of the Roman God. Suddenly, his mind flashed back to an image he had seen earlier. Remembering having seen the picture of the winged god within the window of "The Cutting's Edge" as a symbol for its floral delivery service, as he too had "received" a flower, he had wondered if there was any connection there that he could use now in his quest. After a moment's thought, he was able to find none, and with a shrug, he filed the thought away in the back of his mind should he need it later. Gritting his teeth together in silent dread as he tried to anticipate Ivana's next looming surprise, he carefully scaled the statue with the penlight clamped in his teeth, looking for the next note. Like the last note, this once proved very difficult to find as well, folded into a tight packet and concealed away within a crack beneath the messenger's helmet. Removing the note and unfolding it, he illuminated the message upon it. "An extremely fast god was he, this deity known as Mercury, but even winged feet could not outpace, the guaranteed winner of any swift race." the message read. Stuffing this next message in his pocket, Chip made his way back down the statue and lit up the room around him once more. This time though, he couldn't see what he was looking for. Proceeding down to the next doorway, he found yet another group of statues within a new room, and a few feet down into this new room, he spotted the one he believed the message to be talking about, the statue of *Zeus*. /Only makes sense anyway for the path to lead from the personal messenger of Zeus to Zeus himself./ Chip thought, even though there was more to his reasoning than that. The reason behind this last rhyme, though written to confuse him, was still pretty simple. Simple that is, with his newfound knowledge of Roman mythology. The only thing that nothing could win against in a "swift race" would have to be light itself, he'd thought, Which should lead me to Zeus, one of the Roman gods who was best known for controlling light, or specifically lightning bolts. True to his thoughts of a moment ago, the beam of his penlight fell now upon the ominous figure of Zeus, depicted in a striking pose. Clenched in the figure's right hand was a lightning bolt, ready to be hurled out as though it were a javelin. Another careful search of this next statue found the note as well hidden as the last two had been, this one placed into a crack behind the sculpted beard which "grew" a short way beneath Zeus's chin. Illuminating the message, it read as such: "This leader ruled, with wisdom and fire, known as lord, or also sire, so from this rhyme now try to find, the vital clue that I left behind." "What the?" Chip blurted out, his brow furrowing down at the message. "This doesn't tell me anything! The only "lord" or "leader" of the gods that the Romans or Greeks ever really spoke of is Zeus himself, and he's the one this message is talking about! How can this message lead me to another- oh, wait a minute!" he caught himself, his eye alighting upon two of the words in the message. /More double meanings from Ivana./ he thought, grinning slyly as he nodded his head. /Besides a monarch or a ruler, a "sire" also means a "father",....and vital is a synonym for denoting vitality or strength! Next stop,/ he told himself stuffing the message in his pocket, /*Zeus's son*./ Sliding down the carved marble to look among the rest of the statues in the large room, he spotted his next target in the far corner, almost directly across from where he was now. Seemingly to his eye, the statue of *Hercules* was even larger than the other statues he had examined so far, holding a simple yet viral pose, with his war club held at the ready upon his shoulder. After another careful search, again being as well hidden as the last three messages, Chip found the latest note wedged deep within the folds of the stone garment that lay upon the statue's arm. After removing the latest message and illuminating it though, he had not even looked at the first word before finding himself in the grip of an uncontrollable yawn, which sent every muscle in his body trembling. The slight sensation of fatigue that immediately followed the reflex did not surprise him. After all the day's harrowing moments and nonstop pace, he was only surprised that he wasn't more tired. Still, he considered, what with constantly worrying about the safety of his friends every moment, he had not even a chance to think about how just how tired he might be. Not that it mattered though. No matter how tired he was or might become, he just *had* to complete this quest on time. *Either that or die trying*. Stuffing the message back in his pocket, Chip slid down from the statue to the stone feet of the carving. Sitting down upon the cool smooth marble of the statue, relaxing his own feet for the moment with a grateful sigh, he took the message out of his pocket once more and began to read it, an incredulous smile spreading across his face as he viewed the rather bizarre message printed upon it....... * * * The search continued on. The RamDale incident had passed some forty five minutes ago, and though weary and hungry by now from their relentless searching for their friend, still the four Rangers persevered in their quest. One question was ever present in all of their minds, that being whether they would be able to find Chip and get out in time. It was after completing a search of the long adjacent hallway where Gadget and Dale had fought their duel, that one of the teams made a most unusual discovery. "Well would you get a gander at this." Monterey said to himself curiously as he looked up and about him, while Zipper simply gaped in confusion at the sight. He and Zipper had just entered into the first room of the new hallway, trying hard to keep their hopes up, but expecting to find just another dark, cold and empty room. What he and Zipper had found however, was a room that was anything but. "What'd you find Monty?" Gadget's voice chimed in a moment later from behind him, as she and Dale entered the room as well. The pair had just swung into the new hallway moments before, and hearing Monterey's comment, had ran to see what was the cause of such a statement. "Toys." Monterey said oddly, without even looking at them. "Toys?" Dale and Gadget asked in unison as their eyes adjusted to the light in the room. Looking up, the pair saw that sure enough, what the room contained was precisely what Monterey had said. Toys. Specifically, stuffed toys. They appeared to be within some sort of a large conference room, complete with an elongated meeting table. Three shelves lined the walls which ran around the room, and upon the shelves sat stuffed toys every type and size imaginable. From dogs and cats to more exotic animals like monkeys and penguins, the shelves were crammed full of them. "What *is* all this?" Gadget breathed in confusion as she took in the sight. "Must be some kind of a toy factory we're in." Zipper squeaked pensively. "But why would someone leave all these toys behind?" Dale asked, "I mean, *most* of the place looks like it's been cleared out. Like the people moved." "Maybe someone didn't. Maybe someone else brought them all in." Monterey stated. "Ivana?" Zipper inquired. "Exactly, mate." Monterey grumbled. "But *why*?" the smallest Ranger squeaked. As Monterey was about to answer that he didn't know what that reason of their enemy could have been, Dale suddenly exclaimed a recognized name from long ago. "Hey! *Abbadabba*! C'mon!" he waved at the others,breaking into a run. "Where?!" Monterey Jack, Gadget and Zipper blurted out, suddenly alert and looking rapidly about them for the rougue simian.