Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers
"Sisters" preamble.
Written by Aivars
Preambula. All fanfics have a preambula. And not only fanfics get a "how it get made" things out, even "Flintstones" movie get one. So i will follow mode and write one for my fanfic "Sisters". Note - if you dont like me talking about myself, you may freely cut it out and start read story himself. You dont loose anything essential. It all started six years back, when into deep and could winder evening i turned in TV to see, what was these "Disney serials on russian TV", that get appear into tv-guide for sunday afternoon. At that moment i had get rarely any disney- related items or see movies. Sure, i know about the 'Cinderella' and "Snow White and seven gnomes", i had even see fragments from them and some other disney movie films and Donald, Mickey and Goofy cartoons. Still i wasnt prepared for what i meet... Rescue Rangers become my love for first time, and are still my favorites. There may be some doubts about Gargoules show, i don't see, but little possibly. I see all series, Russian TV shoved - for one each week. Totally 52, and for a long time i thinked, that that's full complect. Later i found out about 13 more series, but... At that time i made some notes, one of them being "Why Lawainy and Gadget look so similar". It happened, that near that time i get read a Wilkie Collins "The Woman in White", and it get stuck into my mind - how about they both being sisters? I dont get much more that notes. It wasn't even script of story, only idea. Idea, that circled a little in my head, end on two pages with small thoughts about subject and how both girls will react at that fact, and ended... Year ended, Rescue Rangers and DuckTales get changed to Gummie Bears and TaleSpin. At half-summer Talespin get again replaced with DuckTales, possibly after few hard plays about poor and could Thembria. Then come more shiftings. Disney at Sundays shifted tv channels, start New Winny Pooh and DarkWing duck. Still rangers was my love. I gathered all ranger-related items, i get hands on. Placats, calendars. Colouring books. When into Russia and later into Latvia start get printed a children journal "DuckTales", into what some numbers carry ranger-comics too, i buy them. But they wasnt for long... Latvian one ended after year... Russian lived little longer, but too died... It looked, that i will newer again meet with rangers... Too little response... Then one day it all changed. My workplace get connected to internet. And, because it covered part of high-speed-line rent cost, it get royalty-free use of internet. I had discovered a new world. World, into that letters from New Zealand to Latvia and back comes into less that 5 mins. World, where was possible all, even rangers! Not at begin, but slowly i discovered, that im not alone, who likes rangers. Most was my wonders, whan i get into rangermaniacs mailing list, moderated by Stephanie da Silva , and look over its archives. Tons of info! Pictures! And ... fan writed stories... "Gadget and Goliath" and "Dreams of Rarebit Ranger" by Don WeatherWax (If you read this, drop me a note, friend, your email no more is valid. Please!) was something i newer had thinked about. Rangers dont die with the end of serial, they still lived! I get with head into the conversations, discovered more and more about fans and their works. I read not only disney- related items, second my love was japan animation, particularly stories about the "Dirty Pair" by Ryan Matheys ( and other authors. And slowly i start feel need to write something for himself. It wasnt my first experience with writing. At that time i had writed few fat notebooks with my "Wild West Stories" - inspired by polish puppet-film "Colargol at the Wild West". I had writted rewiews of films and animation - i dont possess a videorecorder, so it was my only chance to save something to remember them. I want to write something similar to Don's great stories. Yet there wasnt any good ideas. I played, rewritting stories, i remembered once seeing. "For Whom the Bell Klangt", "The great Flight of Snow Duck", "Balooest, of the BlueBlood", "Pilot school confidential" from Talespin. Anime stories "Firebird", "Les aventuriers de'l E'space". I had found by that time so great information sources, that "Internet Gadget archieve", maintained by Paltiel Goldstein, and "Center of Volative creative types" by Wendy Welsh Lee ( And it stuck me prepared, when one day, cleaning out old papers from boxes, i found my old notes about Gadget and Lawainy. Old idea reborn with new possibilities, i now had - knowing that its possible, that many mens are doing it before me, and that others may found it great. I start writing. First in latvian. But soon i understand, that i need translate story to more popular language to allow other fans read it. And there i need say thanks to many of people, i meet over the net, who helped me into this task. Thank you, Jeff Pierce (, Juan F. Lara ( and Steven Back ( for your replies and comments to my questions about the Rescue Rangers. Thank you, Stephanie da Silva ( and Samantha L. Wilkinson (No more accept emails :-((( ). You encouraged me getting this task on my shoulders. Thank you, Paltiel Goldstein ( for putting my story up into your "Internet Gadget's archive". Thank you, Michael Gibby ( Your stories give me courage continue my work after first problems, i meet. Thank you, Roci Stone ( Your notes helped me much. Also as your stories, i still need write about to you. And last but no least, my most great thanks to Kim McFarlend (, for you get the time to correct these errors of english language, i had all over the text. And of course, thanks to all you, who had writed to me after publicing of the first part of "Sisters" to encourage me continue writing and finish it. I will do as you ask. Legal stuff. Yes, Rescue Rangers, Lawainee, and many other characters, you may meet in my story, are thinked out by Disney company and are their copyright, used here without asking. It may end into sye, but i feel, they will leave poor latvian guy at ease, because anyway they dont get money from me. Hackwrench-Fergusson family tree, Fransis and Alex McDugal, and many other characters from story are fruit of my imagination. If you plan to use them, please send me copy of your work, otherwise you're free to do with them what you like. You are permitted made copies of this work and give them away, place it on your web pages, ftp-servers or in paper publishing, provided no changes are made to the story and that you aren't making profit from these actions. |