++ "*Nowhere*." Dale said quickly, shaking his head. "Look at the animals." he added, pointing toward them anxiously. "A lot of them are *bears*!" "You're right, Dale!" Gadget exclaimed excitedly looking at the teddy bears, "And since Ivana's been pointing out how much she knows about our cases-" "She might've hidden Chipper in one of them bears, like that crooked carnival onwner hid *Abbadabba* in *his* Teddy bears that ruddy monkey could rob the customers when they took their "prize" home!" Monterey joined in. "Good thinking pally! Let's go!!" After Monterey, Dale and Gadget climbed to the shelves with the aid of one of the rolling chairs from around the conference table, the quartet set about tearing open the teddy bears before them, confident they were on the right trail. After many minutes though, of stitching being ripped open and stuffing flying everywhere, all the bears had been examined. Much to their chagrin though, Chip was not within any of them. "Crikeys!" Monterey puffed out in a breath of exhaustion as the last bear was discovered empty, "I felt *for sure* we'd find Chip in these blighters!" "Me, too." Zipper sighed. "But we didn't find Chip, or any traps here,......maybe Ivana *didn't* leave these things behind." "I think she did." Gadget stated with conviction. "To slow us down *even more*." The others paused to consider this. "Makes sense luv." Monterey agreed, "Just in case though, why don't you and Dale go onto the next room while Zipper n' me check out the rest of these fluffers?" With a nod, Gadget and Dale descended back down from the shelves to the chair, and made their way quickly towards the door. "Watch yer backs mates!" Monterey called after them with concern before turning back to the job at hand with Zipper, considering what Gadget had said. /To slow us down even more.......I wonder how much time we got left?/ he asked himself with a shudder. As he considered this chilling question, another mind, unbeknownst to the Rangers, but still frighteningly close in proximity, considered other thoughts. /They don't have to worry about their *backs* Monterey./ Ivana thought with a twisted smile. /The only danger around them is in their own minds...*and right at their fingertips*./ Entering into the room across the hall, Gadget and Dale paused once more as they considered the newest sight spread out before them. Once again they were in a conference room, and once again, the room was laden with toys. Only this time, the choice of toys was a bit more varied. There were no chairs, but spread out beneath the table throughout the room, appeared to be a playset of sorts. A collection of cityscapes, action sets and command bunkers were there, from a myriad sort of different action figure lines. The silhouettes of the action figures that went with their respective scenarios were also visible in place throughout the varied scenes, placed in dramatic poses with one another in mock combat. What was even odder about this scene was that scattered around the floor, almost carelessly laid upon and about the scenes of battle among the action figures, were much simpler toys. Various handcrafted pieces of wood, bone, and metal, these toys were from lands and times where technology and warfare were not a child's ideas of a plaything. Simple things like wooden matryoshka dolls from Slavic nations, plus wooden planes, barrel hoops and kites. All of these things and more, interspersed with more violent exo-skeletal war robots and machine gun, laser-toting combat warriors? It was a curious theme to say the least. Lastly, like the room they had just left Monty and Zipper behind in, stuffed animals were in this room as well. Groups of them were huddled together in the dark corners of the room, only this time, *all* of them were Teddy Bears. "Looks like we got more bears to search." Gadget sighed hopefully, trying to hide the weary note in her voice as she trotted forward. "Hold on, Gadget." Dale stated, stopping her with a hand on her shoulder. "A lot of these action sets usually have hollow spaces and secret compartments in them." he said, pointing toward them. "Maybe Ivana's got Chip stashed in one of them. Why don't you check out the stuffed animals while I check out the playsets?" Gadget considered his words for a moment before giving him a slightly worried look. "All right ,Dale, but *be careful*. Who knows what else those secret compartments might have in them? They could be a perfect place for a trap!" "I will." Dale replied, taking her hands in his and patting them. "You be careful too." Turning then, Dale grinned mildly to himself before he began to break out into an impromptu song, sung in a slightly subdued voice. "*Gee* mom, "Ivana" go, *but* she won't let me go, *gee* mom, "Ivana" go hoooooome!" Glancing back toward Gadget, he found her looking at him with a narrow eyed wry grin from over her shoulder. Shrugging back at her with a grin that seemed to say that he just couldn't help himself, he turned back once more. As he turned, Gadget watched him for a moment as he proceeded toward the die cast action sets, before turning back once more toward the stuffed animals. /Strike what I said,/ she thought. /This *whole place* is a trap,....*just waiting to go off*./ Shivering at the awful reminder, she turned back toward her task. Making his way among a playset, Dale began his examination of where he remembered the trap doors, and secret compartments were within it. /Good thing I watch so much T.V.,/ he smiled to himself, /and that I remember all the commercials for these things!/ Ducking through an pitch black alcove to the other side of the battle bunker playset he was on, he quickly reached where he remembered a sliding door to be. Before attempting to open the door however, he took a quick look back to where he could see Gadget's shadowed form moving among one of the stuffed bears. His stomach twisted nervously as he considered her distance from him, knowing pretty certainly that if anyone should be careful it should be *her*. /Ivana's already had her fun with Monty and me,/ he thought, /and either you or Zipper could be next, Gadget./ He had hated to split off from her like this, but as she'd reminded them, not that any reminder was needed though, they were all running out of time and Chip still had to be found. With a deep breath, he forced a small measure of calm over his anxiety as he turned back toward the large curved panel. Besides, he thought, if anyone can take care of herself it's *Gadget*. Carefully standing to one side of the panel, he grabbed the handle and shoving it hard, it slid aside to reveal........*nothing*. No trap came springing out at him. Cautiously peering into and then entering into the room to take a more precise look around, he only saw what was there before. *Nothing*. Well, he thought, scratching his head as he emerged from the room, onto the next one. Dale's search of the secret rooms, passages, dungeons, exo-skeletal robots and other such places continued rapidly as each one revealed no more than the last one. Keeping a close eye upon Gadget whenever he could spot her, he also kept an eye out around *him* as well. For although all the many shapes surrounding him certainly *looked* liked posed, lifeless action figures, in such an obscure ight he knew he could hardly be entirely certain as he felt many times through his search,...*that one of those shapes wasn't really sneaking up on him*. The feeling was quite ominous as he skittishly and constantly kept looking over his shoulder. Proceeding onto one of the last playsets left to search, Dale's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he instantly recognized the figures upon it and the surroundings around them. /The Z-Men!/ he thought with admiration, looking quickly over the figures. /These guys are *great*! The comic books and video games made about them are the best!.....That is, next to *Kablammo Man*!/ Entering into the set, he looked around in awe and envy. /Man if I collected toys, I'm sure that this set would be the one I'd get first! Not that it would fit in the treehouse though!/ he concluded with a grin. The set he was in was a two-and-a-half-foot tall, scaled down version of the huge, three story mansion where the Z-men, a team of mutant superheroes, lived and trained. Making his way through the action set, he carefully investigated its hidden and closed places, including the "hazard training room" which, much to Dale's relief he discovered, held no hazards for *him*, though it did not hold Chip *either*. His last stop was through an "armored" door, behind which was the "War Room". A careful sweep of the room turned up nothing new, but as he was about to leave, he stopped to consider something he had noticed before. Sitting before a computer console in his wheelchair was the figure of Professor Z, a telepath and founder of the Z-Men. Upon his head was a helmet with strange looking antennae that Dale also recognized. "The Psi-scanner." he remembered. /Well, even a plastic, toy helmet will help me from getting knocked out again,/ he thought, gently rubbing the bump on the back of his head he had gotten earlier.<*> /or at least keep it from hurting so much! Let's see if it fits!/ he considered. Lifting the helmet off the toy figure, he squeezed it onto a slightly snug fit on his relatively similar sized head. Settling the helmet in place, he turned to leave. /I'd better get back fast. he thought, and see if Gadg-/ "Uhhhnn!" Dale never even got to finish his thought, though. For even as he put on the toy helmet and turned to leave, an odorless gas hissed violently out of the metalic cap, abruptly stealing his consciousness away from him. The world went black. "Your cases aren't the *only* things I know about your team." a voice said coyly with a grin, walking into the room as Dale collapsed like a rag doll upon the floor. Ripping open the stitching and tearing into the fluff of yet another Teddy bear, Gadget set her mind resolutely. Gritting her teeth, she pushed away the inkling of despair that was beginning to creep in at the edge of her consciousness. She wouldn't give up hope. She wouldn't *let* herself. /Fifty percent of any battle is *mental*./ she reminded herself in a logical tone, as she called out Chip's name again. /If we don't *think* that we can beat this witch, then we probably *won't*. We can't let her *get* to us./ She sighed slightly. This Teddy Bear was empty too. Turning to another one, her thoughts had just begun to touch upon Dale and whether he had found anything, when something happened. The sound of a number of muffled, explosion like "Whumps!" issued from inside the room. Jerking her head toward the sound, she immediately caught sight of the largest playset in the room, a mansion of some sort, splitting apart into segments and falling to the ground. "Dale?!" she asked tentatively, suddenly concerned as to where he was. Racing toward the fallen doll house, she suddenly gasped as she saw what the playset now revealed. A tall, obsidian, monolith like tower, stood where the tallest center portion of the house had been. In a harness of some sort on the top of the tower, a figure hung suspended, dressed in a dark suit and mask which totally covered the figure's face. Wires originating from both the suit and mask, ran down into the supporting platform. Chip? she wondered momentarily, not being able to see the face of the prone figure. Without warning then, a bright light flashed behind her, startling her. Spinning around towards it....she looked to see Dale's unconscious form projected upon a movie screen, *in the same prone position that the figure on the platform was, hanging suspended upon the harness*. "*Dale*!!!" She cried, doing a double take from the light, towards the figure on the platform and back, as she suddenly realized what was going on. Sprinting forward, Gadget leapt forward onto the slim metal beams of the small tower, and began to scale it like wildfire. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Ivana intoned softly from the speaker above her. Stopping momentarily to gaze at the speaker, she could almost feel Ivana's leering grin upon her. Her face hardening with determination once more, she turned her gaze from the speaker and ventured still further upward. "Touch him, and he *dies*!" Ivana warningly growled now, her voice meaning business. Hearing this, Gadget instantly stopped. "If you *want to* though, go right ahead." Ivana stated softly again, almost flippantly as if daring her. "You might get killed as well from the electric shock I can generate through that suit, and I'll have two less Rangers to play the game with. Oh, and confidentially, between us geniuses....without you,.....Zipper, Monterey and Chip won't stand a snowball's chance in the Sahara of getting out of here alive!" Gadget's face brightened slightly, then took on a pensive look as she considered all the aspects of Ivana's statement. "So Chip *is* alive." she stated, as though she had just beat Ivana at her own game. "Oops! Now did I let *that* slip?" Ivana called slowly and jeering down, her tone clearly stating that she'd said exactly what she'd wanted to say. That she might be lying. "Well, believe what you think is real. It doesn't matter a whit to me. What only matters now is your next move my dear....*and mine*." Gadget looked up at the speaker, her face unreadable. "What are you doing to him?" She asked, her tone clearly saying that she wanted answers,.......and wanted them *now*. "We're going to play an *extra special* little game, him and I." Ivana stated. "If he survives, I'll release him so he can continue on your quest." Gadget shivered. "What *kind* of game?" "I'll be glad to tell you," Ivana stated cooperatively, her voice never losing her cheerful, jeering tone. "but I would suggest getting down off that tower before I electrify *that* too." With a look of shock at her imminent peril, Gadget reflexively dropped down from the tower, landing on her feet just as the crackle of electricity could be seen shooting across some of the metal beams. Her frustration clear upon her face even in the dim light, Gadget moved a few steps away. Monterey and Zipper had already barged into the room moments before, after Gadget's first cry, and now silently moved to stand beside her, the frustration of the two Rangers mirroring Gadget's own. Aware of their presence, she threw them a look of extreme worry for Dale's safety. "What *is* that getup he's in?" Monterey asked. "Some kind of virtual reality suit," Gadget replied. "but I don't know what she's going to use it for." Unsure of what to do or say, Monty clenched his fists, looking up worriedly toward Dale upon the platform. "The other two rooms we were in, were set up just like this one." Zipper told her. "I don't think there's much Dale could have done to avoid being trapped again......It looks like she knew just *how* to get him." "A very astute observation, Zipper!" Ivana said in semi-congratulatory, derogatory tone, as the sound of light applause could be heard. "And now, since you're wondering why I've called you all together here, I direct your attention to the screen on the wall behind you....." Turning, the Rangers could almost feel Ivana's predatory smile upon them as she stated in an evil sounding murmur, "Dale once played a super hero>>....Let's see just how much of the job he remembers." * * * "Wake up Dale, you're big scene is about to start!" He heard a voice call out to him from the blackness. Groggily opening his eyes, Dale looked up to discover still more blackness, even though he was aware of light around him. "Don't tarry now, Dale!" the voice from a moment before spoke up again. "*Neither* of us have got all day!" Sitting up, Dale looked to discover where he was. He was in what appeared to be a fairly large sized room, with no doors or windows. He wasn't even sure that there were walls or a ceiling to the room, since everything around and above him was of a completely black nature, that did not give any perception of a definite shape. The only thing in the room that did serve to determine some semblance of size, was the room's floor, which was the source of light he had been aware of. A yellow, luminescent grid stretched out to definitive points in the room, giving the area a concept of shape, as well as allowing him to see another figure upon it, a few feet away. The figure that he saw oddly enough, was *Foxglove*. What was even stranger though, was that she was seated in a movie director's chair, and decked out as well in a director's beret. "I must still be dreaming." Dale mumbled with confusion as he got to his feet. "You're not dreaming, Dale." Ivana's voice said from the other Foxglove's body. Her eyes narrowed with evil merriment. "I do hope you're completely awake." She stated, "I wouldn't want you to miss the little surprise I have for you." "*IVANA*?!" Dale yelped with surprise, as his mind came fully into focus, now recognizing the voice. "Give the Chipmunk a piece of cheese!" Ivana smiled sarcastically. "What is this place? Where am I?" Dale asked anxiously. "A very advanced version of virtual reality, Dale." Ivana replied. "I've invited you here to watch a few T.V. shows." "Huh?" Dale replied in confusion, taken aback by the odd comment. "Oh come now, Dale." Ivana said, giving him a sidelong look. "Everyone knows T.V. is one of your great loves." Here she paused for a moment, narrowing her eyes sinisterly at him. "And these shows," she stated in a foreboding tone, gesturing towards the darkness bordering one side of the floor grid. "*are to *die* for*!" "What shows? What are you-" Dale began to say before the words died in his throat. From the darkness that Ivana had gestured toward, a large movie screen abruptly appeared, filling up almost half of one wall. It wasn't the presence of the screen though that suddenly caused him to fall silent. It was the images that suddenly appeared upon it. Images of his past. Of a time when he was just a kid, living in forested state park with his parents. The haunting memory was of a tragic scene he had witnessed, between his cousin Natalie, his closest friend before he had met Chip,...*and a chance meeting with a hawk*. The scene was the reason why his family had moved away from their forest home to a city park in a different state. All in the hope of helping him to forget. The scene was not long, but in it's exactness of detail, right down to Dale's own image and expressions, it was eerie. Like traveling back into the past. It's impact struck Dale to the core, sending his mind reeling in sadness and shock at the abrupt and vivid reminder. Blinking away bitter tears, he turned with rage toward Ivana. "So, did you enjoy this little flashback?" Ivana asked simply, her flashing eyes piercing into him as she leisurely lounged "Foxglove's" legs over the side of her chair. "*How did you do this*?!" Dale growled at the image of Foxglove. "How did you find out about it?!" "Oh come now, Dale." Ivana said smiling coyly. "A true artist never reveals her methods! And speaking of art, that last show was just the appetizer!" She grinned evilly once more. "The *next* show is the *main course*!" As an image of *Gadget* came on the screen, Dale turned fearfully to watch it, hoping that he was wrong in his guess about what Ivana had meant. He wasn't. "These were taken by the hidden surveillance cameras that have been tracking your team all this time." Ivana began matter of factly. "You might be interested to know that your dear sweet Gadget met her final reward, *trying to save you*. Oh, if only I'd remembered to tell her about the electric charge I'd built into the platform your body is standing on." Ivana intoned melodramatically with an insincere look of grief, laying an arm across her eyes. "I might have saved the poor girl from that painful demise." Dale gasped, horrified at the on screen image. "GADGET!" he cried in shock. "Monterey, alas, also met his fate in a rather grisly way. Or should I say," Ivana added, cocking her head thoughtfully, "In a rather *feline* way." As Ivana spoke, the wall's image suddenly displayed Monterey turning at the sound of Gadget's cries. Running from the room he was in, into the hallway, he abruptly disappeared through a concealed trap door in the floor. From the hole, for the next few seconds, the sounds cat screeches and Monterey's screams could be heard. Then,......*only silence*. "Monty!" Dale rasped, his throat tightening. No!!" "Now I wonder how that trap door got there?" Ivana stared with mock confusion at the screen. She pouted slightly and shrugged. "Oh well. For Zipper though, it seems an unexpected gate crasher was the source of his *sticky* predicament." On screen, as Zipper was about to fly into the pit to help Monterey, he had no time to notice the strand of webbing that adhered to him from above, yanking him into the obsidian shadows of the ceiling. Panning upward, the camera caught sight of Winnifred's assistant tarantula-*Lou*, wrapping Zipper up tightly in his web as he licked his lips hungrily for this savored moment. Noticing the camera, a glob of webbing quickly covered the lens, blotting out the image. Then, all that could be heard was the sound of Zipper's pained cries and the sound of muffled, satisfied, laughter. "Oh, is no place safe from intruders?!" Ivana crooned overdramatically. /Zipper!/ Dale thought, unable to even speak now, his throat a constricted knot. "And since you wanted *proof* of Chip's passing..."Ivana continued. The image on the wall changed, and now Dale could barely watch as he viewed the image of a water boiler of some sort, cast in the same dim light as the rest of the building. His best friend lay motionless atop the mound of metal, a look of shock and pain permanently frozen on his wide eyed face. "I'd be glad to tell you how it happened Dale. Care to know?" Dale did not, or could not reply. He could only stare in shock at the screen through tear streaked eyes. "It seems Dale, that you are the only one left." Ivana said, regarding him slyly. "That is," she added, looking down at her virtual body and pulling thoughtfully on a tuft of fur. "besides Foxglove." "What do you mean about Foxy?!" Dale demanded in horse whisper as he choked back a sob. "Is *she* somewhere here too?" "Nooo, not yet." Ivana said playfully. "However, she will soon join you and the rest of your friends." She paused here, as though thoughtful, before she spoke again. "I just wanted to play with the *original* Rangers first. One thing though Dale." Ivana stated tauntingly, "I know how helpless you must have felt when you saw what happened to your friends, but I'm curious. Did you feel as helpless about that as you did when you saw the recreation of what happened to your cousin? Or about what's going to happen to you and Foxglove? Hmmm?" Dale did not answer her, but he could feel her mocking gaze upon him. Finally, after a few moments, he turned himself toward Ivana. His tears had stopped. A deep growl began low in his throat, his features contorting into an expression of blind rage. The growl quickly turned into a frenzied, snarling yell of attack, and bearing his claws, he rushed forward. Leaping through the air, he stretched his arms forward, his fingers outstretched towards the faux Foxglove's neck. Before he could reach the doppleganger of his teammate however, the image of Foxy jumped back atop the chair's seat and with a leap, somersaulted over his head, just before she was within reach. Unable to stop himself, Dale crashed into the chair and toppled onto the floor with an undignified thud. "Oh come, *on* Dale!" Ivana's voice intoned in a scolding manner behind him as Dale picked himself off the floor. "Surely you can do better than *that*! With all the imagination you put into being a super hero, can't you come up with a more original way of beating me?!" Whirling around to face her, Dale gave Ivana a killing look, but resisted the urge to rush at her again. "If I was still Rubber Bando," Dale growled at her in a deadly voice. "I'd show you original! I'd make you wish you were never born!" "Well then, why don't you?" Ivana grinned at him. "For in a sense, *that's just what I had in mind*." Seeing the slightly uncertain look on Dale's face that he tried to hide, Ivana shook her head as if pitying him, and continued. "This is *virtual reality* after all, Dale. If I can become Foxglove," She explained. "You can become anyone *you* want as well, which is why I'm challenging you to this super powered fight to the finish. Become Rubber Bando or Kablammo Man. Or any other super hero you choose for that matter. You win, and not only will you have avenged your friends, but you will also have saved yourself and Foxglove from the fate that befell the others." Here, she paused significantly, scrutinizing him with a piercing smile. "*Let's see just how strong your imagination is*." She stated in a softly curious tone. "*Think it's strong enough to defeat me?*" Suddenly, the image of Foxglove melted away to reveal another image of "Dale" in a "Quicksilver" suit, who wasted no time in taking advantage of the real Dale's momentary surprise. Crossing the distance between them in the blink of an eye with incredible speed, Ivana lifted Dale up effortlessly by his shirt collar, and threw him hurtling across the room to slam hard into one of the indistinguishable walls. Seeing stars as he bounced off the wall to fall into a crumpled heap on the floor, Dale winced as he hurriedly tried to pick himself up to face Ivana once more. "Ooooh!" he groaned. /That wall sure seems solid enough now!/ he thought humorlessly. Wondering if what Ivana had said would work, Dale concentrated his thoughts, and almost instantly found his body and clothing transformed to look just like Kablammo Man. Taking no time to admire the realization of what was for him, one of his dreams come true, Dale started forward, the only thoughts in his mind besides a strategy, was of fighting for his friends, present *and* past. Outside of the virtual reality world, Zipper, Monterey and Gadget looked with increasing concern towards the video screen which moments ago, had begun to display the pitched battle between Ivana and Dale. Watching Dale fight himself, it was all very reminiscent of that encounter Dale had had with Ditz and his fellow aliens from Fleebledrox. @ *They* were all very much alive, but as far as Dale's situation was concerned, they weren't all that certain that he would stay the same way. "No Dale, we're all right! She's trying to trick you!" Gadget yelled toward the top of the platform, to no avail. It was obvious that he couldn't hear her from within the helmet of the V.R. suit. Looking towards the screen, Gadget quickly weighed the options open to her and the others about the situation. They could try to remove Dale from the V.R. suit and harness, but there was the risk of both him and whoever touched him, of being electrocuted. On the other hand, if they did nothing, there was the chance of Dale being beaten in this virtual combat. She was fairly confident of Dale's abilities in this combat scenario, considering his knowledge of super-heros, but at the same time, being the one who *created* the program and who knew its ins and outs, Ivana did have a definite advantage. Then there was the question of whether a "virtual" death would have any real affect upon Dale's body. She shook her head and turned away from the screen. /This is *Ivana* we're talking about here, Gadget./ She told herself, stopping herself from getting too caught up in her thoughts as usual. If anything, you can bet that she's found a way to make a "virtual" death a very real and *permanent* one. Seeing Monterey and Zipper glance back towards her, she called out over her shoulder, as she began to move among the playsets, "We've got to try to get him out of there! Zipper, come on and try to help me find some rubber to insulate us from the electricity. Monty, you stay there and let us know how he's doing." With that, Gadget started off on her search as Zipper flew to join her. Back and forth, for almost four minutes and with ever changing powers, the battle between Ivana and Dale raged. However, though the encounter was far from one sided, the tide of the skirmish did begin to favor Ivana. Dale found himself able do get in a few good strikes, but he was never able to press the attack for more than a few moments to keep the advantage on his side. He would only find himself on the defensive a moment later. Going through the gamut of superpowers that he knew about, he attacked her every which way he could think of. He attacked her with super strength. He assaulted her with super speed tricks. He'd tried to punch past her defenses with plasma beams, laser eye beams, and with various weapons and attacks from an energy ring which could create any weapon imaginable. He'd even tried to overpower her by growing incredibly large, tried slipping past her defenses by shrinking incredibly small, and tried mixing and matching various combinations of all these powers. However, as before, while he was able to strike a blow or two, he found himself unable of keeping the advantage. It seemed as if she knew exactly how to dodge and counter every super power or power combination that he could dream up, almost as soon as he began to use it. Another two minutes passed, and though the battle still raged, Dale now began to find himself beginning to weaken from the exertion of the frenzied encounter. Ivana however, appeared more or less fine. "You're *disappointing* me again Dale." Ivana said, using a Golden arrow to rip through the green, exo-skeletal battle suit Dale had conjured up with his energy ring. Crying in pain as the arrow tore into his shoulder, his concentration was broken on the battle suit, causing it's protective shell to disappear, and setting him up for some even more painful force beams from "Dale's" hands. "I really *did* expect more of a challenge from you. You'll never be able to accomplish anything if you keep this performance up." she smiled. The force beams intensified, slamming him into the wall once more. Though he desperately wanted to avenge the death of his friends, a stronger force than even that was now driving him forward. The force was his thoughts of concern for Foxglove. Throughout the time that he and the others had been caught in this trap of Ivana's, he had often found himself thinking of her, wondering if he would ever see her again. Considering that he thought himself only in love with *Gadget* for so long, these thoughts confused him slightly the first time they crossed his mind. He and Foxglove had gone to a few movies on occasion, thought he never considered them "dates" as such (much to Foxglove's amorous frustration). He was by this time, used to Foxglove's occasional flirtatious advances, though he had always been careful not to respond to them while not hurting her feelings either. While he did care for her, maybe even love her as a friend, his thoughts had never advanced towards a romantic relationship with her, due to his hopes of at last winning Gadget's heart. That is, until he ended up here. For this was the one place and the first time he could remember, since meeting Foxglove, that he wasn't that optimistic about his chances of coming back from a case. Soon after that one time, hours ago, when he'd contemplated once more his feelings toward Gadget, his thoughts had began to turn toward Foxglove. After that first time, as he began to think of her more and more often and whether he would ever see her again, he also began to realize as well his feelings for her too. He *had* grown to love her and not just as a friend. He'd knew that now. He'd realized it before he'd ended up here in this comic book nightmare and witnessed the death of most of his friends. Yet, while he was too late to admit the feelings that he'd had toward Gadget or save her from falling before Ivana, he knew *one* thing. That one thing being that while he was still alive, he would do everything in his power, even give up his own life if it would do the trick, to keep Foxglove from harm. I can't let Ivana take her too! he kept reminding himself. With these thoughts of what would happen to Foxglove if he failed in this battle, Dale pushed away his exhaustion, and shook off his dizziness. Enraged, he snapped to his feet, redoubling his efforts as he pressed the attack once more. Another two minutes passed. The battle had intensified even further, and now, after an incredible amount of effort, Dale found himself barely able to keep going, in spite of his strength of will. He was just about completely exhausted from the relentless battle. Ivana showed some signs of fatigue, though not anywhere nearly as much as Dale felt. Unable to able to initiate any attacks anymore and barely able to keep his defenses up, Dale hoped desperately for some miracle of luck to save him. None came, and as the first crack in Dale's defenses presented itself to Ivana, she took full advantage of it. Blasting him straight into the air, he fell helplessly to the floor with a crash that knocked the last bit of strength from his body. Feeling all his stamina gone, he was unable to generate a defense of any kind. So utterly battered, he was barely able to get to his knees. Casually watching him struggle to recover, Ivana spoke from across the room. "You've provided me with an interesting battle, Dale." she said. "A bit disappointing, but interesting nonetheless. However, it is time we said goodbye." she said cheerfully, her form changing once more to that of Foxglove wearing a director's beret. "As a treat though Dale, just like Gadget, I've decided to make your death an *electrifying* experience. You're going to go out just like Luke SkyStalker almost did in 'Return of the Red eye knights.'" She smiled mischievously then. "And now for, 'the big finish!'" With that, "Foxglove" outstretched her arms, and from her fingertips, streams of lightning reached out to envelope Dale in a deadly caressing embrace of electricity. Dale screamed as he squirmed under it's rippling touch. Hearing Monterey's frantic cry of what had just occurred on screen, Gadget and Zipper whipped their heads up towards the platform to see Dale thrashing about in his harness from the electric shocks. "She's electrocuting him!" Zipper shouted. Acting on impulse, Zipper streaked up to the platform and reached out for one of the wires that ran from the V.R. suit into the supporting metal platform for the harness. With the idea of trying to pull the wires out of the suit, he never got the chance to put his plan in motion as the electric charge shot through him, lighting up every nerve in his body. As the shock kicked him back away from the platform, he fell limply like a dead weight into the waiting hands of Monterey Jack who rushed forward to catch him. Seeing that he was basically stunned but all right, Monterey glanced up at the platform before turning a distraught look back at Gadget. "No need to end it so quickly." Ivana said, breaking off the electricity for a moment. Dale gasped at the reprieve, and rolled to his side, moaning in pain. "I like to draw out a good death." She then sent out three quick bolts of lightning of two second's duration, with a one second span inbetween the shots. "It makes it that much more memorable." she leered. Lying there, reeling from the pain of the electric shocks and barely able to move, Dale's mind raced in thought. /It can't end like this! I can't let Foxy become Ivana's next target! I *can't*! Have to think of *something*! There's no way I can help Foxy if I'm dead, but what can I do? I can't take much more of this!.........I'm helpless and she knows it! I-...wait a minute, that's it!/ He realized. Now if only,-before he could finish this next thought though, he found himself writhing in pain once more from another heavy barrage of lightning bolts. Letting up for a moment so that she could enjoy his suffering once more, Ivana frowned almost disappointedly as she watched Dale begin to shiver uncontrollably. A shivering almost as violent and spasmodic as he would have been doing under the lightning. "The death throes." she murmured, walking leisurely towards him. "I was hoping the fun would last at least a *little* bit longer, but I guess all good things must come to an end." Gazing up at her with a glazed look of shock, Dale mouthed something in a light whisper, then moaned with pain as he continued to shiver. "What was that, Dale?" she asked, kneeling next to him to hear better. "I...w-won't...let you..hurt....F-F-Foxglove." Dale whispered, as he lay on his side, reaching up weakly, with glazed eyes towards "Foxglove's" throat. His hands never made it even half the distance though, falling limply instead into her lap. His glazed eyes becoming even wider now as his breath began to hitch in short gasps. Ivana watched this with interest for the next minute before a long, shuddering sigh escaped at last from Dale's lips, his eyes rolling up into his head. His head slumped down toward the floor, and breathing no more, he lay still at last. Smiling, Ivana chuckled slightly. "And how are you going to do that Dale? Is your ghost going to haunt me?" Picking herself up, she began to laugh,.......and received a full force energy blast, point blank in her chest. Hurtling like a meteor, "Foxglove" slammed backward into the wall behind her. However, unlike Dale, she did not rebound down to the floor, for Dale continued his trained energy beam upon her, pinning her entire body to the wall as she screamed in agony. His "Death Scene" having bought him enough time to recover some, Dale instantly got to his knees, never letting up for a second with the intensity of his attack. "Foxglove" writhed against the beam, trying to fight back, but it was no use. Dale had her where he wanted her. "This is for The Rescue Rangers!" he snarled, increasing the force blast as much as he possibly could with the force of his thoughts. Another few seconds of the concentrated virtual energy, and he expected that she would be finished. He unexpectedly got what he thought he wanted though when, while still screaming, "Foxglove's" entire form disintegrated right before his eyes. Sighing, and slumping heavily from the intense effort, Dale stopped the energy blast and began to weep once more. "That was for you, guys." he stated reverently, looking up at the blackness above him to where the sky might be. /*I loved you all*./ he thought with a tightness in his chest, letting his head hang mournfully. With a deep sigh then, he looked around. "Now," he stated a moment later, "how the heck do I get out of here?" he wondered. As though in response to his query, the room suddenly seemed to shift and shimmer around him, the "reality" of it breaking up before everything went totally black. The next thing he was aware of, was the abrupt transition to the dim light of the toy room he was in, looking into Monterey Jack's smiling face as his friend lifted the virtual reality helmet off his head. His jaw dropping at first with disbelief, an overjoyed, almost silly grin then spread across Dale's face. "Monty!" he exclaimed, straining against the wires and harness as he threw his arms around the Aussie's neck, "you're alive!" Monterey briefly returned the affectionate embrace before lightly pushing him away. "Good to see you too. mate," Monty replied affectionately, "but I'm not the only one who's still livin'. Hold still for a sec though, while we get you out of that thing." Hearing Monterey's words, Dale glanced around to see Gadget and Zipper standing to one side of him. Dumbstruck, but still sporting his overjoyed grin, he did what he was told until they had quickly stripped him out of the virtual reality suit and helped him down from the harness. Once free, he immediately wrapped both Gadget and Zipper in a bear hug of an embrace as he tried to find his voice. "But?! How?! I saw!-She showed me!-How did you?!" he stammered, trying to put a coherent sentence together through his almost hysterical elation. "We were never in danger to begin with." Gadget answered him as she and Zipper returned the embrace with equal affection, overjoyed as well for his safety. "It was all some kind of video trick so you would be distraught during the fight." "Kind of backfired though, eh mate?" Monterey grinned at him. "Ye really walloped that witch but good!" "But how did you know what was happening in there?" Dale wondered. Monterey directed Dale's attention to the now blank video screen on the far wall. "We had ringside seats mate! You really gave us a bonza heartache with that death act ya know. Next time," he grinned at him, "try not to cut things so close!" "You saw *everything* that happened?" Dale asked, wondering about one thing. "Oy." Monterey answered, his voice dropping to a solemn tone. "We're so sorry about your cousin, Dale!" Gadget stated, giving him a very sympathetic look. She knew what it was like to lose a loved one. She also had no question as to why Dale had never told them about this tragic point in his history. Even though they were all like family to one another, there were some things that you just didn't want to talk about. After all, she reflected, she had never yet talked about how her father had- "Hey Dale," Zipper interjected in a curious tone, hoping to change the increasingly somber mood. "how did you think of how to beat her? Did you see that in a late show or something?" he asked with a grin. "Naw." Dale said with a modest shrug. "Ivana and I both knew that I was helpless. I just thought that I could buy some time by being a little more helpless than she thought I was, and it worked." "And a bonza great plan it was, mate!" Monterey said admiringly, "I bet she never expected to see her favorite weapon of *trickery* used against her!" Gadget smiled and touched her forefinger playfully against Dale's nose. Never mind worrying about RamDale," she said, giving a light laugh, "people should be careful not to get *you* angry at them!" Laughing at this, the Rangers' joy was suddenly cut short by the sound of light applause coming from the speakers above. "How very original!" Ivana said, her tone clearly amused and somewhat thoughtful. "A chipmunk playing *possum*! It seems I've underestimated you Dale! Thank you for proving me wrong, and for indulging me in this extra special game. It wasn't a waste of time after all, as I thought it would be!" /An extra special game./ Dale thought. "Buffy." + he said remembering, now realizing the symbolism of the doll houses and playsets around them. "Very good Dale," Ivana answered. "You impress me more by the moment." "Well if you're so impressed," he yelled irately, "how about letting us go? I beat you in your stupid duel! The game's over!" "To quote a phrase my dear Dale, 'It's not over til it's over.'" Ivana answered simply. "And now, to quote a line that you should be quite familiar with, 'You may proceed to the next level.'" With that, the tower's platform opened underneath their feet, sending them all suddenly plunging down into the darkness. Furiously sliding down the same type of tube that had taken them to the floor they had just left, Monterey Jack braced himself, knowing what would come next. Once again he found himself doing a half gainer as he flew headlong into the room that the tube ended in. With a landing that was no less awkward than his previous one, he slowly picked himself up. /That thing's worse than the human cannon ball act at the circus!/ he thought sourly. /At least in the circus, you got a *net*!/ Looking beside him, he saw Dale pick himself up and dust himself off. "You all right mate?" he asked. "I'm okay." Dale answered. "Gadget? Zipper?" Monterey called, trying to spot them in the gloomy room. No answer came. "Gadget? Zipper?" Monterey asked again, more worriedly this time. Streaking out of the tube, Zipper stopped himself short before Monterey. "Monty! Gadget's gone!" he exclaimed. "Gone?!" Monterey and Dale shouted in unison. Zipper nodded furiously. "I saw you guys come out of the tube, but when Gadget didn't, I flew back in to try to find her," he shrugged, his face marked with concern. "I couldn't find any other path she might have fallen down! She's gone!" "Come on!" Monterey called urgently, racing for the door. "Hopefully, she's still on this floor. We've got to try to find her and fast!" /Gadget luv,/ Monterey thought desperately, as he, Dale and Zipper began their frantic search. /wherever you are, *please be careful*.....*You're next on Ivana's hit parade*./ Picking herself up from the floor, Gadget quickly looked around her, trying to find the others. "Dale?! Monty?! Zipper?!" she called. After many tense moments of looking about the darkened room, she realized that somehow, the others had not arrived at the same place with her. "What did you do with the others?!" Gadget demanded, looking up at the speakers. "Oh,...they're *somewhere* around here." Ivana said casually. "Why don't you go out and find them? They might even be on this floor." Trying to control her rising temper, Gadget restrained herself from saying anything more, and made her way out of the room. Stopping outside the doorway, she listened carefully for the sounds of her friends voices, should they be calling her, but her ears picked up nothing. "Zipper?! Dale?! Monty?!" she called as loud as she could. Still no answer came. Suddenly, a faint muffled sound came to her ears, as if someone was trying to speak or yell through a gag. "Chip?" she called, proceeding cautiously and knowing that the sound could be a trap. The muffled sound continued. Following it, she came to a large set of heavy double doors that were opened just enough for a mouse to squeeze through. Keeping an eye out behind her, she took a peek within the doors, and gasped slightly as her eyes beheld something lying barely within view within the room. It was Chip's fedora. Carefully squeezing in through the doors, still alert for any traps, Gadget made her way over to the hat and picked it up. It was Chip's fedora all right she observed, looking it over, carefully, and catching his scent upon the felt of the hat as well. The muffled sound arose again for a moment. By the proximity of the sound, she knew she must be close. "Oh, Chip, where are you?" she called urgently with barely restrained joy that at least one aspect of this cruel game was over. "Where-" she called again and then stopped as her eyes, adjusting to the light, suddenly caught sight of what was laid out before her. "OH,..MY..GOSH!!" she cried in shock, dropping the fedora..... () Rhyme and Reason- No. 4. <> Rhyme and Reason- No. 2. CDRR-* Good Times, Bat Times CDRR-** Chocolate Chips CDRR-+ Out of Scale CDRR-@ Dale Beside Himself. ++ From the events of CDRR- "Seer No Evil" wherein a crooked carnival owner hid his sinister pet partner in crime Abbadabba, in one of the Teddy Bears he gave away as a prize to wealthy customers who played at his dart booth. Once taken back home, Abbadabba would proceed to come out of the bear at night when everyone was asleep, and rob the wealthy customer of all cash and jewels that he was able to carry back to his owner. <*> Rhyme and Reason Part 4. >> In the CDRR episode- "It's a bird, it's insane, It's Dale!" where he created the persona of "Rubber Bando" as well as in the episode- "The S.S. Drainpipe" where he dressed up as "The Red Badger of Courage."